Ray Diaz

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"Hey y'all it's me Y/N Ackels." (Jensen's younger sister). "So, I'm going over to my brother's to babysit JJ, Zeppelin, and Arrow." I get in my car and drive to Jensen's house.

I open the front door. "Jensen I'm here!" Jared walks out of the living room with Zeppelin. "Hey Jared."

"Hey Y/N."

"Jensen!" Daneel yells. "Y/N's here!" She walks down the stairs. "Hey, Y/N." She pulls me into a hug.

"Hey Dani." Jensen walks down the stairs.

"My sister officially hit the big 3-0. Isn't your boyfriend 28?"

"I don't have a boyfriend I have a fiance." I say.

"Since when? I want to meet this kid who wants to marry my sister."

"Bro, you have more then one sister. Don't forget Mackenzie."

"You're the youngest."

"That didn't stop you when we pressed a flaming hot fork against my leg." I retort.

"True." The bathroom door opens and Misha walks out.

"Is Jim here?"


"He's my favorite Supernatural actor though." I fake whine. Jensen looks at me. "You know you're my favorite then Jared then Jim and then Misha."

"I'm standing here."

"Sorry Misha. Now y'all go. Go be famous people while I enjoy taking car of my nieces and nephew." I say taking Zeppelin from Jared. I grab Arrow from the floor and walk to JJ's room. "Justice." I say.

"Aunt Y/N!" She shouts.

"Hey baby."

"Are you bringing Ray over?"

"He is actually at a photo shoot right now, but he is bringing us a pizza when he gets done then you now the routine at dinner."

2 hours later

"Are you sure your brother's fine with me coming over?" Ray asks.

"Babe, if you're worried about him stay for two hours then leave. But I have to take care of my nieces and nephew." I say getting off the couch. "Justice, get pjs." I say walking up the stairs.

4 hours later

Jensen and Daneel walk through the door. "Where the kids good for you?" Daneel asks.

"They always are."

"Hey, Y/N, I better- Oh my god it's Jensen and Daneel Ackels."

"So, this is the kid you wants to marry my sister?" Jensen says in character. I start recording.

"Y-y-yes s-s-s-sir." Ray stutters.

"Dean." I warn. "Jensen. Whatever your name is. You've met Ray before. Calm down and I'll make you pie."

"You're lucky she knows me." Jensen sticks his hand for  Ray to shake it. "Jensen."


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