Ellie & Thomas

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(A quick apology to any reader that has this name mentioned in the story)

You and Thomas have been dating for a year now and it has been the best year of life you couldn't be any happier. Thomas has just dropped you back home from a date and you noticed he wasn't all the interested when you ask he told you that he was just in a tired mood and you tell him okay. He sent you a smile and pays for the meal he takes you to your favourite park and you both walk around and start talked about whatever came to mind.

You went to your room and got changed and thought about what happened during your date you realise that Thomas was on his phone texting a lot. You didn't want to think he was cheating on you. You knew it could have been work but then you then you thought that since it's after hours why would it be. You then thought maybe a friend but the last thing that came to your mind was that there was another girl. You started crying at the thought of him cheating. After a while you went to bed and tried to sleep but all the negative thoughts kept you awake.  The next day you called into work and told them something personal came up they told you to take the time you need since you are never off  you told them thank you.

For the next few days you avoid Thomas's phone calls you stay home and  when he comes over to see if your ok then ignore him and he eventually walks away.
The next day he comes back again and you get annoyed of him knocking on the door you open it and he sees your sad expression.
"Can I come in?" He ask you nod and let him in
You both walk into the living room and sit down
"Why are you ignoring me?" He ask
"Why are you bored on dates?" You ask
"I'm not being with you is everything to me" Thomas said
"You were on your phone constantly on our last date" you tell him
"It was just a friend" he said. You were about to ask something else when his phone lit up and it was a text message.
Hey baby-Addison
"Who is Addison?" You ask
"A friend" he said
"Seems more" you say
"It's not how it looks" Thomas said
"I think it is you are cheating on me" you say you see he didn't say anything and you sigh
"Get out" you say
"Ellie.." he started
"Get out. We need a break" you say and he tries to kiss your cheek but you pull back and he looks guilty before leaving.
When the door closes you break down in tears having your suspicions confirmed. You wondered how could he cheat on you. Did you do something you to make him. All the thoughts just made you cry you locked your door and watched movies to try and keep your mind off him but couldn't. You were getting text from China, Dove and Sofia asking why haven't you been active lately and you text them saying Thomas cheated on you. They all send 'omg!!!' and let you know they will be handling Thomas you tell them nothing to extreme and they say ok.
A little while later you hear a knock on the door. You look out the peephole and see it's Dove and Sofia you unlock it and let them in you ask them where China is and they tell you to get cleaned up because they are taking you to set. You tell them no thank you since Thomas would be there and they tell you that they will keep him away from you. You say ok and go freshen up.

When you came downstairs you, Sofia and Dove make your way to the set

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When you came downstairs you, Sofia and Dove make your way to the set. When you arrive you see the Thomas is being yelled at by China. You look away and follow Sofia and Dove to Sofia's dressing room then a few minutes later China arrived beside you.
They ask you how you found out and you explain everything and when you finish they hug you. The four of you stay there talking until they are called for a scene. You scroll through Twitter and see the name Addison posting on Thomas's wall and you see he hasn't replied to any of her tweets recently but you didn't care you just continued scrolling and after a while put your phone down. You hear Sofias door open a few minutes later thinking it's her. When you look up you see Thomas.
"Please go away" you say
"Can't we talk?" He ask
"I don't think so" you say
"Ellie please" he said
"What's there to talk about?" You ask
"You know what" he said
"No actually I don't. I don't know what would even make you cheat on me" you say tears threatening to fall but you hold them back then you see a mark on his face it's faded because of make up but it's there.
"What happened to your face?" You ask
"China slapped me" he said you were about to say something else but he interrupted
"I deserved it and I hadn't meant to cheat on you. Addison was new in L.A and I showed her around. When she got to her destination she kissed me and I pulled back the next day she wanted to apologise and I told her we're friends and I don't know what happened" he said
"We've been dating for a year" you say
"I know I regret it. Baby all the hate got to me and I figured you'd find someone better I'm sorry" Thomas said
"You're the best I could get" you say
"I love you baby. I'm very sorry" Thomas said
"What about Addison?" You ask
"I won't talk to her anymore. I called her and said it can't happen any more" Thomas said you didn't speak
"Please forgive me baby. I love you" he said.
"I forgive you. I love you too" you say. He kissed you and you kissed back.
When the day ended Thomas took you out on a date and he had his phone on silent so no message would be known. He made the night all about you and at the end of it told you he loved you.

I hope you like it
Hope everyone enjoys

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