Nick Compton Part 2

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Nick's Point Of View

"Nick, what's wrong?" Tessa asks.

"It's been six months since she's left, I can't handle not seeing her."

"Who?" Erika asks.

"Y/N." I say.

"You're still hung up on her?" Chance asks.

"Yeah, we were engaged. If we were dating it would be easier for me to get over her."

"Well, how about me and Tessa take you to the mall with us and maybe get a date?" Erika asks.

"Come on Nick! It'll be fun!" Tessa shouts.

"Fine." I grumble.

"YAY!" Erika and Tessa yell. They grab their things and rush me out the door.

We pull up to the mall. "What store should we got into first?" Tessa asks.

"Build-A-Bear?" Erika asks.

"Yeah!" We walk into the mall looking for Build-A-Bear.

We walk into the shop. "How can I help you guys today?" A familiar female voice says. "I'm Y/N, if you need anything just call." She says not looking at me. She walks over to the computers to help some little kids.

"Should I make mine loom like Jake?" Erika asks.

"Yeah, I'll make mine look like Chance!"

After they get their bears built, they go over to the counter. "Okay, we have to register these bears." We walk over to the computers.

After we get them registered, I walk to the counter. "Y/N, are you just going to ignore me?"

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"Tell me why you're in LA."

"I'm a model asshole."

"Please, can I get a second chance?"

"Are you going to freak out when a five year old hugs me?"

"No, please. Just one more chance? I would do anything." I beg.


"Is that a yes?"

"Yes." I run around the counter and pull her in a hug.

"Thank you!"

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