Y/N & Harry part 2

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(In a previous y/n & Harry, Harry had gone to NeverLand with the two groups of VKs. Jane, Lonnie, Ben, Chad, Fairy Godmother and Queen Ariel, he fell in love with you and promised to come back)

It has been two months since Harry had came to NeverLand, two months since you had spent a few days with him, fallen in love with him and kissed him. You have been holding on to the promise he gave you that he will return but you are slowly losing hope that he will return. He did give you his word but you wondered if he has forgotten all about you even though he said he wouldn't. Every day when you aren't studying you go to the waterfall where you and him had spent so much time together. You thought about your time with Harry and you smiled at the memory.
You had just finished getting ready and you were going to the waterfall it was peaceful there which you loved. You smiled at your appearance before leaving.

You were walking to the waterfall saying hi to a few fairies as you past them

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You were walking to the waterfall saying hi to a few fairies as you past them. You also picked an apple for yourself to eat since you skipped breakfast and when you got to the water fall your eyes widened at who was there sitting on the rocks you sit on. You couldn't believe it you had blinked a few times before smiling. You seen that they hadn't noticed you so you flew in the air and smile before speaking.
"Hi" You say and they jump turning round and you land on the rocks making the person smile.
"Hi" they say and you throw yourself in their arms hugging them and they instantly hugged you back. You had both stayed like that for a few minutes before letting go
"I missed you so much" you say
"I missed ye as well love"  he says
"You really came back Harry" you say
"I told ye I would" He replied
"I was losing hope it's been so long" you say
"I am sorry for that love, I couldn't get back because of school but good news school is done and I am back" he said
"I'm so glad you are" you say
"Me too lass" he said he sits on the rocks again but brings you to his knee and puts one hand on your waist and the other on your cheek around your neck and brings you closer you smile he brings you until you are an inch apart then he closes the small gap between you two. Your hands go around his neck and tug on his hair making him groan he does the same to you and you moan making him smirk. After a few minutes you pull back and he kisses down your jaw to your neck you tilt your head to give him more access he kisses your neck  and you moan when he finds your sweet spot. He gives it a few light kisses before giving you a light kiss on your lips before putting his forehead against yours.
"That was better than the last time we kissed" he said out of breath
"Yes it was, are you going to leave again?" You say and ask breathless as well
"If I do I am bringing ye with me but no I am staying" he said and you smiled
"How have ye been?" He asked his breath back
"I've been good, learned a lot of magic and also been flying around" you say
"That's good love" he said
"How have you been?" You ask
"Better now that I'm here with ye love" he said and you put your head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of your head a few times. After a few moments you lift your head and put on hand on his cheek and he put his hand on top of yours.
"Y/N!" You hear a familiar voice say
"Oh, I have to go now" you say quickly moving off his knee he stood up and grabbed your hand
"Who is that?" He ask
"My father I must go" You say trying to get out of his grip
"Does he know?" Harry asked you knew he meant about you and him falling for each other when you didn't say anything for a few minutes he knew his answer and let go of your hand
"Harry please..." you start but he interrupts you
"Ye have to go" he said and you see hurt in his eyes but it quickly disappeared and his eyes had darkened
"I doubt your father knows that you and I met either" you say before he could reply you fly away and go to see your father since he has been at different places in NeverLand keeping it safe.
You had got beside your father and hugged him  tightly
"I missed you Daddy" you say
"I missed you too Y/N"  he replied
"How was your journey?" You ask
"It was great, I had also gone to pixie hallow the Queen needed my help but it's all sorted" your dad said
"Great, listen there is something I need to tell you" you say
"Of course I want to know everything that has happened since I've been gone" Your dad said. He is been gone a few months. You both had gone to the top of a cliff that had a full view off NeverLand.
"So what has been going on?" Your dad ask
"Ok well about two months I made a new friend" you said
"Great what are they like?" He said and asked
"Really great, I've a lot in common with him, when he first came he came with a few classmates with school and I played my favourite game with him" you say
"Hide and seek in plain sight" he said smiling and you nod yes.
You tell your dad that you had told him you would show yourself for a sword fight and he agreed so you started fighting him and he was like a perfect match to you
"What is the boys name?" Your dad asked and you stayed quiet
"You were more than friends" he stated
"We hung out a lot while he was here, he was supposed to be with his friend and looking around NeverLand but since he was with me I took him and he learned a few things and he told his friend" you say
"But..." your dad said knowing there is more
"But we fell for each other and on the first night we kissed" you said
"Sweetie look at me" your dad said so you did
"Who is he?" He ask
"His name is Harry, Harry Hook" you say quietly but he still hears you
"Have you seen him again?" Your dad ask
"He is back today I seen him and he kissed me again and then you called, he is mad at me since you don't know about him but I know his dad wouldn't know either so it's all messed up" you said
"Y/N you know that Pans and Hooks don't associate" your dad said
"I know, but when I met him I didn't care you and his dad are enemies it felt right" you say looking away
There was a silence for a few minutes and you knew it was because your dad was in deep thought about what you had just said after a few more moments he had asked you if you believed Harry was really worth a chance and you told him yes, he sighed and then spoke.
"Go and talk to him and if you and him make up invite him to dinner" your dad said and you looked at him shocked
"Shocking I know but if it felt right to be with him then I can't object to you being in love with him" your dad said
"Thank you daddy" you said
"You're welcome sweetie, go to him and talk and I'll see you later" you dad said and you hugged him which he instantly returned before kissing your cheek you then went to find Harry. You checked near the waterfall first to see if he would still be there but he wasn't. You started flying around checking different places that you took him, and the last place you took him was the sea where the Jolly Roger used to be docked. You weren't there and you smiled seeing that you found him you silently land on the ground and silently walk over to him. You sit down and there is a silence for a few minutes you were about to speak but he had before you
"Why are ye here?" He ask not looking at you
"Looking for you" You reply
"Ye found me, what do ya want?" He said and asked
"To talk to you" you reply
"There is nothing to talk about" he said
"Yes there is, about earlier" you say
"Ye said that ye didn't care that I am a Hook and ye is a Pan" he said still not looking at you
"I don't" You say
"Then why did ye not tell ye's dad before? He ask
"I doubt your dad knows" you say and he finally looks at you but with an unreadable expression
"Actually he does, about a week after we got back, Fairy Godmother had allowed us to go to the Isle to see our parents not that it went well, it was the same. But it was worse for me" Harry said
"Why?" You ask
"Cause I told my dad that I took a school trip to NeverLand and he was not happy about it, he told me that he hoped I stayed with Gil or Uma" he said
"What did you say?" You ask he looked back at the sea and told you he said to his dad that he didn't he spent it with a girl show he fell in love with only after a few days that his dad asked who he had fell in love with and he told you that he said the daughter of Peter Pan. Harry took a breath before continuing saying that his dads eyes darkened and said that he is forbidden to see you but he told you that he said to his dad was that once school was over he was going to NeverLand and his dad said if he does hen he will not be allowed to step foot on the Isle or on the ship again, he told you he told his dad that it was fine with him he loved you and he wasn't giving up on coming back to NeverLand to be with you. When he finished talking you were in shock you didn't know what to say
"Harry please look at me" you say and he sighs but shifts so he is, you seen his eyes were still darkened you didn't know what to say so you acted on instinct and put your hand behind his neck bringing him into a kiss, you expected him to push you away but he kissed back and brought his hands to your waist bring you closer to him. He pulled back a few minutes later so you could both catch your breath and in you were about to talk but he kissed you again and you kissed back, he gently pushed you down so you were lying on the ground and he was over the top of you, you lean up and tug on his hair making him groan. After a few more minutes you pull back and you both catch your breath. You sit up again and he brings you between his legs you seen his eyes were back to normal
"I'm sorry, I left before you could explain earlier" you say
"It's ok, but why doesn't your dad know?" He said and ask
"He does I told him before I came here" you say
"Why not before?" Harry asked
"He's been around different parts of NeverLand making sure it is safe and he had to go to Pixie Hallow to help the Queen there, he's been gone since before you came the first time" you say and he immediately felt guilty
"I'm sorry love, I shouldn't have gotten mad" he said
"It's fine, listen he did tell me to find you and if things worked out, invite you to dinner" you say
"Really?" He ask
"Yeah, so if you want to come to dinner later you can" You say
"I'd love that lass" he said and you smile
You and Harry spend a few hours together he tells you about what is happening in Auradon and that he was actually able to graduate making you laugh as he said that. You tell him your aunt TinkerBell had tutored you in schooling and also taught you magic. You also tell him that since your dad was keeping NeverLand safe he is the king and one day you will have to be queen. He ask about that and you tell him everything that you know and he nods.
You ask him for the time and he shows you his pocket watch you tell him that you and him should get going as it is almost time for dinner and he nods.
You both start walking back to your place and he smiles seeing that you live in a tree that you dad turned into a house when he came here. You both go down the entrance and you see your dad setting the table
"Hi dad" you say and he turns around
"Hey sweetheart" he said and he notices Harry
"You must be Harry" your dad said
"Yes sir, Harry Hook" he said and gave a slight bow quickly before standing up straight
"It's nice to meet you Harry" your dad said
"Nice to meet you as well sir" Harry said and they shook hands.
"Right well let's eat before this gets cold, I'll get drinks" your dad said and you and Harry go to the table, Harry pulls your chair out and pushes you back in before sitting down himself. Your dad then comes back with drinks and you all begin eating. Your dad ask Harry told tell him about himself and where he grew up, Harry exchanged a worried glance with you but you just nod and he nods back before speaking.
He tells your dad about the Isle and what it was like growing up and about how he got to go to Auradon, your father listened carefully making you smile and then your dad started to tell Harry stories about you growing up and making him laugh at some of them he started to tell Harry about the first time you tried to fly
"She knew she needed faith, trust and pixie dust but because she was just a kid we didn't let her fly but she wasn't taking no as an answer so she had gone to the beach and grabbed sand" your dad said
"Oh no please stop" you say but your dad didn't listen
"We couldn't find her but TinkerBell had seen her after a while so she was on a rock near the water and put the sand over her and tried to fly but ended up falling into the water, luckily it was only as you start to go in since she still couldn't swim" your dad said and Harry started laughing along with your dad
"Ye seriously did that?" He ask
"I was four" you said
"Shame I missed that" harry said
"I'd love to hear some stories about you" you say
"Sorry lass, no embarrassing stories, was trained to be a pirate from about 4 and cause trouble" Harry told you
"I bet if you learned how to fly now you'd fall" you say
"I'm a quick learner lass" he said
"That's not a bad idea" your dad said
"What?" You ask
"Teaching him how to fly, I am sure he won't use it like Captain Hook" your dad said
"My dad flew?" Harry ask confused
"To battle against me but he failed, as long as you don't take advantage of it I'm sure you can learn" your dad said
"I'd like that" Harry said
"I'll teach you" you say
"Are you here to stay Harry?" Your dad ask
"Yes sir, I am in love with your daughter and leaving two months back to finish school was the hardest thing I've ever had to do" harry said
"Does your dad know?" Your dad ask
"He does, but he doesn't approve he made it clear that I am not welcome to the Isle or the Jolly Roger but I don't care" Harry said
"I am sorry that happened but I'll let you in on a secret" your dad said
"It's fine, what would that be?" Harry said and ask
"The Jolly Roger is here in NeverLand in a hidden place of course, TinkerBell used magic to duplicate it, it was a priceless thing the king said that every thing the pirates owned had to go to the Isle but the Jolly Roger was here when his dad arrived and I made sure it stayed it belonged her and also I made sure it stayed for the right Captain to sail it" Your dad said
"Who would that be?" Harry ask
"You" He said and Harry's eyes widened
"How do ye know?" Harry asked your dad
"You came back for a good reason, to me that seems like you can be a good captain" your dad said
"So Captain Hook but the nicer one" you say
"If he wants to be" your dad said
"I'd be a honoured" Harry said and you all smiled.

The night had gone brilliantly and you were glad your dad approved of Harry, you knew you wanted to be with him for a long time, maybe make him your king one day but that was a long while for now you still had a bit to learn and you knew having your dad and Harry with you that would be the best thing for you and  NeverLand

@gabrielllhgarciaa thank you for requesting I part 2 I hope it was what were expecting

I hope everyone enjoys

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