Carlos & Y/N

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You are the daughter of Roger and Anita Radcliffe
When the VKs came you were quite excited but also nervous as you heard that the son of Curella De Vil was coming. You knew that they were here to have a second chance when he met you he knew who you were instantly from your style of clothing.
When it was their first day of school you were ask to show them around and you of course said yes. That morning you were looking for an outfit that didn't seem to full on that you were Roger and Anita's Radcliffe daughter but you knew they knew but you also weren't very flashy so you looked for something that wasn't to out there.

You thought this would be ok so you went to the main entrance hall and seen their were waiting

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You thought this would be ok so you went to the main entrance hall and seen their were waiting.
You said hi to them and they said it back.
"Are you guys nervous or excited about your first day?" You ask
"Excited" Evie said
"Chilled by it" Jay told you
"Not really worried" Mal replied
"A little nervous" Carlos told you
"Don't worry you guys will enjoy it" you say
"Here's hoping" mal said
"Ok so let me see your class schedule and I'll show you your classes" you said. They all handed you them and you scanned over them quickly and seen they had your classes today up until lunch time. Then it was only Carlos.
"Ok so all of you have the same classes as me this morning up to lunch then after lunch the only one that has the classes with me is Carlos" you say
"You and I?" He ask
"Yeah. Mal, Jay and Evie have the same classes after lunch but it's just across the hall, lets go" you say.
They follow you and some students that past you looked at them in a rude way and you see them looking back and rolling their eyes
"Ignore them they are just not on board with what Ben is doing" you say
"What about you?" Carlos asks
"I'm excited to have you here, you all deserve a chance" you say
"Don't take this the wrong way but I thought that considering who your parents are and Carlos's mum you would be awkward around him" Jay said
"Carlos isn't the one who tired to turn dogs into coats so there's no need for me to be" you say. You seen him shiver when you said the word 'dogs'
"I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" You ask continuing walking
"We probably should have told you. Carlos isn't a fan of dogs" Evie said
"There's no dogs here right?" Carlos ask
"Yes their are two dude and dipstick but they are harmless" you say.

You reach your first class and all walk in and they find a seat. The lesson starts a few minutes later and it goes by without any trouble. You see that in your afternoon class with Carlos he keeps looking at you but you act like you don't notice.
At the end of their first week you hear the Jay and Carlos are trying out for the tourney team you go and watch. You see that Carlos is getting a little extra practice and you notice that dude is chasing after him. You and Ben ran after him and find him in a tree. You tell Ben that you got this and he says ok.

"Get that thing away from me"He said
"Have you ever seen a dog before?" You ask
"Why would I want to see a vicious animal?" He ask. You lifted dude in your arms
"He's not vicious" you say
"All dog lovers say that Carlos replied
"Who said they're vicious?" You ask
"My mother" he replied
"Cruella? Carlos please get down I promise you he isn't vicious" you ask and say.

He hesitates for a few moments but then gets down you seen he was still few steps back he kept looking back and forth to you and dude
"He isn't looking vicious" Carlos said
"He's not" you say
"You sure about that Radcliffe?" He ask smirking
"Positive De Vil" you reply.
"Go on, pet him" you say. Carlos let dude get his scent and then started to rub his head. You seen that he began to smile and start to like dude. You handed him over you Carlos and he looked at you unsure but you smiled encouragingly so he took him. You smiled at the sight.
"Why don't you and dude get to know each other and I will see you both later" you say
"I would also like to get to know you" Carlos said
"Well dude likes hanging in my room so maybe later on you two could come by and he could sleep while we talk" you suggest.
"I'd like that" he replied
"Great I'll see you later" you tell him and walked away.

A few hours have passed and you hear a knock on your door. You open it and see Carlos and dude you let them and and Carlos sats dude down. You close the door and you and Carlos sat on the bed and two begin to talk and get to know each other a lot more. You seen yourself falling for Carlos but considering who his mother is you knew he wouldn't like you back so you figured you should try and not let your feelings get stronger unfortunately you had a feeling that wouldn't happen.
After a few hours Carlos left and you told him he could take dude if he wanted and he smiled saying thank you and that he would see you tomorrow you said goodnight then he left.

About 3 months has past hand you had been spending so much time with him and you couldn't help thinking how cute he was. You hadn't know how Carlos felt about you so you ask Mal to give her the same love potion she used on Ben she said ok when you told her what it was for. She ask you why wouldn't you ask and you told her that you haven't dated since last year when you Kat boyfriend dumped you out of the blue she smiled in understanding and that night gave you the potion in cookies and the next day you walked up to Carlos and gave him a cookie. He instantly told you that he loves you and you told him the same.

It has been like this for a few weeks now you have had Carlos under the love spell. You had started to feel guilty about it. You figured that the love he had for you was real since it was a spell but you knew that you cared to much about him to keep him under this spell. You and him went to find Jane and you seen he at her locker.
"Jane, I need a favour" you say
"What is it?" She ask
"I need you to kiss Carlos" you say she was confused but did it anyway when she did it didn't work
"It didn't work" you say
"Why did you ask me to do that?" She ask
"He's under a spell and I thought you'd break it" you say
"Why don't you kiss him" she suggested.
You thought for a minute and then you kissed him. You felt him kissed you back when you broke the kiss you seen Jane had left and you realised that you were his true love.
He seemed confused and ask you what happened you sighed knowing you had to tell him the truth.

You began to tell them that you are in love with him and that you hadn't known how he felt and you so you use the same love spell as Mal did on Ben and that you were sorry you spelled him. You told them that you understand if he hates you. He told you he was upset but he did understand. You told him you wanted him to be himself as him again. You were about to walk away but he stopped you and pulled you I to a kiss after a quick make out session you pulled back he told you that he has been in love with you for a while now and that he would like you to be his girlfriend and also his date to cotillion. You smiled and you said yes to that you hug him and thank him for still wanting to be with you. You and him go back to your room and you talk so much onto the night that you both fall asleep in each other's arms.

@EmilyCorn2 thank you for requesting I hope you like it.

I hope everyone enjoys

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