Eirka & Harry part 2

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You and Harry have been dating for 3 years now and everything had been going perfect. You both did have your fights here and there but it was never anything serious until recently. The fight you and Harry had made you go out of Auradon and to the Isle. You still had your leather clothes so you didn't need to change much. But being here you became pure evil and  had acted in a way you never thought you would. You have caused a lot of trouble and also got into a few fights which you never thought you would be in one never mind a few of them.
From how you changed people had believed that you are Scars daughter you are just like him which you find a little scary but you knew you had to be bad to be able to survive the Isle. You remember Harry telling you about it. You were on a rooftop thinking about the fight you and Harry had a few days ago.
You were getting ready for a ball that your parents were hosting so you knew you had to wear a dress which you weren't thrilled about but you knew it was only for one night you were dressed you smoothed down your dress and then smiled at your appearance in the mirror

 You were getting ready for a ball that your parents were hosting so you knew you had to wear a dress which you weren't thrilled about but you knew it was only for one night you were dressed you smoothed down your dress and then smiled at your app...

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You had made your way out of your room to the top of the stair case in the ballroom were you would be introduced to everyone there.
You first heard Chad name being called and he made his way down the steps walking over to Audrey.
"And now introducing Princess Y/N" The Grand Duke announced
You gave a slight curtesy before making your way down the stairs slowly so you didn't fall when you reached the bottom of the stairs you see Harry step forward and gave you a slight bow and you gave a slight curtesy for a second. He put his hand out for you to take and you took it before you both made your way away from the staircase. The Grand Duke introduced your parents then music had began and you both started to dance you see Chad and Audrey dancing and also your parents. You turn back to Harry when you spin back close to him.
"Ye looks beautiful" he said
"Thank you, you look quite handsome" you say

"Thank ye" he replied "I am glad you came" You say "Why wouldn't I?, I get to spend the night with you" He ask and said "I am just happy to spend time with you" you say Which was partly true, although now that you are finished with high school you...

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"Thank ye" he replied
"I am glad you came" You say
"Why wouldn't I?, I get to spend the night with you" He ask and said
"I am just happy to spend time with you" you say
Which was partly true, although now that you are finished with high school your parents are hoping to have you married, they did accept Harry since your mother was a housemaid before she and your father met, they knew that there is more to people than meets the eye. They also weren't happy that Chad wasn't very supportive but that was dealt with.
Although something you haven't told Harry is that you are supposed to be married by the week after your 21st birthday. Which was approaching fast you only had a few months left. Harry had already turned 21 a few weeks ago so that wasn't an issue.
But you didn't want him to feel pressured that he felt he had to marry you, you wanted him marry you because he loves you. Although that was one thing you didn't know if he would want to marry you or not so you had to find out. That was one of the reasons for this ball, your parents were hoping that you and Harry would get engaged, you had felt it was ironic though, when your father was your age he had I find a bride from having a ball and although he fell in love with your mother he hadn't known who she was until he seen that she had fit the glass slipper.
You and Harry continued to dance when a song had finished you were out of breath and you had asked Harry to take a walk with you, he smiled and said he'd love too
You had to tell him tonight before he found out from someone else.
You both had gone to the fountain that your parents were at before your mother had to leave at the stoke of twelve.
There had been a moment of silence as you were thinking of how to talk to Harry about this he had noticed you were conflicted about something.
"Love what's wrong?" He ask
"What makes you think something is wrong?" You ask
"You are lost in thought and you look conflicted" he said and you sigh.
"What's the matter love?" He ask again and moves closer to you taking your hand in his.
"There is something I need to tell you and I am not sure how you will react" you say and he was confused
"You aren't breaking up with me are ye lass?" He ask
"No I'm not" You say and he sees a sad look in your eyes
"Ye are scaring me lass" he said and that made you shocked. Harry never got scared.
"I'm gonna be 21 in a few months" you say and he sighs
"Lass that isn't bad that's good" he said
"No it's not, because a week after my birthday I have to be married" you say and his eyes widen.
"Oh ok, wait married?!" he said and he exclaimed standing up facing you realising what you said
"Shh" You say
"Love who are you marrying?" He ask
"Harry...." you start
"Who are you marrying?!" He asked angrily
"Calm down" You say
"A Prince?" He ask
"No, I can marry whoever I wish, such as you" you say
"Love I thought the guy was supposed to ask that question" he said
"Look I don't want you to feel pressured into having to ask me so I didn't tell you" you say
"How long have you known?" He ask
"A while" you say
"Why didn't ye tell me!" He yelled
"I told you I didn't want you to feel pressured" you say
"Other than that!" He said angrily
"I didn't think you'd want to talk about it, that it would be on your mind" you say looking away from him
"As if I wouldn't be ready? Is that the reason for this ball tonight?" He ask when you said anything he knew his answer
"That isn't for you to decide, why didn't you tell me last year or something?! I could have been thinking about it!" He asked and said annoyed
"I'm sorry ok" you said standing up
"Lass we are not supposed to have secrets" he said and you seen a flash of hurt in his eyes
You stand up and take a step forward but he steps back, you try and put your hand on his cheek but he turns his head
"Harry...." you say
"Forget it lass" he said and turns to walk away but you grab his arm
"Where are you going?" You ask and he looks at you
"Home, I don't get why ye couldn't trust me we could have talked about it" he said
"I trust you" you say
"Not enough to tell me that ye are supposed to be married in a few months, what if I was ready" he said and your eyes widen
"Are you?" You ask
"You won't find that out, will you" He said pulling his arm from your grip
"Please don't leave" you say
"Sorry lass, but I'm done" he said
"Done as in?" You ask hoping it wasn't what you believed
"We are done" he said and walked away
"Harry! Harry come back!" You yell after him but he ignores you.

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