Angel & Carlos

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You and Carlos have been dating for a while and it has been amazing having Carlos as your boyfriend. But recently you and Jay have started to get closer and closer together. Not intentionally but you have been tutoring Jay and you have started to develop feelings for him but you weren't sure if Jay felt the same and even if he did you knew he wouldn't act on them since you are with Carlos and they are best friends. You and Carlos are together in the courtyard and he had his arm around your shoulder. Normally you would get butterflies in your stomach whenever he did a simple gesture like that but now you haven't, you do still have feelings for him but your feelings for Jay are confusing you. Carlos sees that your body is very tense and is quite confused.
"Are you ok Angel?" He ask
"Yeah I am fine" you tell him
"Are you sure?" He ask
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" You ask
"You just seen tense is all, did I do something?" He said and ask, you see a look of pain in his eyes and guilt
"No, of course not, I just didn't sleep much last night that's all" you say which was the truth you couldn't sleep last night thinking about how bad you feel for liking Jay when you are with Carlos
"Oh, as long as I didn't cause anything you know I'd never want to hurt or upset you" He said
"I know" you say and kiss his cheek and he smiles
"I am gonna go and see if I can get a few hours sleep" you say
"Okay babe, let me know if you need anything" Carlos said
"I will" you say and kiss his cheek again before heading back to your room.
When you got there you started thinking about everything, you slowly started to drift of to sleep. While you were sleeping you were dreaming about what would happen if you dated Jay instead of Carlos, you knew Jay could never betray Carlos like that and you felt horrible that you were doing that.
You had woken up a few hours later to a knock on your door and you tell the person to come in. After a second you see Jay and he sent you a small smile. He closed the door and sat on the bed beside you there was a silence for a few moments then he decided to speak
"Did you have a nice sleep?" He ask
"Yeah it was okay" you reply sitting up properly
"Carlos said you didn't sleep much last night" Jay said
"He's right" you tell him
"Why?" Jay asked
"I have been at a crossroad lately and I am feeling guilty for it" You tell him
"Do you want to talk about it?" Jay ask
"No" you say
"Why?" He ask
"I just can't" you say
"Come on, I won't tell anyone" Jay said and after a few moments you sigh before speaking.
You tell Jay that you like another guy and his eyes widen in shock for a moment. You tell him that you still believe you have feelings for Carlos but your feelings for this other guy is confusing you. Jay had asked you who the other guy was and you stayed quiet. He told you that you can tell him he won't judge or repeat it.
You look away from him for a moment then take a deep breath. You look back at him and he notices you are conflicted.
"You'll hate me" you say
"I couldn't hate you" he said
"You might" you say
"Who do you like?" He ask
"You" You say and he is speechless. You then feel some awkward tension in the air and you shift because you are uncomfortable after that he finally finds his voice.
"Wow really?" He ask
"Yeah So if you hate me that's ok, you don't have to speak to me every again you..." you started rambling but stopped when you felt his lips on yours. You slide closer to him and he brings you onto his knee and you wrap your arms around his neck. One of his hands goes around your neck and the other stays on your waist keeping you there. He runs his hand around your neck through your hair and grips it slightly making you moan. You tug on his hair making him groan. After a few minutes he pulls back and kisses down your jaw and places small kisses on your neck for a moment before pulling away and looking at you and you are both breathless after a moment you spoke
"So i take it you like me too?" You ask
"Of course, I started to like you while you were tutoring me" he said
"Same here" you say
"But you know that we can't because you are with Carlos" he said
"I know, I couldn't ask you to betray him" you say
"I think we both just did but he doesn't need to know about that" Jay said
"What do we do?" You ask
"We can't do anything, I like you but I just can't date you behind Carlos's back" Jay said
"I know, but it feels unfair to him about this" you say
"I know, but we can't do anything unless you and him break up and I won't ask you to do that since you still have feelings for him" Jay said
"I am hurting all of us" you say
"No Angel you are not, you are just confused" Jay said
"I don't know what to do" you say
"Follow your heart, no matter what you chose Carlos and I will understand" Jay said and kissed the side of your head before telling you he'll see you later and you say ok. When he leaves you lie back down on your bed thinking about what you are going to do.
You know if you break up with Carlos he will be heartbroken and so will you, you would wait a few weeks before even considering dating Jay, but you know that it will hurt Carlos to see you with his best friend. You groaned in frustration, if you were with Jay it would be different than being with Carlos.
You stay there for a few more hours and go over the pros and cons of what will happen no matter what your decision is.
After a while you text Carlos to come to your room and he said he'll be there in a moment and you say ok. When Carlos arrives you make sure the door is closed
"What's wrong?" He asked you
"There is something I need to talk to you about" you say
"What is it?" He asked and you sigh sitting beside him on your bed
"You know how much I really like you right?" You ask
"Yeah and I really like you too" He replied
"Well, I know you've seen that I have been..." you started but you didn't know what to say
"You want to break up?" He ask and when you didn't say anything he knew the answer
"Why?" He ask
"There is just a lot going on at the moment and I need time to sort it out" you say
"Are you sure it wouldn't be because you know Jay likes you?" He asked
"How did you know?" You ask
"I see how he looks at you, you are confused if you would ever have those feelings for him" Carlos said and you silently started crying and he brought you into a hug
"Angel please don't cry" he said
"Why don't you hate me?" You ask
"I could never hate you, you are amazing and pretty and sweet" Carlos said and you smiled
"Nothing is gonna happen" you say and he knew you meant about dating Jay
"If it does don't worry about it, you will always hold a place in my heart Angel no matter what happens with you and I" Carlos said
"And you'll always be in mine, are we still friends?" You say and ask
"Always" Carlos said
You both stay there for a while talking and then he tells you that he has to go and you nod ok.
You hug him before he leaves and he sends you a smile. When he leaves you sigh knowing that is one thing sorted but in a good way. You then text Jay telling him that you need to talk to him and he said ok he will be there soon.
You were nervous but when you hear knock on your door you know it's Jay. You tell him to come in and he quickly comes in closing the door. He sits down beside you and there is a silence before you break it
"I broke up with Carlos" you say and his eyes widen
"Wow" He said
"He knows you like me, and knows I need to think about everything" you say
"I am sorry I told you my feelings for you" Jay said
"I'm not, but I can't date you just yet, maybe in a few weeks" you say
"That's ok, take all the time you need I can wait" he says and you hug him.
He stays there for a few more minutes then he leaves and you know it's too talk to Carlos. You sigh when the door close and realise how much of an emotional day it has been but you are glad that it is all sorted out now and everything will turn out the way it is supposed to

_AngyDe_Vil_ thank you for requesting I hope it was what you wanted and you like it
I hope everyone enjoys

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