You break up with him part 2

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Ben: It has been a few weeks since you and Ben broke up and you had to admit you were miserable you did want him back but you didn't think you could trust him since he broke so many promises. You were walking around and you seen Ben you try to walk past him but he sees you and walks towards you. You try to walk past him but he grabs your wrist.
"Y/N" please can we talk?" He ask
"No Ben" you say and try to walk away but he stops you. You see hurt in his eyes
"Please" he said your think for a few minutes then sigh
"Alright" You say
"I know why you broke up with me and I don't blame you but Y/N I am miserable without you you need to know that" Ben said
"You think I wanted to break up with you. I didn't but I didn't see any other choice you always cancelled and that hurt it was always last minute" you say
"I know and if I could change what happened I would" Ben said
"What is your point in all of this?" You ask
"I want to get back together" Ben said you didn't say anything for a few moments
"Y/N...please" he said softly
"I'll think about it" You say and walk away

You did keep your word and think about getting back together with Ben and although you wanted to you were afraid to trust him. You did love Ben so after a few days you went and spoke to him
"Hi" he said
"Hi" you replied
"So I assume you've thought about us" Ben said
"I have and Ben I really care about you" you say
"I care about you as well. Y/N I love you" Ben said
"And I love you and I want to be with you but I am scared of being hurt" you say
"I won't break my promises this time" Ben said you looked at him and you seen he was sincere.
"Alright one chance" you say he pulls you into a hug. That night Ben promised to take you out and this time he did keep it. You smiled as he recreated your first date and you kissed him to thank him.

Gil: When you had to move you had a tearful  goodbye to Gil. You both stayed in contact but it wasn't the same as being with him. You missed him terribly. But what you hadn't known was that Gil was up to something. You were at your new school and you seen a crowd of people circled around something you ask one of them what was going on and they said there were two pirate boys your eyes widened at that and you managed to get to your way to the front.
"Look it's not that hard of a question, where is Y/N?" You hear Harry say and ask
"What don't you boys look behind you" you say
Harry and Gil turn around and they smile Gil runs towards you he lifts you up and spins you around.
"Oh Y/N, I've missed you so much" Gil said
"I've missed you too" you reply.
"I take it you didn't miss me" Harry said.
"If course I did Hook" you say and go to hug him. After a second you pull away
"What are you doing here? Why aren't you in Auradon?" You ask
"Gil had to see you he's a mess" Harry said
"So am I. I can't believe your here" you tell them
"I don't want to not be with you Y/N" Gil said
"Gil...look I care about you but I have to be here now" you say
"And that means we can't be together?" He ask
"Gil look at where I am out of Auradon and your in Auradon" You say
"I know but I don't care" Gil said
"Gil..." you start but he interrupts you
"Y/N you could be on the other side of the world and I would still come for you" Gil said
You hear all the girls say aww
"Gil that's so sweet" you say
"I need you in my life, I can't function without you, you are everything to me and I am not leaving until you come back to Auradon" Gil said. You stood there and shook your head
"You aren't getting it. I can't come back I'm not old enough to live on my own" You say
"You lived in a dorm on your own. Please" Gil said
"Run away go" one of your new friends said
"What about the school and my parents?" You ask
"When are you ever going to get a guy like this go" someone said
"Come on lass, take the risk you know you miss everyone"Harry said  you look at everyone then Gil and see him with hope you made your decision.
"Let's get outta here" you say. Gil smiles widely before spinning you around again. He took your hand and you both along with Harry ran. You waved to everyone and then made your way back to Auradon

Carlos: You haven't spoke to Carlos in a week and although it hurt for you to not speak to him you had felt that you made the right choice. Jane has tried speaking to you but you just glare at her and walk away. When Evie and Mal heard about what Jane did they were very angry at her and they also yelled at Carlos for not stopping it. Although you didn't know his response to them. You were about to see the girls when Carlos tired to stop you but you kept walking. You went to the girls and you hadn't known that Carlos followed you until he spoke
"Y/N can we please talk?" Carlos ask
"No" you say
"Please just let me explain" he said
"Ok explain this, explain how you can just let Jane flirt with you. Explain how you enjoy it when you had a someone who loved you" you say
"You won't believe me but I didn't stop her because I couldn't. I did try a few times when you weren't there but she didn't listen. I figured she get over her crush on me and I didn't enjoy I ignored it because the only one I have eyes for is you" Carlos said. You hear Evie and Mal say aww
"You mean that" you ask
"Every word. Please I know I don't deserve it but can I have another chance?" He said and ask
"What about Jane?" You ask
"She is a friend to me" Carlos said
"That's all you see her as" you ask
"That's all. I miss being able to call you mine" Carlos told you
"Come on Y/N you know you love him" Evie said
"I know" you say
"If I mess up again I know I will have lost you for good. Please take me back?" He said and ask
"Yeah, I will" you say and he pulls you into a hug.

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