The new kid

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Chapter 1

I sat on our steps on the porch watching as the day passed by. Today was Saturday and I had absolutely nothing to do. Mom was at work and I didn't have many friends to begin with. My chin was resting on my knees and my arms were wrapped around my legs as I attempted to comfort myself.

I looked around at the run down neighbourhood. Well it wasn't that bad but it still wasn't the best parts of Warren, Michigan. Mom and I were a little more better off than most families living around here. The only reason we stayed here was because when my grandma died she left us the house, it was already paid off to we just stayed.

I saw a car pull up to the house next to ours. That house has just been sold and now we were getting new neighbours. Oh joy. I was a very shy person so I didn't do well with people. That's most probably why had like no friends at all.

I sat up a little straighter and rested my arms on my legs as I watched the family get out of the car. It was a lady with long blonde hair, a teen boy that looked about my age and then a small baby, well more like toddler. I watched as the mom smiled and looked at the apartment like house in front of her with the toddler in her arms.

The boy that was about my age just stared at it blankly with absolute no interest. I wonder what was his problem. The mother looked over to me and saw me staring so she gave me a small smile and wave. I blushed and looked down to the ground as I waved back once. After that I decided to get up and go make myself a sandwich or something.

When it was about 2:30 in the afternoon I decided to go have a quick shower so that I can change into my work clothes. The only reason I worked was so that I could have some pocket money for myself and to save for college.

I changed into my uniform and made my way to the pizza place I worked at, Little Caesars. It was three now and it was just little under a half hour walk to the place. I liked to be early for everything and that way I didn't need to rush. As I was closing my front door and locking it I saw that the boy from next door was sitting on their porch, kinda like the way I did earlier today.

"Yo, where you going?" He asked as I walked passed their house. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked down so that my brown hair will cover my face in like a curtain if you will.

"Work." I mumbled as I saw his worn out sneakers coming into view in front of me. He reached for my hair and removed it from my face and put it behind my ear. That small movement alone caused my face, ears and neck to go red.

"I'm Marshall, Marshall Mathers. We uh just moved in today." He said but I still didn't look at him. I was looking down at my feet as I kicked around dirt with my old black converse. That's when he put his fingers under my chin and made me look up at him. I froze in that moment. He was absolutely gorgeous. He had these blue eyes that looked like they can see right through you. "What's your name?"

"I'm Ky-Kylie Donovan." I said in a soft and shaky voice. His eyes were just so wow. Way better than my dull and boring brown eyes.

"Pretty name. So where do you work?" He said as he shuffled and looked at the ground. He seemed shy too.

"Uh Little Caesars. It's a pizza place." I said and then turned to leave as he nodded. He frowned and watched as I left him just standing there.

"Where are you going?" He called after me. I glanced over my shoulder and found him staring at me with a frown.

"I'm going to be late. Sorry!" I called back then let my hair fall around my face again to cover it from any one else, I was grateful that my hair was just passed my shoulders, could always be my escape.. I always did this, I was a really shy person and that's why working at the pizza place sucked so much. But it was the only place that would let me work there so I had no choice.

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