Lydia & Gil

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You are the daughter of Queen of Hearts and you have had a crush on Gil for a while now but everytime you try and tell him he just doesn't get it. Gil isn't the smartest pirate you'll meet he is more harmless and considerate. He tired to be evil but that just wasn't him. Although Uma kept him around, he was funny although he always called Uma 'shrimpy' by mistake but Harry did always have to bring him out of the restaurant and have him on timeout. Some days he wouldn't get why Harry brought him outside and try and follow him back in but before he could. Harry exits the restaurant pointing his hook at Gil and he finally gets it.
Which is exactly what happened today

You were walking around the Isle and everyone moved out of your way when they saw you, being the daughter of queen of hearts made people fear you but you didn't shout 'off with their heads' you didn't think about where you are going you just went wherever you feet took you. You came upon Ursula's fish and chip shop as you were walking up you seen Gil being brought out by Harry, you stay hidden.
You see Harry go back in and Gil tried to follow him but Harry exits again pointing his hook and Gil and he realised he was on time out
"Aw come on Harry it was an accident"
Gil said and you seen Harry sigh. Harry did have a soft spot for Gil they were quite close. Harry sat down beside him
"I know Gil but you need to be careful, you have called her shrimpy 2 times last Saturday, 1 time on Sunday, 2 times Tuesday, 1 time on Wednesday and now today" Harry said and seen Gil nod
"That is 8 in a week Gil" Harry said and you rolled your eyes holding in a giggle, Harry never learned how to count so he was always wrong when it came to numbers with adding them up, subtracting them and also telling the time. But no one dared to correct him since they feared of being hooked and also they were sometimes wrong as well. Although Harry wasn't far off it was only 7 times since last Saturday.
"I'm here for 20 minutes?" Gil asked
"No, I've been here for a few minutes so..." Harry started then looked at his watch not that he could tell the time but he did try.
"15 minutes to go now" Harry said you weren't sure if he was right or not since you didn't have a watch with you but you did smile at Harry trying to cheer Gil up
"Okay" Gil said
"See you then" Harry said and Gil nodded before Harry walked back inside.
You waited for a moment before you came from your hiding. You noticed Gil didn't see you until you sat next to him and spoke
"Hey Gil" You say and he turns his head and smiles
"Hey Lydia" he replied
"On time out again?" You ask
"Yeah, I called Uma shrimpy again" Gil said
"How much longer is your time out?" You ask
"Harry stayed for a few minutes then before he went back in he said it was 15 minutes" Gil said
"Well I think it was a minute before I came here and I've been sitting here for a minute so that's only 13 minutes to go" You say
"Where you here before?" Gil asked
"Maybe" you say
"Do you know the correct time?" He ask
"Sorry not wearing a watch today, but I think Harry is getting better at telling the time" you say
"Me too" gil replied
"So you know how many times I've called Uma shrimpy?" Gil asked
"Yep" You say
"Is it really 8 times?" Gil asked
You have a small smile. Gil knew how to count but he also got mixed up sometimes
"It is actually 7 but Harry was close" You say and Gil smiled widely
"What?" You ask
"You are right, Harry is getting better!" Gil said excitedly
You and Gil talk for a while and neither of you realise how much time has actually passed but you don't mind. You decided that you would tell Gil that you like him you just hoped that he would get it this time.
"Gil" you say
"Yeah?" He ask
"There is something I need to tell you" you say
"What is it?" He asked confused.
What you both hadn't know was that Harry was coming out to bring Gil back in but when he heard you say you needed to tell Gil something he stopped.
"I like you" you say and Gil smiled you hope that meant he understood what you meant
"I like you too" Gil said
"You do?" You ask
"Yeah of course" he said and you smiled you move closer to him and you slowly put your hand on his. But after a minute he pulled it back
"Why did you take my hand?" He asked
"Cause you and I like each other its what people who like each other do" you say
"We've never done it before and we have always liked each other" he said and you instantly knew he didn't know what you meant
"Yeah your right, we are just friends" you say
"Yeah we are great friends and I am glad because I always want to be your friend" Gil said and your heart broke in that moment.
"I don't think you are getting it Gil but I like you more than you like me, and I have tried to tell you for a while and I just did, I thought you knew what I meant when you said you liked me too, but I know now you didn't" you say upset your voice breaks you stand up and are about to walk away but he grabs your wrist
"Lydia wait" he said you turned back around and he seen there was tears in your eyes
"Let me go Gil" You say and take your wrist from his grip
"Help me understand" He said
"I told you I like you more than you like me, just leave me alone" you said and walked away.
At that moment Harry exited the chip shop and Gil turned around hearing the door open. Harry sent Gil a knowing look as a way of telling him he heard the conversation, he seen Gil was upset so they both sat down and there was a silence for a few minutes then Gil broke it asking Harry if his time out was over and Harry told him yeah but he can't go back in just yet which made Gil confused.
Harry told Gil that he needed to talk to you about what had just happened. Gil asked Harry what did you mean when you said you liked him more than he liked you and Harry sighed. He wasn't good at numbers but when it came to liking someone he knew.
"She likes you more than a friend" Harry told him
"Like a boyfriend?" Gil asked
"Yeah exactly like that" Harry said and then realisation hit his face
"Oh man, I messed up" Gil said
"Yeah you really did, I thought you liked her" Harry said
"I did?" Gil asked confused
"Gil, two weeks ago you told me you felt weird around her" Harry said
"Yeah and I got a tingly feeling in my stomach" Gil said and Harry rolled his eyes
"What?" Gil asked confused
"You have a crush on her, she has a crush on you" Harry said and Gil smiled widely the he frowned
"What?" Harry ask
"I just hurt her, Harry you have to help me make things right" Gil said
"Sure, come on we have errands to run and while we are we will get some stuff to help you" Harry said and they both started walking around the Isle.
They stole some money, Harry managed to steal a necklace and Gil stole a bouquet of roses. Harry had told him that what he needed to do was something romantic. They talked about what they would do for you, since there wasn't much on the Isle, they didn't have a lot of options. Gil had thought about taking you to the restaurant after closing time so you were alone and Harry said it was a good idea. Once they had done their errands for the day it was time for the restaurant to close. The only ones left were the pirate crew but Harry got them out as fast as possible and some tried to stay but Harry just pointed his hook and they all ran out making Gil smile. When everyone left Gil had started to set a table for two while Harry had gone to get you. He knew you would be in your gardens, he ran as fast a possible so Gil wouldn't be waiting to long. When he found you he seen you were upset and silently sat beside you.
"You know Gil isn't the smartest" he says and you jump in fright
"Harry! Don't do that" you say
"Sorry" he said
"I know he isn't but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt" you say
"I know but he is sorry" Harry tells you
"Then why isn't he here telling me that?" You ask
"He has a surprise for you" Harry said
"Really?" You ask
"Aye but you have to come with me" harry said
You think for a few minutes then decide ok.
"Alright" You say
You and Harry stand up and you follow him to the restaurant.
While you were walking to the restaurant Gil had been preparing a meal for you both.
"Harry where are we going?" You ask
"Almost there but you need to close your eyes" he said
"Why?" You ask
"Don't want to ruin the surprise do ya?" He asked you sigh and then close your eyes. Harry takes your hand in his so you didn't fall. You walked for a few more minutes and then Harry told you to stay where you were and to keep your eyes closed you nod ok and you hear a door open.
"Not bad Gil" you hear Harry say
"Thanks" Gil said
"Good food too" you hear Harry say
"Thanks" He said.
You then here footsteps and you are assuming they are Harry's
"Ok lass you can come in now" Harry said taking your hand and bringing you inside
"When I count to three, you can open your eyes ok lass?" Harry said and asked
"Okay" You say
"1,2,3" Harry counts and you open your eyes and you gasps
In front of you, you see Gil standing with roses

 You then here footsteps and you are assuming they are Harry's "Ok lass you can come in now" Harry said taking your hand and bringing you inside "When I count to three, you can open your eyes ok lass?" Harry said and asked "Okay" You say "1,2,3" H...

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(Imagine your favourite food)
"Hi" He said
"Hi" You reply
"Is this okay?" Gil asked
"It's lovely" You say walking towards him and he hands you the flowers.
"Thank you" you say
You hear footsteps leave knowing that Harry is leaving you two alone. Although instead of Harry leaving to go home he stayed out at the door in case anyone tries to go in. Gil pulled your chair out and you sat down he pushed it back in before sitting down himself.
"You made my favourite food" you say
"Yeah, I wanted to show you I am really sorry for earlier" Gil said
"It's ok" you say
"No it isn't, I really hurt you and I feel terrible" he says and you give him a small smile
"It is ok really, I shouldn't have told you I liked you more than a friend things were good" you say
"Actually I am glad you did" he said
"I don't understand" you say
"A couple weeks ago I told Harry that when I'm around you and I get a tingly feeling in my stomach but I didn't know what it meant" Gil said
"Do you know now?" You ask
"Yeah that means I have a crush on you and I am sorry I didn't realise it before" Gil said
"It's ok, I really do like you Gil, a lot and I hope you are certain you like me too" you say
"I'm certain" he said and you smiled. You both finished eating and he brought your plates to the kitchen and then came back and sat back beside you
"This is for you" he said handing you a box
You take it off him and when you open it you see a silver necklace and you smile
"I love it" you say and without releasing you kiss his cheek you immediately blush and look away
"Sorry" You say
"No I liked it" he said and you look at him again
You both didn't know Harry to a look inside to see how things were going
"There is something I want to ask" Gil said
"What?" You ask
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and you smiled
"I would really like that" you say and he kisses you cheek. Harry quickly looked away and seen that it was getting late so no one would be near the chip shop at this hour so he left and went home.
You and Gil had stayed there for a few more hours talking and just enjoying each other's company, when it was very late he walked you home and you thanked him for that and for tonight
"You we welcome, I am glad you agreed to be my girlfriend" he said
"I'm glad you asked, thanks again" You say and you both say goodnight he gave you a quick kiss on the lips before you go inside and then he walks home.
On the way there Gil couldn't stop smiling that you and him are together and that everything was good between you two.

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