Shianne & Harry

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(In a lot of oneshots about harry I've seen he has a sister because she is mentioned in wicked world. I've never seen it and somehow from the movie I can only picture him as an only child, so thats what he is in this)

When your older sister had gone to Auradon you were devastated since she was your best friend and you lost her because of King Ben you hated him and you hated that your sister and group went and turned good. You could never hate your sister but you hated what she had done.
You were now on your own and you decided to be the one to run the Isle.
Uma the daughter of Ursula and one of her mates Gil son of Gaston had recruited another member you don't remember their name but you knew it was the descendant of Captain Hook.
Since they had a new member they had tired to take over the Isle recently but you made sure that the youngest descendant of evil queen took it over.
You tired to stay away from Uma's crew they were full of trouble and danger and apparently the new member had a Hook from their dad and also your mother told you to stay away from them especially because of Hooks descendant you had ask why and she told you that they hate each other so when word got around Hook was here it didn't take long for everyone to know that he and your mother didn't get along.
You were sitting on a roof top watching over at Auradon when you someone's presence but you hadn't known you until they spoke.
"If you keep looking at that place you'll be begging to go" you hear him say making you both laugh slightly.
"I don't want to go, I want my sister back" you tell him
"That isn't happening. You run this place now. You don't need her" Harry tells you
"Harry" you say
"Yea?" He ask
"Do you hate me for running this place?" You ask
"I could never hate you I don't get why our parents hate each other but I could never hate you" Harry said
"Promise?" You ask
"Promise" He said and you both exchanged a smile. You and Harry stay there for a while and you were both having fun. This was the first time you and him spoke and you hadn't wanted it to end then you hear your mother call you. You quickly get up and say bye. You walk over to the ladder and are about to climb down when he stops you
"Shianne wait" He said
You make sure you are away from the ladder before he continues
"What's wrong?" You ask
"I want to know when I can see you again" he said
"Harry haven't you been paying attention our parents hate one another" you say
"But you and I don't hate each other and we won't" he told you
You stayed quiet for a few minutes so he spoke again
"Just think about it, I like spending time with you and I want to spend more time with you" He said making you smile.
"I'll let you know, but I have to go" You say and he nods.
You go down the ladder and run home smiling to yourself at what just happened. Your mothers enemy son just told you that he wanted to see you again even though you both just met. When you make it home your mother ask where you have been and the only thing you tell her is that you have been around she didn't ask anymore as she knew you were stubborn so you wouldn't tell her.

You fell asleep quickly and dream about you and Harry hanging out. The next morning when you wake up you look for an outfit which you think to yourself you should have done last year night but your mind was on someone else. After a few minutes you found something and then done your hair

 After a few minutes you found something and then done your hair

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You decided not to wear make up so you just smiled at your appearance and left

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You decided not to wear make up so you just smiled at your appearance and left. You told your mum you were going out and she said okay.
You started walking around the Isle and looking for something to steal when you felt someone put their arms around you and they take you to a corner that is dark and abandoned once they let go you see who it is.
"Miss me love?" He ask
"I thought I told you I'd let you know" you say
"I'm not very patient" he says
"Harry.." you start but he interrupts you
"I told you I like spending time with you love, last night was the most fun I had in a long time" he said
"I want to spend time with you too but if our parents find out they'll kill each other and probably us" you say
"You run this place now Shianne their empty threat is exactly that empty they won't do anything because they won't find out" He said walking towards you taking your hands in his.
"Please" He said
"Ok, we will spend time together but I'm secret" you tell him
"Would it be too much to ask if I ask you for us to be more?" Harry ask you give him an unreadable expression
"We aren't...yet we'll see" you say and he smiles.
You both go and hang out just like yesterday you spend a few hours together you find out how much you have in common and as the moon comes up he goes and gets you both some food which didn't take to long. You seen it was fish and chips and you ask where'd he get them and he said Ursula's chip shop. You nod okay and you both start eating. You ask him if he has any siblings and he tells you know that he is an only child, and then you both tell each other about things you did growing up.

You watched the stars come out and you smiled at the sight.
"I don't want tonight to end?" You say
"Neither do I love" he said You smile at the nickname he just gave you, you put your head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around your waist. After a while you both begin to get tired so you grew it's time to go home. You both start walking home and when you reach halfway you see that you have to go one way and he goes the other.
"Thanks for today" you tell him
"You are welcome love" he told you. You were about to walk away when he stopped you and pulled you back. You give him a confused look he pulls you closer to him and he leans in and gives you a kiss on the cheek which he made last a few seconds.
"Goodnight love" he said
"Good night Hook" you say and walk and walk away. He stays there until he loses sight of you then makes his own way home.
When he gets home he smiles at tonight and you do the same. You both are unaware but have the same thought and that is having each other around will be interesting

@aphmau202 thank you for requesting I hope you like it.

I hope everyone enjoys

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