Y/N & Harry

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You are the daughter of Sleeping Beauty and Audrey's older sister. When you were a little girl an evil witch came along and put the same spell on you as Maleficent had put on your mother an enteral sleep. The only difference was that you hadn't pricked your finger you had been in the forest with your family having a picnic when you and Audrey were playing and the witch appeared and lifted you up and put the spell on you before vanishing. Your father took you to a hidden room in a tower with balconies as you loved the view you could see from them.
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Everyone had heard about you going into an eternal sleep and gave their condolences to Audrey, Queen Aurora and King Philip they all said thank you and for years Audrey has grown up an only child as far as she knew since she was just a little girl...

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Everyone had heard about you going into an eternal sleep and gave their condolences to Audrey, Queen Aurora and King Philip they all said thank you and for years Audrey has grown up an only child as far as she knew since she was just a little girl when it happened. As time had gone by Audrey got older and also ask questions as to why you were always sleeping. Your parents had told her at one point that an evil witch came and put a spell on you putting you to sleep. Audrey blamed Maleficent but her parents said it wasn't her. As Audrey became a teenager she never told anyone about her sister anymore no one ask they knew not to.
Audrey became to be the popular girl in school she dated Prince Ben son of Queen Belle and King Beast. They had all looked for a way to wake you up but in the end they realised that only true loves kiss would wake you up. Although everyone feared that it would never happen. Any princes that came to visit had stopped so hope for you to wake up again was fading.
What no one had known was that your true love hadn't lived in Auradon he had lived further away although as to where he lived that w as a different story.

By the time you were 17yrs old and Audrey was 16yrs old. Prince Ben had made a proclamation that the villain kids would be given a second chance. Audrey came and told you about it and how Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos became good but she told you the pirate descendants were coming.

As they had arrived Uma daughter of Ursula, Gil son of Gaston and Harry son of Captain Hook they hadn't had the best welcome, for their first few days most of the teenagers in Auradon had ignored them. Within those few days Harry had found out about you and sought out to find you when he came upon an open window to a balcony he climbed up the wall and onto the balcony removing his hat and walking into the room. When he got there he seen you sleeping there. (Please imagine you sleeping there) (and in the outfit below the bed)
He went over and knelt down he was memorised by you
"Wow, you are so beautiful" he said although he knew not to wait for a response.
"Audrey said you use to be a great listener, I hope you don't mind me talking but I need to talk to someone, even if I don't get a response" Harry said he sat down on the bed beside you and took a deep breath before he started talking about how Ben let him Gil and Uma come from the Isle of the lost. It's only been a few days and everyone still hates them. They haven't given them the chance to show that they can be good a chance to show they aren't their parents. Harry tells you how he thinks he doesn't belong here that it would be better if he hadn't come in the first place.
He begins to tell you who he is and how the Isle is the lost was like, that if you didn't steal, fight, have a crew or make yourself invisible then you had might as well been in with the sharks.
Harry had spoke to you for hours and then the sun had went down, he hadn't realised how he had been here until he seen that. He told you he will come back tomorrow and see you again. He climbed out the window and made his way back to Auradon on his motorbike
Uma did question him where he was and all she told was that he was around.
The next day at school he has another day of insults. Although Harry hadn't shown it they did hurt him they mainly were 'you don't belong here' 'you are just like your father' 'you are nothing but a pirate' 'you will always be a villain'. That last insult and hurt him the most as he was trying to become good he hadn't gotten into any fights since he came here which was something that shocked him. Although he knew if he did fight he would be sent back to Isle and he  didn't want that but he knows that what everyone wants.
When school was over he went to see you again and he told you what happened today at school the insults mainly had came from Chad Charming but he didn't fight him. He just shrugs him off and walked away. He told you how they are hurting him but can't show they are. He was conflicted as if he shows the insults hurt him then he will lose his reputation but if he doesn't then he will keep feeling as if he is the one being hooked. Just like yesterday when the sun had gone down Harry told you he would return.
While Harry was driving  back he kept thinking how he will have to deal with Audrey his own way what he hasn't told you was that Audrey was the second main person with the insults but he couldn't tell you as she was your sister and he didn't want you to hate her.
Harry had been going to you for two weeks now and today before he came school was just over and Chad stopped him.
"Get outta the way Chad" Harry told him
"I don't think so" Chad replied.
"I don't have time for you today" Harry told him
"Where have you been going? Back to the Isle to make revenge plans?"Chad asks and everyone circled around them. All the VKs Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Uma and Gil stood behind Harry. Everyone noticed this.
"Chad don't start something you can't finish" Mal said
"All I want to know is where he's been" Chad said
"I've been..exploring" Harry said
"Sounds like your father did before he came across Peter Pan" Chad said
"Ohhhh" everyone said
"I'm not my father" Harry said
"Well you have a pirate hat, a pirate coat  and a hook. Seems like your father to me" Chad said
Harry began to growl
"Did I strike a nerve?" Chad ask
"Watch your mouth" Harry told him.
"You will never fit in here. You belong on the Isle it seems more your scenery" Chad said
Harry had enough and he lunged at Chad to the ground and they began fighting. Chad had gotten Harry in the eye which you could tell will be black by tomorrow but Harry made sure Chad had a few more injuries. Mal and Uma had gotten the fight to stop. Mal grabbed Chad while Uma grabbed Harry. They were both breathing heavily.
"I told you not to start something you can't finish" Mal said
Before anything else could be said Queen Belle and King Beast along with Fairy Godmother and Queen Aurora and King Philip came along.
"What is going on here?" Queen Belle ask Mal and Uma let Chad and Harry go.
Chad being a tattletale spoke
"Harry attacked me" Chad said
"If you didn't provoke him he wouldn't of had too" Evie said
"I only ask him where he has been going" Chad said
"You compared him to his father!" Uma yelled. 
"Well he is. Honestly he isn't worth a chance" Audrey said forgetting her parents were there
Both set of parents and Fairy Godmother were shocked at Chad and Audrey
"Audrey! I am appalled at you! You know everyone deserves a second chance" Queen Aurora yelled.
"What about Mal's mother what she did Mal is a lady of the court" Audrey said
"Don't turn this on me" Mal said this time Harry held Mal back.
"Audrey! Mal was not the one who cast the spell! She deserves a chance and she has shown us and everyone she is good. They all have!" King Philip said
"Well then who put it on Y/N!" Audrey said angrily
"Who?" Gil and Uma ask
"My older sister, her true love hasn't came along who will it be?" Audrey said
"We will find out when that happens. Now apologise to Harry this instant and we will speak about your behaviour later" her mother said.
What no one had known was that Harry disappeared they only found out when Audrey turned to apologise and didn't see him.
They were about to look for him but Jay stopped everyone by speaking
"Don't look for him. You won't find him. Harry will go to the place he's been going to and we don't know where it is" Jay said
"We just let him go?" Jane ask
"That's the best thing to do Harry will return when he's ready" Carlos said
"Why did he lose it like that?" Lonnie ask
"You would know if you got to know him" Gil said. Everyone knows he isn't the smartest pirate there is but when it comes to his friends he can be smart and serious.
"You compared him to his father. Harry is anything but his father" Evie said.
When Evie said that everyone who had insulted Harry felt guilty.
Harry made his way to your  room again and smiled sadly at the sight of you. He sat in his usual spot and started to tell you about his day. How he got into a fight with Chad Charming and once again he left out Audrey although he felt that you knew that Audrey would insult him he couldn't be sure though.
Harry had decided that today was the day he would tell you how he felt about you.
"There is something else I need to tell you" he said. He took a deep before speaking
"I know you can't respond to me and you probably can't even hear me and this is going to sound crazy but I have fallen so hard for you in the past to weeks. I have never been able to tell anyone the things I have told you and I know that if you were awake I would be able to tell you my problems and also you haven't had the chance to hate me" Harry said before speaking again
"You are such a beautiful girl and I don't need you to be awake for me to know you are so sweet. I guess what I am trying to say is...I love you" Harry said. He got of the bed and knelt down right beside you and leaned in and kissed your lips softly before pulling back.
Your eyes slowly opened and you looked to see blue eyes staring into yours. You gave a small smile which he returned
"You broke my curse" you said
"I suppose I did" he said. He lend back enough for you to sit up
"Hi" you say
"Hi" he replies.
"I can't remember the last time I was called beautiful" you say
"You heard that?" He ask
"I heard everything. Every word from the last two weeks" you tell him
"I think you have had the chance to hate me then. Listening to me talk about everything that is wrong with me" Harry said
"I have had the chance to know you and there isn't anything wrong with you Harry" you tell him.
"No?" He ask
"No" you reply.
"I meant what I said. I love you" he told you
"I love you too. Only a true loves kiss was able to wake me up. So that means you are my true love" you tell him
"Is that good or bad?" He ask
"Good I wouldn't want it to be anyone else" you say and kiss him. He kisses a back and after a moment you both pull back.
"You can say no, but would you go on a date with me?" Harry said and ask
"I'd love to" you say
"I hate to say this but your sister isn't a big fan of me" Harry said
"So what. I love you and I don't care what she thinks" you say
"So does that me if I don't make you hate me you will be my girlfriend" Harry ask
"You couldn't make me hate you but yes I will be your girlfriend" you say. He pulls you in for a hug and then you tell him you'll meet him on the balcony you want to change. He told you ok and ask can he take you out now and you say yes.

(I am not sure what the pink and green item is so just leave it)

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(I am not sure what the pink and green item is so just leave it)

(I am not sure what the pink and green item is so just leave it)

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You walk out to Harry and he looks at you memorised.
"How do I look?" You ask
"I've never seen a more beautiful sight" he said making you blush.
"Ready?" He ask
"We climb down?" You ask
"There is no other way" Harry said. You didn't speak
"Get on my back" he said
"Will you be able to climb down?" You ask
"Yeah of course c'mon" Harry said
You got on his back and held tight. He climbed down without ease and that shocked you.
"Thank you for getting me out of that tower" you say getting of his back
"Anything for you" he said
"Ready for our date" he said
"Of course" you get on his motorbike and you both drive through the forest and he eventually brings you to Auradon but brings you to a restaurant and just drive around until sunset then he brings you back to Auradon Prep.
He brings you to an smooth room and you stay there until the next day you go and let your parents know you are back.

Thank you for the idea about this imagine.
I hope everyone enjoys it

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