Y/N & Ben Part 2

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In a previous Y/N & Ben.  you were the daughter of Gaston and Ben parents found that you were dating hadn't gone well but were able to date in the end.
Part 2

It has been a few weeks since Ben's parents found out that you and Ben were together and they weren't too happy about it but they had given you a chance and they seen you and Ben loved each other.

Any kids that came from the Isle have the chance to go back for a week and see their friends they haven't seen and also parents if they wish. You had taken the opportunity to see your dad and tell him about you and Ben. You hoped he won't be too angry but you know that's only a tiny bit true. He doesn't like when you date at all so when he finds out about you and Ben you hope he'll not do anything he'll regret.

Ben had said that he will go with you but you had told him it wasn't a good idea. He told you since you were with him when he told his parents he should be with you. You smiled at him for that and you made your way to the Isle. When you got there you took a deep breath since it's been a while from you've been here.
"Are you ok?" Ben ask
"Yeah just been a while since I've been here" you reply.
"Do you want to go back?" He ask
"No I need to tell my dad" you told him
"Okay come on" he replied
You made your that Ben blended in with everyone on the Isle.

You walked about and everyone complimented on your outfit you nodded as a way of thanking them.

"Why didn't you say thank you?" Ben ask "It's the Isle, there's no 'please' 'thank you' or 'your welcome' unless it's to a mate or crew member" you told him "Sounds harsh" he replied

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"Why didn't you say thank you?" Ben ask
"It's the Isle, there's no 'please' 'thank you' or 'your welcome' unless it's to a mate or crew member" you told him
"Sounds harsh" he replied. You immediately stopped which made him confused. He seen you were angry and realised he said the wrong thing. Your dragged him to an alley before speaking
"It is a harsh place!" You yell
"I didn't mean..."Ben started but you interrupted
"Saying that it sounds harsh despite that being the truth is you saying everyone here is harsh!" You tell him
"Y/N..." he tried again.
"Us teenagers aren't harsh just most of our parents! Ben you need to be a little bad to survive here" You told him and crossed your arms
"Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to sound that you were harsh, I know your not" Ben said bringing you close you shrugged him off
"You don't know how it is here, you didn't grow up being told that being bad was the only way to live. Love is for the weak" you explained to him
"Baby, I know you are not harsh and I know you aren't weak. You are strong and you are right I don't know what growing up here is like, and I know just a few days here I will only know a little of what is it like" Ben said bringing you close again uncrossing your arms to pull you into a hug.
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or make you angry" Ben said
"It's ok, just be careful what you say" you tell him
"I will" he replied

You two walked around and you restrained yourself from stealing anything. You and Ben made your way to Ursula's fish and chip shop but seen it was closed. You took Ben elsewhere to get something to eat. Once you ate you started waking on the path to your house. Ben takes your hand and sends you a reassuring smile.
You both arrive at your house and you open the door to see that's its empty. You and Ben walk inside and sit down for a while until your dad arrives. You and Ben talk for a few hours then you hear the door open. You got up and walked to meet your dad at the door he looked up shocked
"Hi dad" you say
"Y/N hello sweetheart" your dad replied. You give him a hug
"What are you doing here?" He ask
"I got to come back for a week" you told him
"That's great, but who is your friend?" He said and ask
"This is Ben" you say
Ben steps forward and puts hand out for him
"It's a pleasure to meet you" Ben said
"You as well young man" your dad said. You seen Ben was on your dads good side but you knew fish could end quickly
"Daddy there is something you need to know" you told him.
Your dad brought you all to sit down and there was a moment of silence before he asked what was wrong
"Oh no nothing is wrong well not yet" you say
"What do you mean?" He ask
"Daddy, Ben is my boyfriend" you say
"What!!!" He yells .
"Daddy calm down.." you say but he interrupted you
"You are too young for a boyfriend! Young man who are your parents?" He yelled and ask
"Beast and Belle" Ben answered
You had lunges towards him but you step in front Ben before your dad could hurt him he stops knowing he could easily of hurt you.
"Y/N move!" He shouts
"No!" You yell
"What did you say?" Your dad ask you
"I said no! I am not to young for a boyfriend and you can't tell me who to date. We had told Ben's parents and they had the same reaction. Although they didn't try and hurt us. His dad was angry but his mother convinced him to give me a chance. Why can't you do the same" you said
"Give the boy whose father took the girl I had my eyes set on a chance" your dad said angrily
"Sir please. I know you may think it's not ideal but I love your daughter so much she is everything to me. And even though you may have loved my mother if you didn't lose her to my dad Y/N wouldn't be here and neither would I" Ben said you hugged him then spoke again
"Then we wouldn't have found our true love daddy" you say
You noticed your dad calm down a bit and take a deep breath before talking
"That is one thing you deserve although I wish it wasn't at 17 but you are right. And I can see Ben looks at you in a way that shows he does love you" your dad said
"So does that mean you'll give Ben a chance?" You ask
"Yes but if he hurts you in anyway especially breaks your heart then I will kill him" your dad said you seen a glimpse of fear in Ben's eyes but it quickly went away
"I won't hurt you ever" Ben said
"Good now get out of here and have fun" your dad said
You hugged him before leaving with Ben.

Thank you to
For all suggesting a part 2

Hope everyone enjoys

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