Carlos & Olive

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Being the daughter of Morgana is quite fun, although Olive isn't as quite as sneaky and manipulative as her cousin Uma but she does know a thing or two about being evil. One thing that Olive has that Uma doesn't is that she possesses magic although sadly for her it doesn't work on the Isle. Olive was like another VK that lived on the Isle and that was Carlos De Vil. He was good with technology and computers and so was Olive.

When king Ben had made the proclamation of bringing a group of VKs to Auradon he had chosen Olive along with Carlos, Jay who is the son of Jafar, Evie daughter of Evil Queen and Mal the daughter of Maleficent. Mal had to be the most evil of them all but that was because she had been trying to live up to her mothers expectations.
The day that they had to leave for Auradon Maleficent had reminded Mal that they have to get the wand and break the barrier so they can take over Auradon and Mal just rolled her eyes saying she knows.
While they were in the limo everyone except Mal had started to eat a lot of sweets that they had seen there. What none of them except was to cross grouch something that glows and they thought it was a trap until they had seen they were closer to Auradon. Evie had tired to put some make up on Mal but Mal shrugged her away.
"Ugh don't put that on me" Mal said
"Fine, look pale as a ghost it isn't very attractive, you won't get a prince that way" Evie said
"I don't need a prince, all I need is to get the wand" Mal said and they seen they arrived outside the school. Thankfully the driver couldn't hear their conversation about the wand.
As they stepped out they heard a school band play and then Carlos and Jay fight while getting out of the window and Mal had them stop
"Leave it how you found it, and by that I mean just leave it" they heard a voice say and they threw everything back in the limo well almost everything, Olive seen that Jay hid a few electronics in his pockets and she smirked.
"Hello I'm Fairy Godmother, and I am also head mistress, I would like to inform you that the school library is open from 8am to 8pm and I'm sure you know I have a thing about curfew so lights out at a 11pm" Fairy Godmother said
"The Fairy Godmother, like bibbidi bobbidi boo?" Mal did and asked
"Bibbidi bobbidi you know it, now what are your names?" She replied and asked no one did anything for a few minutes until Olive spoke
"I'm Olive daughter of Morgana, this is Carlos son of Curella De Vil, Jay son of Jafar, Evie daughter of Evil Queen and finally Mal daughter of Maleficent" Olive said introducing everyone
"It is a pleasure, I will leave you in Ben's trusting hands and I hope you will enjoy being here" Fairy Godmother said before leaving and then Ben spoke
"I am very excited to have you all here and I hope that by bringing you all here we can start a new beginning" Ben said, Olive the VKs exchanged looks before Ben spoke again
"A little over board?" He ask
"Just a little bit more than a little bit" Olive said
"Apologies, but I hope this will be a day will be a memorable one" He said
"Or the day were you showed 5 people where the bathroom is" Mal said
"Right,of course this way" he said and you all followed him he showed you guys to the bathroom and then showed you to your rooms. Olive shared a room with Mal and Evie and Olive seen the excitement in Evie's eyes when they entered the room. Then Ben showed Carlos and Jay to their room which was just a few doors down.

For your first few days at Auradon it was very eventful you were all set on getting he wand but also you were all slowly starting to turn good, Mal had put a love spell on Ben so they could get close to the wand on the day of his coronation the love spell was broken and when Mal had grabbed the wand Ben had tried to convince her that all of them were better than that, they weren't their parents, after a few moments they had all agreed that they want to try and be good, after that Fairy Godmother rewarded them with an A in goodness class. And Maleficent was defeated.

All of that was six months ago and now Olive, Carlos, Mal, Evie and Jay have changed for the better. Olive and Carlos have recently been getting closer to each other than they ever were and everyone can see there is something between them except Carlos and Olive.
Olive knows she has feelings for Carlos but she thinks he doesn't feel the same way. Evie and Mal have tried to have her tell her feelings for Carlos but whenever she tries she backs out at the last second. Olive tells Mal to not worry about her and Carlos since she already has a lot of work to worry about.

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