2nd Imagine Y/N & Harry

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You are the daughter of Anastasia Termaine unlike your mother you didn't like wearing pink. You didn't like dresses. You weren't full on girly. Your style was black skinny jeans with knees length heel boots. A red sleeveless top with a black leather jacket and a red necklace.

You had decided to walk around the Isle to find some food. You were getting hungry and any food your house had was bad. You walked for about 10 minutes before going into Ursula's fish and chip shop. When you walked in you seen Uma's crew chatting amongst each other.

You seen a particular pirate talking to Gil son of Gaston. Gil wasn't the smartest of pirates but he was funny so Uma kept him around. The  pirate you spotted looked up and smirked when he seen you. He sent you a wink before anyone could see and took a seat at the table in front of the kitchen. Uma came over and asks what did you want and you said fish.
She told you to give it a few moments and you just nodded.

While you were waiting the particular pirate came over and sat next to you. It was none other than Harry Hook.

"Hello lass" He said
"Hey Harry" You replied
"What brings you here tonight" He asks
"Just a bite to eat" you replied.
"I miss you" You told him
"I miss ye as well lass, but you know why we can't see each other every day" He said and you nodded

Yep that's right you and the son of Hook were dating. Although his father and your mother forbid the both of you to see each other you both couldn't help but fall for one another. So you knew that you had to keep your relationship a secret. From everyone.

Gil had called Harry over which made Harry roll his eyes.
"I'll see ye later lass" Harry said
"See ya Harry" you replied.

Once he went over to Gil, Uma brought your food out you thanked her then she went to her crew.
What Uma hadn't known was that you didn't have any money. You quickly ate your fish and looked around the place to make sure that no one was watching.
You slipped out of  your seat and you almost made it to the entrance but a voice stopped you.

"Stop Y/N!" Uma yelled.
"Yes?" You asks a little too innocent
"Pay up" she said

You sighed and took something out of your pocket you handed it to her and walked out. When you got outside you heard Uma tell her crew to go after you as she discovered that you handed her a sweet rapper. You smirked and ran as fast as you could.

You looked behind you to see that her goons were following you and catching up quick you stopped for a mere second to catch your breath which was a mistake as you felt someone grab you. You seen it was her crew. They pushed you up against the wall and one took a dagger out. Your eyes widened slightly.

"You know what Uma does to theifs" one said
"Can't be much since she's one herself" You reply in a sass tone.

One of the pirates was about to hurt you when a voice stopped them.
"Alright you lot that's enough" You heard Harry say
"Uma said to hurt her" One of them said
"Exactly hurt her not kill her" Harry said
"So we won't" One said
"I don't believe that for a moment now get out of here and I'll deal with the thief" Harry said. They didn't move so he glared at them and they ran.

You have a sigh of relief and turned to Harry when you knew they were all gone.
"Thanks Harry" You said
"Now Y/N babe you know better than to take from Uma" Harry said
"I was hungry. Foods better than the stuff at my house not much better though" You said
"If you wanted a decent meal all you had to do was ask. Let's go" Harry said.

You knew he was taking you to his place. You both snuck through the window so you don't get caught he went downstairs to get you both something to eat and a hot drink he brought it up within a few minutes.

"Here you go lass" he did handing you a plate.
"Thanks" You replied.
He seen that you looked a little sad
"Baby are you ok?" He asks
"I wish we didn't have to hide us being together" You told him
"I do too love but you know why we have too" Harry said.
"I know, I don't understand that just because our parents hate each other we have to stay apart" You told him putting you plate down and putting you head on his shoulder. He put his arm around yours.
"I know it's frustrating love but what can we do we are stuck on this island" He said
"We could get off it" You suggested
"Lass the only way to do that is to go to Auradon" He said. You looked up at him and he seen hope in your eyes
"Is that what you want?" He asks
"I want to get off this island and not have to hide we are together, and if that means going to Auradon then so be it" You said
"I think that's a good idea" Harry said
"Really?" You asks
"Yeah we can write to king Ben and hopefully get accepted" Harry replied.

You both started writing a letter and when it was finished harry had gone to put it in the mailbox and returned soon after.

You both spent hours talking. You had seen yourself really falling for Harry. You knew that you had fallen in love when with him. Although love was something that wasn't known here on the Isle.
"You know Harry, I really like you" you told him
"I really like you too lass" he replied.

Both knew your feelings grew deeper although other than love not been well known you both hadn't wanted to be rejected.

A few days have passed and you and Harry got a letter to say that king Ben had accepted to you application. You both packed your bags and Harry came to pick you up. You both made your way to the docks and seen that the limousine was there waiting for you both. You both got in and the journey to Auradon had begun.

It had taken a while to get there but when you arrived you were amazed at it. King Ben himself had welcomed you both and showed you around.

"That concludes the tour" Ben had said when you reached your rooms that were across from one another
"Thank you King Ben" you replied
"Please just call me Ben, and you are welcome" he replied
"Thank you" Harry said once again Ben said your were welcome and left you two alone. You both went to your room and sat on the bed

"This is the start of a new chapter lass, are you ready for  it" Harry asks
"As long as your here I am" you replied and he gave you a kiss on the cheek. 

KlaudiaKlauR5 thank you for the ideas.

Hope you all enjoy.

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