Anthony Trujillo-Request

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Sagan's p.o.v.
Anthony and I pack for Coachella. I zip my suit case up and get my laptop and camera bag set up. We walk out to my truck. "You going to get some dope Instagram pics?"

"Goin to try." I say.

"You always take dope pics."

"I could take a picture of an ass and photo shop it onto a pig and you'd still say it's awesome."

"Who's ass are we talkin about? Cause your ass in like heaven."

"Anthony." I whine.

"Sagan." He whines back. We turn to walk in the house. He shoves his hand in my back pocket.

"If you don't move your hand I will push you to the ground and ride you so hard." I growl in his ear.

"I wouldn't mind." He smirks.

"Just you wait until we get to Coachella. You'll be wishes for more." I growl.

"Okay. Please. Just. Stop." Jake says.

"You know you're jealous because your girl won't do anything like it." He walks away. I nibble on Anthony's ear lobe.

"Baby, you know what that does to me." He whines.

"I know." I growl. "I can't wait until we get there. You packed you know what, right?" I run my fingers down his chest.

"You know I did." He growls back pinning me against my truck. He kisses my neck.

"Baby, if you don't stop we're not going to make it to Coachella." I say gently pushing him back.

"Fine." He licks behind my ear.

"Fucking nasty ass."

"You don't say that during-" I crash our lips together to get him to not say the rest of the sentence. He nibbles on my bottom lip. I keep my lips closed enough for him not to slide his tongue in my mouth. I shove my hand down his pants. He gasps and pushes away from me.

"Lets get to Coachella before we can't drive." I say.
3 hours later
We arrive at Coachella and we start unloading our bags. I set a tent up and put mine and Anthony's bags in there. "Tony!" I yell.

"Yeah." I quickly snap a picture of him.

" I quickly snap a picture of him

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"First Coachella picture." I say.

"Here we have a photographer and a YouTuber, in their natural habitat." I give Tristan a wide eyed look. "Oh no the photographer has spotted me! Run!" He starts running running away.
4 hours later
Everyone left for the event and Anthony and missed placed our ticket and left them in my truck. "Why didn't the vampire attack Taylor Swift?" Anthony slurs.

"I don't know." I say trying to take the Vodka way.

"Because she had bad blood." He says dropping his head onto a pillow. "Why are we sleeping in a tent when there's a good house right over there?" He questioned.

"Reasons." He gets up and rushes out of the tent. I follow him. He hurls under a palm tree. I rub his back. He stops and I take him in the house. I make some waffles and clean him up. "I can believe that you drank half that bottle of vodka." I say putting some waffles on his plate. "Now eat. You don't need alcohol poisoning."

"Can't I eat-" I shove a waffle in his mouth.


"You're sickish."

"Sick in bed."

"Yeah. Yeah you are." He chokes on his waffle. He spits it out.

"Fuck you." He says laughing.

"Okay." I start palming him through his pants. He becomes hard. I drag him to the tent. I push him inside and start undressing him and myself. I grind up against him. I grab a condom and roll it on him and flip us so he's on top. He lines up and thrusts in.
I hope you like it!

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