Carlos & Shianne

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Being the daughter of Cinderella you have a lot of your mums qualities but you are also very shy so when the VKs had came over you got very nervous around them. You hadn't started to get to close to them until after Ben's coronation of becoming king.

You had started to hang out with Carlos every day and as the day you had gone by you started to fall for him. When Carlos ask you out you were quite shocked and hadn't known what to do so you ran you knew that he was hurt but you weren't expecting him to ask you out.
He had found you a little while later and ask if you were ok. You told him you were and that you were sorry that you ran off but you got scared. He ask you why were you scared. And you tell him that because you are shy and he tells you that's one thing about you he finds cute making you smile.

All this happened about four months ago and you and Carlos are still together which you couldn't be more happy about. Your brother wasn't too happy when  he found out you were dating Carlos because he didn't trust them but when your parents found out they told chad that he should give Carlos a chance because you were happy with him. After a few reluctant minutes chad said ok and Carlos was glad your parents had accepted him.

You think back to your first date you and Carlos had gone to the amusement park you got on almost every ride you could. Right now he was trying to win you a stuff animal which you loved. After a few attempts he got you a stuff dolphin and you told him thank you. He told you that you were welcome and you both go one more thing before you have to leave and that is the Ferris wheel
"Carlos thank you for tonight" you tell him
"You are welcome but it isn't over yet" he told you
"I know but I am having a lot of fun and in case I forget later I thought I'd tell you" you say
"I know you wouldn't but you are welcome" he said you put your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder while you were on the Ferris wheel.
When you reach the ground he gets out first then puts his hand out for you take so he can help you down and you do. Once your down you both start walking back to the entrance since it was time for you to go back to Auradon Prep.

You smile at the memory as it is your favourite date. Each date he has made you feel so special and you knew you were falling in love with him. You looked at your clock and see that it was almost midnight so it was time to sleep you close your eyes and go into a peaceful sleep reliving all of your dates with Carlos when all of the sudden it turns bad you aren't sure why but you begin to have a bad dream about Carlos breaking up with you and leaving you for another girl you try to go back to the good times but you mind doesn't stop there you see that in your dream you are losing all of your friends. You didn't know what to do you tired running away in your dream but anywhere you went something bad was happening. You don't know how long you were running for but eventually you woke up panting and also crying.

You seen it was after four in the morning and tried to go back to sleep the next morning when you wake up you quickly get changed and you think about your nightmare last night

You seen it was after four in the morning and tried to go back to sleep the next morning when you wake up you quickly get changed and you think about your nightmare last night

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Once you are dressed you go and get some breakfast and when you got there you seen that Carlos and the VKs haven't arrived yet which you were happy about. While you were eating last night kept playing in your mind you kept thinking if Carlos would actually break up with you and that would you lose your friends. You had really hoped not the thought of all of this had made you to start breathing heavy again you quickly too water to calm yourself down and then you seen Carlos and the VKs come in. They walked over to you and ask if you were ok as you looked tired you told them you were then got up and left.
You go to your room and lock the door. What you hadn't known was that everyone ran after you and not to long after you locked your door they started knocking it asking for you to let them in. You didn't say anything you just kept silent because you didn't know what to say. You didn't know if you should say anything about your nightmare in case they really do leave. When you realise that they have left you grab your pillow and scream into it making the scream muffled after a few seconds you stopped.

You just lay on your bed thinking of what to do you eventually fall asleep and you don't realise that outside Jay and Carlos are trying to pick the lock. Jay succeeded a few seconds later and then they quietly opened the door seeing you sleep. They sit on the chairs until you wake up as they were curious to what was wrong when you woke up you and  you seen them there
"Why are you guys here?" You ask
"We came to see if you were ok" Jay replied
"Why wouldn't I be?" You ask
"Because you ran away earlier when we ask and we were concerned" Carlos said walking over to the bed and sitting next to you.
"I am fine" you say
"Are you really?" Carlos ask
"Yes I just didn't sleep last night" You say
"Oh well alright then. Did something happen?" Jay said and ask
"No just thinking of memories" You say
"Ok then. You still look sleepy so get some rest and we will hang out later?" Carlos ask and said
"Everyone?" You ask with a smile
"Everyone" He replied.
He gave you a kiss on the cheek and Jay gave you a hug before leaving you to get some more sleep.
You let out a sigh you hadn't known you were holding in and relaxed. You put on some music and clear your mind from everything that happened recently which you were finally able to do.

@aphmau202 thank you for requesting I hope it was what you want.
I hope everyone enjoys

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