Tamara & Ben

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You are the daughter of Tarzan and your dad has told you that you are going to school for you to get any education. You weren't overly excited about it since you didn't know many people and when you meet someone new you are very shy. Your dad had told you that he never got an education since he had been raised in the African Jungle by gorillas, you did live there too for a while but now he was sending you to Auradon Prep. You hesitantly agreed. You had picked up a few skills like sewing so you were able to mend your clothes if they ripped while your swinging vines. There was a shop at the docks that sold clothes which were old clothes which were probably not the most fashionable for Auradon but you didn't mind. They were hand me downs since people didn't want them anymore and also from a different time but you liked them. The shop also sold the fairytale books so you knew a few things about the Princes and Princesses.
You arrived at Auradon Prep with your dad and you were quiet nervous you had heard that there is a big welcome committee which you weren't to thrilled about but what you hadn't known was that your father had told Fairy Godmother ahead of time and told her that you don't like big crowds and she understood although Fairy Godmother did tell him that king Ben would be there and he said ok
"You know we have to get out of the car at one point" your dad said
"I'd rather not" You say
"It is a good opportunity" your father said
"I know but I don't like people well I don't do well around them" you say
"There will only be one person out there to greet you I promise" your dad said
"Fine, but if I don't like this school after a while I'm coming back to the jungle" you say
"Fair enough" your dad said
You stepped out of the car and smoothed down your top

You arrived at Auradon Prep with your dad and you were quiet nervous you had heard that there is a big welcome committee which you weren't to thrilled about but what you hadn't known was that your father had told Fairy Godmother ahead of time and ...

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When you looked up you saw a boy around your age, you had to admit that he was very cute. Being in the jungle meant you never had the chance to like a boy or go on dates.
"Hi I'm Ben, and I would like to say that it is a pleasure to mee you and have you here" he said
"It's a pleasure to meet you too" your father said
"Hi nice to meet you" you say quietly
"I am Tarzan and this is my daughter Tamara" Your dad said introducing you both. Ben put his hand out for your dad to shake which he had and then Ben did the same to you. You give a slight nod instead and Ben puts his hand down.
"I am sorry for my daughter she isn't used to a lot of people" Your dad said
"I understand, I will be giving you the tour of the school and don't worry there are very few students around, most are off doing their own thing since school is over" Ben said and you nod
You started to walk around and Ben talked about Auradon. When you reached your room he gave you a key and you unlocked it. You seen that there was no one else here.
"Do I have a roommate?" You ask worried
"No" Ben said
"Great thanks" you say and he smiled
"I will leave you and your dad alone if you have any questions just come and find me" Ben said and you both said thank you before he left.
You and your dad had started to talk about what you had seen in just a short while
"Do you think you will like it here?" Your dad ask
"I think so but I meant what I said if I don't like it after a while I am going back home" you said
"That's fine, just give it a chance I think it will be good for you, but do not let anyone hurt you" He said
"Anyone as in...?" You ask
"Boys, I don't want you to date but you might and if you do make it someone respectful and polite" he said
"Like Ben?" You ask
"Yeah like Ben" your dad said
You both had stayed there for a few more hours before he had to go, you both stand up and gave him a hug and told him that you'd miss him
"I'm gonna miss you too, love you sweetie"he said
"Love you too daddy" you say hugging him and he gives you a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
When he closed your room door your throw yourself on your bed again sighing to yourself. You see your class schedule was on your bed and you look at what classes you have. You hope that you will be able to sit by yourself since you aren't very comfortable around people. You decide to walk around and try to get familiar with the surroundings you will be in a while. You miss the jungle already normally by now you would be swinging on vines or hanging out with Terk and Tantor they always kept an eye on you making sure you didn't get in trouble but being Tarzan's daughter that was inevitable almost all the time you were in danger but you always managed to get out of it and sometimes you got away with it.
You left your room and started walking around, you had felt everyone staring at you but you didn't know why. You had tried to ignore it but you couldn't take the staring any longer you started heading back to your room but when you got to the main hall way you forgot what direction to go. You took a random direction and bumped into someone both of you falling down you were about to panic when you hear a new familiar
"Are you ok?" You look to see Ben standing up quickly and putting his hand out for you to take which you hesitantly do and he helps you up.
"Thank you" you say
"You are welcome" he said and you let go of his hand
"I am sorry for bumping into you" you say
"Oh no it was my fault, are you ok?" He said and ask again
"I'm fine" you say
"I saw you outside but when I looked again you were gone" he said
"Everyone was staring at me, not sure why" you say
"Because you are pretty" he said and you blush
"Or because I wear clothes that are from another time" you say gesturing towards your outfit
"I think you look cute, and if you like it, it shouldn't matter what others think" Ben said and you blush again because he called you cute
"I don't but I couldn't stand the staring, I was going back to my room but I forgot the direction to it" you say
"I'll show you" he said
While you were going to your room with ben this time you both started to get to know each other and found out that you had a lot in common you were slowly starting to feel safer around Ben and when you arrived at your room you had thanked him once again and he told you it was no problem. He had asked you if you'd like him to pick you up for school tomorrow and you smiled saying yes making him smile. He asked if you would like to get a bite to eat later and you replied no thank you, you have something packed and he said ok before leaving. You smile going into your room glad that today wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.
For the rest go the day and night you unpack and eat the food you packed from your journey. After you eat you decide to sleep early since you were tired from travelling and you were quite nervous about school tomorrow you had just hoped that it would go like today.

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