Riley & Mitchell

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You were at shooting for the new Disney movie that you were apart off. You were cast as a main part in it the movie. Your character Mal is quite feisty but closed off. But being the daughter of Maleficent makes you like that. It was the scene where the VKs become good when you hear 'cut' you all praise each other on today.

You were doing your first interview for the movie and you were allowed to give a few details but not many. You weren't going alone you were going with Mitchell Hope who plays Ben and also your love interest. You were quite excited about it and you enjoying being on set.
You were looking in your trailer for something to wear when you finally found something. You done your hair and make up

 You done your hair and make up

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When you were done you heard a knock on your dressing room door and told the person to come in

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When you were done you heard a knock on your dressing room door and told the person to come in.
"Hey Ri, you ready?" You turn around and see Mitchell
"Hi, yeah I'm ready" you reply
"You look beautiful" he told you
"Thank you" you say
"My pleasure" he replied. There was a moment silence
"The car is outside waiting" Mitchell said
"Oh right ok" you say
"Let's go" He said

You both left and everyone wished you luck you both told them thank you and waved bye. You both got into the car and talked about anything you thought of while you were brought to the interview. It hadn't taken long for you both to get there. You both exited the car and made you way in side.
You were both behind the scene waiting on the interview to start.
The interviewer had came on and spoke for a few moments before introducing you and Mitchell

"Please give a big welcome to Mitchell Hope and Riley Roberson" she said and everyone clapped. You both walk over to her and say hi to everyone before siting down
"So tell us about the movie" the interviewer said
"Uh well it shows what life of villains were like and their descendants" you say
"Why do they go to Auradon?" She ask
"My character has these visions so he invites four VKs over from the Isle to get a second chance" Mitchell said
"That sounds interesting" the interviewer said
"Are there any songs in this Disney movie?" The interviewer ask
"Yes there are a few songs and they are very upbeat" you tell her
"What would be your favourite song?" You were both ask
"I couldn't choose they are amazing" You tell her
"Same here" Mitchell told you
"Ok so we are going to play a game and then some fans want to ask you a few things. Ok?" She ask
"Ok" you both said
"So the game is how much you know one another" the interviewer said you nodded ok and she began

She ask you both the basic questions such as each other's favourite colour, movie, singer, song etc. You were both shocked when you noticed that you got the questions right. Although everyone else was not.
After the last question it was time for the fans to ask you a few things

"If you could describe the perfect first date what would it be?" One if them ask
"Ladies first" Mitchell said and the crowd awwwd and you blushed
"I think the perfect first date would be that you are just with the person you like" you answer
"I agree it's nice to plan something but as long as you are with the person you want to be with that is what matters" Mitchell said
"What do you look for in a significant other" one ask
"A guy who is compassionate, fun, cute and charming smile" You say
"I look for a beautiful girl who is sweet, lovely and interesting to be around" Mitchell tells you.
"Awww" all the girls say

The questions had went on for another few moments which they said some interesting ones. One fan ask if you two were dating and you both denied it. You told them that you were only friends but you were also close. Soon the interviewer said that you were out of time. She had thanked you both for coming and you both thanked her for having you on the show. The audience gave an a round of applause before you and Mitchell left.

When you got into the car he had ask where do you want to go and you told him to go home and watch a movie you offered him to join you which he accepted. He told the driver your address and he took you both there. When you arrived you told the driver thank you he said you're welcome and left.

You both went inside and you both chose a few movies to watch you made popcorn and he took a selfie with you captioning it chill movie night.

You both watch movies for a while and then order pizza. You both don't realise how late it is until you both almost fall asleep and your head falls on his shoulder

"Oh sorry about that" you say
"It is fine" he told you. You looked at your watch
"Oh it's 11:30" you say
"Wow that is late" He said
"I didn't think it was that time" you say
"Neither did I, I suppose I should head home now" he said
"Uh yeah I guess" you say he gets up and you walk him to the door
"Thank you for the company" you say
"Thank you for letting me stay" he tells you
"Welcome" You say
"Riley uh there is something I want to ask you" He said
"What is it?" You ask
"Would you like to go on a date?" He ask
"I'd like that very much" You say
"Cool so how about Friday?" He ask
"Sounds perfect" You say

He gives you a kiss on the cheek and you blush before sending him a smile which be returns before he leaves. You close the door and smile to yourself looking forward to Friday as you are going to date your crush.

Thank you for requesting I hope you like it

Hope everyone likes it

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