Jay & Eva

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When you heard that you, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos were heading to Auradon you were shocked you had gone to tell Harry about the news hoping you two could somehow stay together or at least part of as good friends. You loved Harry very much but you knew you had to do as your mother said.
When you finally found him you seen that he was kissing Uma. You walked up to him and he tried to explain but you didn't listen you told him bye and then walked away.

The day you left Jay had seen you were not yourself and ask you but you told him you were fine. He looked as if he didn't believe you but left it. You both got into the limo and your eyes widened at all of the sweets. You take a few and just talk about what it would be like you seen Evie try and put make up on Mal. And you seen Mal shrug her off. Evie topped her own make up. The journey to Auradon took a while but you didn't mind as you got away from everything that happened.

Your first few days at Auradon weren't too bad your mind was focused on Harry and Uma. Jay found you and ask you what was wrong. You looked at him and you just burst out crying. You cried for a while and when you finally calmed down you told Jay that the day you going out you had to leave you went to find Harry to tell him the news and you found him and Uma kissing. You seen Jay hot angry and you told him he tried to explain but you just walked out.
Jay told you that you did the right thing that Harry was an idiot for doing that to you.

That all happened about two months backs and since then a lot of things have changed since then and you have got over Harry.
Over the past lot of weeks you have been spending more time with Jay and you have started to fall for him. The only problem is that you don't know if he likes you too

You decided to ask Evie and Mal if they know anything and surprisingly they don't you can tell whenever your sister and Evie lie. You decided to ask Carlos and you knew he did when he couldn't look you in the eye.
You ask him where Jay was and he told you at the tourney field you tell him thank you. You run quickly to see if he is still there which he is you walk up to him and say hi.
"Hey Eva" he said
"How are you?" You ask
"I'm good. Is everything ok?" He said and asks
"There is something I want to tell you but I am not sure how too" you say
"Actions speak louder than words" he said
You smiled at that and then kissed him. He kissed back and for a few moments you stayed like that. When you broke apart you couldn't stop smiling.
"So I take it you like me too?" You ask
"Without a doubt" Jay replied. You smile and hug him which he returns.

What you hadn't known was that Carlos, Evie and Mal where there watching. Evie was excited Mal was shocked and Carlos just knew.
When you both turned to leave you seen them there and just sent a smile.
You and Jay walked down to them and he took your hand in his.
Not a word was said you all just went your own ways and you knew that Mal and Evie will be questioning you later.

That night you couldn't get to your own room quick enough as Evie was so excited she ask any question that she could think off. You couldn't help but laugh and then said goodnight.

A few months have gone by and you and Jay have been going strong. But recently your mind has been on Mal. You knew she was stressed out about everything. You have tried talking to her but she just says she can't do it anymore you know what she means but you didn't think that she would ever leave. But when Evie came and told you she did you immediately changed from your Auradon clothes into your Isle clothes

 But when Evie came and told you she did you immediately changed from your Auradon clothes into your Isle clothes

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You, Evie, Carlos, Jay and Ben all went to the Isle to get Mal back. Since it was Ben's first time being on the Isle you all made sure to keep on him. When you reached your old place Ben went up to talk to her but came back and said she wasn't coming back. You and Evie go up but she told you both no. You walk down to see the boys there looking hopeful but you shake your head saying no.
You look around and see there is something wrong
"Guys where's Ben?" You ask
"Ben! Ben!" Evie calls you see a figure up thinking it's Ben so you speak
"Ben don't scare us like that" you say
"Don't scare you, but that's my specialty" you hear a familiar voice
"Harry" you say
"What did you to with Ben?" Jay ask
"Oh eh, I nicked him yeah and if you want to see him again have Mal come to the chip shop tonight alone, Uma wants a little visit" Harry says then looks at Jay.
"Aw Jay seems like you lost your touch" Harry said jay went to lunge at him but you stopped him and Harry laughed. He barked at Carlos and the left.

You all went up to Mal and told her what happened. She freaked out and then you, Evie and the boys stayed there while she went to Uma.

When she came back she said we need to get the wand of Ben is fish bait. Jay and Carlos went to Auradon and made a replica of the actual wand and came back.
The next day Mal and Uma made the trade but when Uma found out the wand was fake a sword fight happened and you and Harry were fighting.
"Hello lass" he said
"Been a while" you say
"Yes it has" he replied
"What do you want Harry?" You ask
"A second chance. I was stupid to cheat with Uma I'm sorry" he said
"I don't care you kissed another girl and that was the worse thing that could possibly happen to me" you say making sure you dodge every shot
"I know I screwed up but I'm sorry" he said
"Why should I believe you?" You ask
"I love you" he said yes you froze
Jay seen what was happening so he came over and he and Harry started a fight.
"Eva please believe me" Harry said
"You know how long I waited to hear that, too long" you say
"Please" he said
"No" you say
Jay punches him in the face and before he can attack Jay you do the same making him fall over board

You seen that everyone was leaving so you and Jay followed them and got into the limo driving back to Auradon. You knew you made the right choice staying with jay. And you wouldn't regret it.

I hope you like it. And it is what you wanted

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