Mal & Harry

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(My own character in this, Atiqah is the daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider)

When Ben had been brought back to Auradon and after cotillion he had made a list for some VKs to come. First on his list was Dizzy thanks to Evie and second was Harry Hook and Gil was last on his list. Everyone was shocked he had brought his fathers enemies son along but he did say that Gil was quite harmless making everyone relax. The one they were very nervous about was Harry, no one knew what to expect and when Harry arrived with his hook in hand everyone had been in fear but didn't show it. The only ones that were calm at his presence were Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos. Lonnie had been a bit uneasy and Ben had been as well despite giving him a chance.
That happened a month ago but everyone still remembered it since Mal had to step in and calm things down.

The limo had just pulled up and when the door was opened and a young girl came out hugging Evie tightly and Atiqah smiled at the sight, next to step out was a boy with blonde hair and was paint on his face smiling widely and lastly was a boy with brown hair who was wearing a long red coat and ripped jeans and a ripped t shirt. Atiqah noticed the young girl stepped back so she could be introduced
"Welcome to Auradon Prep, I am Fairy Godmother the head mistress and I would like to say it is a pleasure to have the three of you here" Fairy Godmother said
"Hi, I'm Dizzy daughter of Drizella and I am so excited to be here" The young girl said and everyone couldn't help but smile.
"I'm Gil son Gaston nice to meet you" he said Atiqah then knew the second boy was Harry Hook but waited on him introducing himself although everyone seen he was looking suspicious making them uneasy
"This is Harry Hook" Gil said introducing him and Atiqah stepped forward and Harry snapped out of his thoughts
"Hi I'm Atiqah, daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider" She said
"Pleasure to meet ye" Harry said bowing slightly and Atiqah stood back feeling relaxed around him. She seen his attention had gone to Mal and Ben then Chad spoke
"So this is the boy who kidnapped Ben" Chad said
"Aye that would be me" Harry replied not looking away from Ben stepping towards him
"Ye is lucky that I never got the chance to hook ye, it is such a shame though" Harry said
"Believe me if you did you wouldn't he here" Ben said
"Then why am I?" Harry asked
"Mal said that you deserve a chance so I have given you one" Ben said and Harry chuckled
"Do ye always listen to Mal?" Harry asked
"Do you always do what Uma says?" Ben asked and Harry's eyes darkened
"Ben don't" Mal said
Uma hadn't been seen since cotillion and honestly Harry was glad, he was the Captain of the Jolly Roger until Uma came along, even when they were only getting to know one another Harry was captain that was until Uma found out he had felt more than just liking Mal as a girlfriend she was his first love and that was what happened he fell in love but they broke up before he could tell her, feelings weren't known on the Isle and she threatened to tell everyone if she wasn't captain, although she did let him fight here and there he was glad she failed. Uma only wanted revenge on Mal for giving her the nickname 'shrimpy' Which he found funny but since she knew his feelings he had to give up his position. Since Uma disappeared Harry regained position of being captain, he was going to be wether it was on the Isle or here in Auradon. The only other person that knew was Gil and that is the one secret he has been able to keep.
"Looks like Ben struck a nerve, since you had a girl captain I'm sure it was hard to say no" Chad said and Harry walked over to Chad pointing his hook at him
"I could hurt ye, I am my own captain don't think I won't" harry said bringing his hook up to Chads face
That is when Mal stepped in between Harry and Chad knowing all to well that Harry would hurt Chad without hesitation
"Harry stop" she told him grabbing his wrist like she had when they first met on the Isle.
"Step away love" Harry said although he hadn't realised he called Mal 'love' but neither did she
"If you hurt him you're back on the Isle before you can even have the chance to change" Mal said and Harry turned to look at her. He seen something in Mals eyes, making him think his decision when he pulled his wrist from Mals grasp and lowered his hook he had a death glare on Chad
"Having a girl captain has nothing to do with saying no, I did what I did to survive, but ye can't be protected 24/7, the one time ye really push my limits ye will regret it" Harry said and stepped back from Chad and Mal.
"Seems like you are becoming the new Captain Hook" when Chad said that Harry lunged at him but Gil grabbed him and Mal stepped in the middle again
"Chad stop talking you are making things worse" Mal said and her eyes glowed green and Chad got scared
"Fine" he said stepping back. Harry was still angry and the VKs knew he won't calm down so easily
"Harry was always the captain, Uma just took over since she wanted revenge on Mal and also because she knew..."Gil said but before he could finish Harry interrupted him
"Gil be quiet" Harry said
"Ok enough, Harry you really need to calm down here, you have been given a chance and I know there is good in you" Mal said Harry looked in her eyes and seen the same thing he did just a few minutes ago, he noticed it was how she used to look at him when they were together, when no one else was around, his eyes softened for a split second telling Mal that he was calm
"Stay calm" Mal said
"Love, he shouldn't have mentioned that and beasty boy shouldn't have mentioned Uma" Harry said now aware he called her 'love' and so is she
"I know" Mal said and nodded turning to Chad
"You need to stop talking, he may have been suspicious but he was calm, bringing up that he kidnapped Ben wasn't smart" Mal said to Chad. And he didn't say anything knowing Mal was right. After a few minutes Dizzy, Gil and Harry were shown to their rooms so they could unpack and settle in. Dizzy was across from Mal and Evie and Gil and Harry shared a room.

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