Y/N & Gil

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(In this Ben wasn't kidnapped and Mal never went to the Isle)
Being the daughter of Belle and Beast and Ben's younger sister means that you have to act like a proper lady at all times. Which sometimes was ok but other times you just wanted to get away from it all you hated having your picture being taken all the time you had felt that even if you stumbled on one of your heels it will be in Auradon Newsletter you had felt if that happened you would be judged so you always made sure you didn't.
You were tired of having people follow you everywhere it was frustrating. Although the paparazzi weren't the only people who made your life full of frustration, Chad the son of Cinderella and Audrey daughter of sleeping Beauty always tried to make you feel bad about yourself which worked but you never let it show, they always teased you about anything they could think of but you never shed a tear about it as you were to proud too and you never wanted anyone to see you weak. You were always polite but you did always speak your mind and sometimes got in trouble for it. One thing like your mother is you life to read so that helps you stay calm.
Today was gonna be a day where all paparazzi will be there. There is also a big party happening tonight to welcome them. The new group of VKs arrive and being Ben's sister you had to attend. You were in your room looking for a dress to wear

Once you were dressed you made your way to the front of the school

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Once you were dressed you made your way to the front of the school. You and your brother both greeted each other and you smoothed your dress down as the limo pulled up. Once the limo stopped the driver got out of it and opened the door for the new VKs. As soon as it opened a girl who could be no more than 14 maybe 13 stepped out and hugged Mal and Evie. Then a girl with blue hair stepped out, a boy with a pirate hat on and a long red coat stepped out and finally a boy who had blond hair and war paint on his face and had a big smile also.
"Hi I'm King Ben, but please just call me Ben" Ben said
"Hi, I'm Dizzy" the young girl said
"Pleasure to meet you" Ben said smiling
"I am sure you all know, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos, this is my younger sister Y/N" Ben said gesturing towards you.
"It is a pleasure to meet you all, how do you do?" You say and ask giving a small curtsy
"How do we do what?" The boy with war paint asked
"You'll have to excuse Gil he isn't the smartest of pirates" the girl with blue hair said and you smile
"I apologise, but what did you mean?" the boy known as Gil ask slightly embarrassed and a few people giggled.
"Leave him alone there was a time when you all didn't know what that meant so don't try and be mean or laugh about it" you say annoyed you glared and they stopped.
"Y/N, calm down" Ben said quietly touching your arm you seen cameras everyone, you knew you needed to calm down before you got in trouble you sigh and turn to face Gil.
"I had asked you how are you" you say
"Oh I am great thank you, by the way it's nice to meet you" Gil said putting his hand out for you to shake which you did. You felt something when you did so you quickly pull your hand back.
"I'm Uma" the girl with blue hair said and you shook her hand
"Harry Hook, pleasure to meet ye" the boy with the red coat said bowing then quickly standing up
"Still a charmer as always eh Harry?" Mal asked
"Mal ye should know it is my nature to bow in respect" Harry said
"I think it is time for you all to get settled in
Y/N will you please show Gil and Harry to their room while Evie shows Dizzy and Uma to theirs" Ben said
"Yeah of course" you say and you tell the boys to follow you.
While you are showing them to their room they take in their surroundings and ask some questions which you answer as best as you could. When you got to their room you unlock the door for them and then hand them their keys.
"It's plain" Harry said
"You can decorate it however you want but no paint" you tell them you seen Harry was about to speak but Gil spoke before him
"That's fine, thank you Y/N" Gil said and you smiled
"Apologies that you can't paint it but posters or anything like that are allowed" you tell harry
"Good enough" Harry said
"I'll leave you guys too unpack" you say
"Thank you" they both said and you sent them a smile
"Can I ask a question?" Harry asked
"Sure" You reply
"What is all the posters about a party tonight?" Harry asked
"It is to welcome you guys" You say
"Cool" Gil said
"That'll be fun" Harry said
"Yes, I'll see you boys later" you say
You decide to go back to your room and get the recent book you have been reading then went to the canteen and got yourself a fruit salad and a glass of orange juice before going to the courtyard and finding a table to sit at. When you found one you sat down and picked up where you left of in your book. You were so absorbed in your book you didn't notice anyone sitting next to you until they took your book of you. You look to see Chad and Audrey
"Can I have my book back?" You ask Audrey
"How do you find this interesting?" Audrey asked
"It's mystery" you tell her
"There isn't any pictures or even a small sketch" Chad said and you roll your eyes
"Some people like to use their imagination" You say
"You know if you read to much you'll miss out on the world" Audrey said
"Is that so bad?" You ask
"Yes" Audrey said
They stayed there a few more minutes annoying you. You were about to say something else before you could they got up and left while they were walking away Audrey threw your book to the side into the mud. And she and Chad laughed. You sighed and waited until they were out of view.  You got up and walked over to get your book but someone had it in their hands before you could. You stood up and see Gil smiling at you.
"I think this belongs to you" He said handing it to you
"Yes thank you" you reply
"They are mean to you" He said
"Yeah they are" you tell him.
"Look in that direction" he said and you see Harry talking to Audrey and Chad you see that they look scared you see Harry lift his hook up and also Audrey and Chad nodding before quickly running away. Harry came up to you and Gil smirking
"What did you do?" You ask
"Nothing much, I just told them that we heard their conversation with you and that you are more of a princess than Audrey will ever be" he said
"And with your hook?" You ask
"Oh I told them if they are mean to you again they will be getting hooked" Harry said
"Thank you" you say
"You are welcome, Gil has something he'd like to ask you" Harry replied and said
"Harry!" Gil said annoyed
"Bye" harry said and left
You and Gil walked over to where you were sitting before and there was a moment of silence. Until you broke it you asked him what did he need to asked you and you seen he blushed which you thought he looked cute. After a minute he cleared his throat and then spoke
"I was wondering if you'd be my date tonight?" He ask
"I'd love that" you say  and he smiles. He says bye and you go to your room looking for a dress for tonight

After a few hours you were ready for the party. You heard a knock on your door and you open it to see Gil

(Ignore the bag)"You look handsome" you say "You look beautiful" he told you

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(Ignore the bag)
"You look handsome" you say
"You look beautiful" he told you

(Ignore the bag)"You look handsome" you say "You look beautiful" he told you

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You both made your way to the ball room and everyone's eyes went on you. You walk down the steps and go to Ben and the others.
"Wow you look gorgeous" Mal said
"Thank you" you reply.
A slow song came on and everyone started to dance. Through the song Gil had asked if you'd be his girlfriend and you said yes

@MelaysiaDollars thank you for requesting I hope it was what you wanted. Hope everyone enjoys

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