Y/N & Harry

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(Some of Descendants 2 things might be in this but Mal and the VKs never left the Isle)

You are Uma's sister but you are complete opposites and you two don't get along you are either fighting or competing against one another to be the best there is. For you to compete against Uma you weren't apart of her crew you were apart of Mal's crew. Mal's crew was the toughest on the Isle which you were glad to be apart of.

Today you quickly get dressed so you could go and spy on your sister to see what she's up too. You don't live with her or your mum you left and stayed with Mal and the others.
(Ignore the hairband)

You started walking around the Isle and then you heard singing coming from your mums restaurant you looked through the door making sure you weren't seen

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You started walking around the Isle and then you heard singing coming from your mums restaurant you looked through the door making sure you weren't seen. You seen that Uma was doing the song 'what's my name' and you roll your eyes at that. You see Harry doing his rap and you continue staring at him. No one knew but you have had a crush on Harry for quite some time now and that is one of the reasons you aren't apart of Uma's crew if you were you would tell Harry you liked him and you knew that if you did it would ruining any type of relationship that you two had.
You and Harry weren't rivals that was only your crews you were both on good terms but never done anything about it. When the song was over you hear Gil call Uma shrimpy and you start to laugh you stop when you notice Harry bringing Gil out so you hid behind a barrel.
You see Harry walk back in and Gil going after him but Harry comes out before him pointing his hook at Gil and he finally realises he's in trouble so he just sits down. You see Harry go back in so you get up from your hiding spot and start to walk away. When you know your out of sight you go to the Jolly Roger and do some more spying. You were hiding but then heard a voice making you jump slightly
"When ye spy you aren't supposed to get caught" you hear Harry say
"I never get caught" You say
"You just did" Harry said
"Once, and don't think you've never been caught Hook" you say
"Whatever ye say lass" Harry replied
"Is there a reason you spoke to me?" You ask
"Yeah, Uma is looking for you" Harry said
"She can keep looking" you tell her
"It's not that simple" Harry said
"What do you mean?" You ask
"It's about your crew" Harry said you look confused so he speaks
"Uma has them, now let me tell you how they got caught they were stealing and were snatched from behind" Harry said
"Where are they?" You ask
"Come to the chip shop now and you will find them there" Harry said
You nod ok and follow him to the chip shop when you arrive there he tells you to go first since he decided to be a gentleman and you say thanks. When you go in you look around but don't see your crew anywhere you were about to ask where are they when someone grabbed you from behind and you try to get out of their grip.
"Let me go!" You yell you look over at Harry glaring at him
"How could you!" You yell at him
"Lass I'm sorry I didn't have a choice" Harry said
"Sorry won't cut it Harry! You turned me in!" You tell him he winced when you used his first name instead of his last name which is what you always used with him and no else did.
"Aw don't get mad at him. I'm the one who told him to go and get you" Uma said
"What do you want?" You ask
"To be the baddest with you out of the way that will happen" Uma replied
"Aw I always knew I was a threat to you. Guess I am to Harry as well since he just had to take me" You say
"I could have got him to take you by force but your little crush on him was easier" Uma said
"Harry is the last boy I'll have a crush on especially if he is like the way he is" You say. You look at Harry to see a hurt expression on his face but you ignore it
"Wrong move kidnapping me" You say
"Cause we're sisters?" She ask me
"No because they can't hold me" You say
You stand on the persons foot and they let go yelling in pain. Uma lifts a sword and you do to. You grab one as well as she starts fighting you. After a few moments you knock hers out of her hand and walk away. You hear footsteps come after you and you know who it is. You find Mal and the others and they can see you are angry they know that Uma done something and knew better not to ask. You were about to say  something when you hear your name being called
"Y/N" you hear and turn around
"Leave Harry" You say
"Five minutes" he says you tell the others you'll be back and walk in another direction with him. When you both reach an ally you are in silence until you break it
"What do you want?" You ask
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to kidnap you" Harry said
"Wasn't a kidnap more as a luring in" You say
"Whatever it was. I'm sorry, I had no choice" Harry said
"There's always a choice" you say
"If I didn't do what I was told then Uma would tell everyone that..." he started but stopped
"That what?" You ask. He is silent for a few minutes
"You know what. Don't talk to me until you are going to tell me" you say and walk away but he grabs your wrist
"Y/N please" he said
"No" You say and walk away

For a few days you didn't speak to Harry you ignored him every time he tried because you knew he would only say sorry not the real reason he lured you to Uma. Mal and them ask what happened so you told them and they got angry. You told them that this was your battle with Harry and they respected that. You only said that Harry lured you nothing else.

Today you were walking around looking for things to steal when you got caught on a crack in the ground.

You struggled to get your heel out and after a few minutes you were out of it because someone helped you

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You struggled to get your heel out and after a few minutes you were out of it because someone helped you. You looked to see who it was and seen Harry.
"You ok?" Harry ask
"Fine thanks" You say and walk away
You hear him chase after you and you stop in the same ally as the other day
"Please let me explain" Harry said
"Ok then" you say and he smiles
"I didn't want to manipulate you to bring you to  Uma" Harry said
"Why did you?" You ask
"Uma told me that if I didn't she would tell everyone that I..." he started but stopped again
"What?" You ask
"That I have a crush on you" Harry said
"You do?" You ask
"Yes and I know you don't have one on me you made that pretty clear but that's what I tried to tell you the other day" Harry said
"I lied" you said
"When?" He ask
"When I said I didn't have a crush on you. I knew I hurt you even if it was only there for a split second. I know I hurt you and Im sorry I had too" You say
"I get it" Harry said
"What do we do?" You ask
"We can't date publicly our crews would kill each other" Harry said
"We date secretly" you say
"Yeah only way" Harry said he kissed you quickly as he didn't know what else to do
"So are we dating now Hook?" You ask
"Yeah (his nickname for you)" he said and you smile.

You think that this is a new chapter for you with Hook and you were curious as to what will happen.

@music_cupcakes thank you for requesting hope it's what you wanted

Hope everyone enjoys

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