Chloe & Carlos

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(Some of my own characters in this. Blaze son of Hades and Ryder son of Cheshire Cat)

You are the daughter of Mother Gothel and you were shocked to find out that you had gotten an invite to go to Auradon there was talk around the Isle that King Ben had a new list of VKs going to Auradon. When you received the invitation you had accepted it you didn't know who else was going you would find out when you got to the limo. You finished packing which wasn't much you went to were the limo was and seen there was Dizzy daughter of Drizella, Ryder son of Cheshire Cat and Blaze the son of Hades. You all got in the limo and the driver started to drive to Auradon. You looked at the group going and smiled you knew that the brew of the deserved a chance and you felt that you did too. You hung out with Blaze a lot since Evie, Jay, Carlos and Mal left for Auradon although you were very happy that you were getting to see your best friends again. You were a little more excited to see Carlos as you have had a crush on him for a while now and you had wanted to tell him before he left for Auradon but you never got the chance the only ones that know about your crush on Carlos are Mal and Evie you were hoping that they could help you find a way to tell Carlos about how you feel. The journey had taken a while so by the time you all had arrived there you were all sleeping. You were only awakened by Ryder when he woke up before you guys and see that you arrived.
"Are we here?" Dizzy ask
"Yeah we are" Blaze said
You all straighten yourselves up before stepping out of the limo. Dizzy runs to Evie and hugs her you smile at her reaction you walk over and hug and and then Jay and Carlos before hugging Evie while Ryder and Blaze just say hi and show their hands. Ben welcomes them and then Carlos is left to show you all around. He shows you to you all to your rooms. You and Dizzy are sharing a room while they boys share one. You tell Carlos thank you and he nods. You and Dizzy go in and unpack you both talk about what this place could be like.
When you both unpack you and her talk for a few hours then you hear a knock on your door. Dizzy opens it to see it is Evie and Mal she lets them in and they sit down beside you.
"So how are you going to do it?" Mal ask
"Do what?" Dizzy ask
"To tell Carlos that she likes him" Evie said
"Ohhh can I help?" Dizzy ask excitedly
"Of course" you tell her
The four of you spend time coming up with ways for you to tell Carlos that you have a crush on him. You say no to some of the ideas and agree on one which you will you. You were going to put a note in Carlos's locker saying that you like that and what you like about him and ask him to meet you at the bleachers at lunch.
You seen how late it was so you told them you would do it tomorrow and they said ok. You al go for a quick bite to eat and then you go to your rooms to sleep.

Unfortunately for you you hadn't arrived at the weekend so the next morning you and school you looked for an outfit for a few moments then decided on something

Unfortunately for you you hadn't arrived at the weekend so the next morning you and school you looked for an outfit for a few moments then decided on something

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"You look very pretty" you hear Dizzy say
"Thank you" you reply
"Chloe are you ok?" She ask
"A little nervous, come on" you reply. She gets her shoes on and you both started walking to your classes.
You walk to your first class and see that Jay, Carlos and Blaze are in it making you smile. You sat next to Blaze and the class went on without any problem. When the class was over you seen Carlos take out a book so you knew where his locker was. When he walked away you went to his locker and slide the note in.
You went to your next class which she Evie and Mal were in with you. You told them that you put the note in his locker and they got excited.
When lunch came you went to Carlos's locker and seen he was reading the note. You seen he was carefully reading what you wrote so you went to the bleachers.
I am too shy to tell you this in person so I thought a note would be a good idea.
I have a crush on you and I have for a long time now and I couldn't keep it in any longer. I need for you to know who I am.
If you want to know too then meet me at the bleachers at lunch and you'll find out. I have light brown hair, fair skin and ocean blue eyes.
The shy girl

You were waiting to see if he will come and you smile when you see him approaching you.
"Hi Carlos" You say
"Hi Chloe" he replied
He was taking in your appearance and after a few minutes his eyes widen in realisation
"You wrote the note" he said
"Yeah I did" you tell him
"You like me more than a friend?" He ask
"Yes I do" you tell him and he can sense hope in your voice
"Chloe, I care about you but I am not sure it is as more than friends" Carlos said you were instantly hurt and tried not to show it.
"Wow that's uh wow" you say
"Chloe.." he tried to start but you interrupted him
"No it's fine Carlos really, it's no problem" you say
"Chloe..."he tried again
"Please leave me alone. Ok. I just made an idiot of myself so please leave me alone" You say and walk away.
You walk away from any classes and go straight to your room. You make sure that no tears fall until you get to your room. When Mal and Evie realise you aren't in class they text you but get no reply. When school is over they come to your room with Dizzy and you tell them what happened. Evie gives you a hug and Dizzy gives you a bottle of water to take a drink so you'll calm down. You see Mal with an angry look in her eyes you knew Mal was angry when her eyes glowed green. She told you she would be back soon and you told her ok.
You didn't think about where she was going you just watched a movie with Evie and Dizzy (your favourite movie)
Mal came back and watched the movie with you guys and you didn't question her.

A little while later you heard a knock on your door and you opened it to see Carlos. You didn't know what to do you hear Evie ask who is it and you open the door fully and show them that it's Carlos.
"Why are you here Carlos?" Evie ask
"I need to talk to Chloe" Carlos said
"Not a good idea" Dizzy said
Carlos knew he was in trouble with the girls if Dizzy was mad.
"Please I just need too minutes" Carlos said
You look at the girls and exchanged looks before they nod and get up to leave
"Don't mess up" Evie said and he nodded scared
They walk out and close the door waiting outside you and Carlos sit down and there is silence until he breaks it
"I'm sorry for hurting you" Carlos said
"It's fine" you tell him
"No Chloe it's not I really hurt you. I broke your heart" Carlos said
"Yeah you did. I told you I liked you for a long time and you break it" You say
"I was wrong to do that and I was wrong as to what I said" Carlos told you
"I don't understand" you say
"Mal came by earlier and she told me she knew what happened between us and I tired to explain but she yelled at me saying how could I hurt you like that. What was I thinking and that you have always been there for me" Carlos said he took a breath before speaking again
"When she said that last part my mind went to thinking about everything in our past. You were always there when my mother treated me rotten you were there when a few thugs came after Jay and I and we had you save us." When he said that you laugh at the memory
"That when we were 13 you and I kissed because we wanted our first kiss to be with someone we knew for a long time and trusted" Carlos reminded you
"I remember but what are you saying?" You say and ask
"That I was an idiot earlier to not realise that I like you too and it took Mal to start yelling at me for me to realise it" Carlos said
"You really like me?" You ask
He looked at you for a second then he kisses you which last a second but you didn't care
"Does that answer your question?" He ask
"Perfectly" You say
He kissed you again and this time you kiss back when you pull away you hug him and are glad that he felt that way as you did. You both spent the rest of the afternoon together and you knew the girls left long ago.

@DISNEYFAN567 thank you for requesting I hope you like it.

I hope everyone enjoys

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