Klaudia & Ben

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You are the youngest daughter of Maleficent and also Mal's younger sister. When you mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos were invited to Auradon you instantly took a liking to Ben.
When you shook his hand you felt sparks.

As time had went by you became close friends with Ben then that amazing day when he asks you out. Although when he did he got a stern talk from Evie and Mal. Jay and Carlos blocked the door of his room so he couldn't get out.
Mal and Evie told him that if he broke your heart they would show him their dark side. Which made him scared. But that hasn't happened yet and you hope it won't.

You and Ben have been together for a few weeks now. You are so happy that you and Ben are dating everyone was so excited when they found out.
Today you were talking to Chad about an assignment that you both had and when Ben seen you he came up and glared at Chad before taking you away, you got mad and pulled out of his grip.
"What was that about?" You asked annoyed
"What were you and Chad talking about?" He asks
"An assignment" you replied
"Is that all?" He asks
"Yes" you replied. You took in his facial expressions and you seen that he didn't believe you.
"You don't believe me do you?" You asks already knowing the answer.
He struggled to speak which made you more annoyed
"I can't believe you!" You shout and walk away.

You hear Ben call your name but you ignore him. You walked past Mal and the VKs they seen that you were upset so they followed you to your room to see what was wrong.

When you let them in there was a moment of silence before Carlos spoke
"What's wrong?" He asks
"I'm mad at Ben" you replied
"Why?" Jay asks confused
"He seen me talking to Chad and dragged me away and then I ask what it was about and he ask what I was talking to Chad about I told him it was an assignment and he didn't believe me!" You said frustrated
"What!?!" Evie and Mal exclaimed and asks and you nodded say yes.
You heard Mal growl and you see she and Evie leave the room. You, Jay and Carlos followed them.

You chased after them for about five minutes then you heard Mal.
"Ben!" You heard her yell. You seen her and Evie go over to him and and you follow along with the boys.
Ben had seen that Mal and Evie and he looked sacred.
"How could you not believe Klaudia?" Mal asks annoyed
"I-I'm sorry" Ben replied
"I didn't ask that" Mal said
"Why wouldn't you believe her Ben she would never lie" Evie said

Students had circled around them and were looking very curious.
You seen that Mal's eyes were glowing which wasn't good.
"Mal calm down" Jay said 
"No he hurt my sister" she said
"I didn't mean too. I just..." Ben started but couldn't finish
You seen Evie glare at him she got out her magic mirror and said a spell while looking directly at Ben.

Mirror, mirror in my hand
To see the truth
And know his way
I conjure thee to reveal the reason to Ben's wrongdoing
By sending thy truth upon he

"Why did you get angry at Klaudia?" Evie asks With the click of Evie's fingers not a second later Ben spoke
"I was jealous because I didn't want to lose her. She means to much to me that losing her would be the worst thing to happen to me. She is my world and I love her" Ben replied in one breath.
You were shocked at that
"Awwww" you heard everyone say.
You seen that Mal had calmed down a little bit
"You love me?" You ask
Ben walked towards you slowly to make sure Mal wouldn't hurt him.
"I love you very much you are my world" Ben said you noticed he was under the spell until Evie clicked her fingers so you ask one more question
"Why would you ever need to be jealous?" You ask
"Because there are better guys for you than me" Ben said
"That's not true, you are the best guy for me" you told him and hug him he instantly hugged you back.
"Awww" everyone said again.
Evie clicked her fingers and the truth spell wore off.
You and Ben pulled apart and he looked in your eyes.
"I love you" he said and you seen he meant it
"I love you too" you replied and he pulled you into a kiss. It was short and sweet.
Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos sent everyone away and then left you two alone.
You and Ben spent the rest of the day together and watched the stars come up.

KlaudiaKlauR5 I hope you enjoy

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