Diana &Harry

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You and Harry have been dating for a while now and you had to say that everything was going great, you and Harry barely spent time apart from each other, the only time he couldn't be with you was when he was working for Uma.
Today you were out on a walking around and you stopped at a few stalls you stole a few things but made sure not to get caught. You knew how to take care of yourself you were the daughter of Scar and you managed to get his claws so you used them when necessary
"Hey Diana" you hear a familiar voice say
"Jay nice to see you again" you say
"That it is, so where's Hook thought you and him were inseparable? Jay asked
"Working" you
"Cool so do you want to hang out?" Jay said and ask
"Yeah ok" you say and you and Jay had started walking around talking and laughing, what you hadn't known was that Harry was running errands at the same place you were at and he had been watching you and Jay. It was no secret that Harry and Jay didn't get along no one knew why but they just didn't.
Harry had followed you and Jay but staying unnoticed and unsuspected that he was behind you. He stole a few things here and there to make sure no one got suspicious of him.
You and Jay were hanging out for a while and Harry had enough of you guys, when he seen Jay make you laugh he had taken it as if he was flirting with you and got mad not that he heard anything you and Jay said but he was thinking that Jay was flirting with you to either annoy him or just for fun.
He took a deep breath and slowly stepped towards you and Jay
"Hello love" He said and kissed your cheek
"Hey Harry" you say and there was tension instantly
"What's going on here?" He ask
"Nothing just catching up and hanging out" you say
"Right well, I'm done for the day so I thought we could go on a date" he told you taking your hand in his
"That sounds great but I already promised Jay I'd hang out with him" you say
"Oh right ok" harry said
"Sorry, I thought you'd be working late today" you say
"It's no problem I'll see you later" Harry said before he kissed you cheek and let it linger for a few seconds before leaving.
You and Jay had started hanging out again but what you didn't know was that while you two were spending time with each other Harry was at home annoyed and jealous. He didn't like it when you spent time with other guys especially Jay, you and Jay used to be close friends and everyone thought that there would be more between you two but as you got older you grew apart slightly but always managed to hang out every once and a while.
You and Jay were on a rooftop laughing at old times when you were kids, who you used to steal together and almost get caught. You both knew how to get away better now but back then you were both still learning.

A few hours past and you decided to get something to eat before Jay had walked you home. You had thanked him for the evening and he told you that you were welcome before you had gone inside and he left. You seen it was late so you decided to get some sleep and you will talk to Harry tomorrow, you just hoped he was really ok.

The next morning you woke up and found something to wear you quickly got dressed before going to look for Harry

You had searched in a few different places you thought he would be until you had gone to Ursulas fish and chip shop and found him there

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You had searched in a few different places you thought he would be until you had gone to Ursulas fish and chip shop and found him there. You seen that Uma had her crew doing the what's my name routine you roll your eyes at it. Uma wanted to rule the Isle and she'd do anything to get it although she hasn't succeeded. When Harry did his rap and called Uma hot you felt anger but you didn't show it. When you see her tug Harry's hair you get even more angry especially when he smiles at it. You sit at a table in the corner until the song is over and after a few seconds Harry notices you and walks over and sits down
"How was last night with Jay?" He ask
"Fun" You say
"Good, well I have to go" he said about to get up but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist, he sighs and sits down before you let go
"What is the matter with you?" You ask
"Nothing is the matter with me" he said looking anywhere but at you
"Then why won't you look at me?" You ask and he turns his attention towards you and you see his eyes darken making you slightly scared and that was rare
"Why are you mad at me?" You ask crossing your arms
"I'm not, I'm just not in the mood to talk" he said
"Why not?" You ask
"Forget it just go hang out with Jay" he said and you heard nothing but anger and he stood up
"Are you jealous?" You ask standing up
"No" he said a little to fast
"I don't see why, at least I don't call anyone else hot" you said
"You're jealous of Uma" he said
"I'm not but at least I don't get mad when you hang out with her" you say getting very angry and your claws came out. Now everyone's attention were on you and Harry
"Put the claws away" he said
"Why should I?" You ask
"You know why, you'll do something you'll regret" He said but you still kept them out
He grabbed your wrist but you still kept your claws out
"Let me go" You say
"Not until you put them away" he said and you sigh doing so and pull your wrist from his grasps you seen he was still annoyed
"I'm outta here, let me know when you have stopped being jealous" you say
"Diana wait" Harry said
"Leave me alone" you say and walk out of the restaurant very angry. Your claws came out again and anyone who saw them instantly moved out of your way. You and gone to you and Harrys spot and thoughts about what just happened. You knew Harry was very stubborn so he wasn't going to stop being jealous that quick.
You had stayed there all day in your own thoughts and had finally calmed down. You decided to go back to the fish and chip shop to see if Harry will talk to you. When you got there you ordered something to eat and discreetly looked to see if Harry was about. When your food came you looked at that and started eating.
After a few minutes you hear the door open and you look to see it's Harry his eyes lock with yours for a second then he looks away going over to his crew.
"You're gonna lose him you know" you hear Uma say sitting beside you
"Is that so?" You ask
"Only a matter of time if you if you hang out with a flirt like Jay"Uma said
"He's being a stubborn jerk he might lose me" you say
"So are you" Uma said
"I'm not the one who calls another guy hot but Harry seems to like calling another girl hot which is almost every day with you" you say
"You're jealous of me?" Uma asked amused
"No, more like feel sorry for you" you say smirking which made Uma mad since she didn't like pity but to you it was fun
"Why is that?" She ask
"I don't have to go after someone else's boyfriend just to be noticed" you say smirking and you see anger in her eyes
"Tell Harry that if he wants to talk to me he knows where to find me" you say and throw a bit of money on the counter before leaving. What neither of you knew was that Harry was listening to your conversation just a few seats down.
You walk out of the restaurant and walked back to you and Harry's spot. You stayed there for a a few hours. You wondered if Harry would come and talk, you were about to leave then heard faint footsteps and you knew it was Harry. He sat down beside you and there was a silence for a few minutes before he spoke
"Sorry" you hear him say very softly. Saying sorry wasn't something Harry liked to do but he knew the where times he had to say it
"Forget it" You say although you didn't mean it
"No, I can't" He said and you looked at him
"You seriously think I'd go for Jay?" You ask
"I don't know, but I know he was flirting with you" he told you
"You were spying on me?" You ask in shock
"I know it was wrong, I was running my errands the place you and Jay were" he told you
"Do you not trust me?" You ask
"Of course I do, I just don't trust Jay, I couldn't stand him flirting with you" Harry said
"If he was or wasn't I didn't flirt with him, you flirt with Uma all the time" you said
"No I don't" he said
"You call her hot all the time and let her tug on your hair, you smile at it. I don't call Jay hot or any other guy or tug on their hair" you say angrily
"I didn't know that bothered you" he said
"Did you think it would make happy seeing that?" You ask
"No, but I am sorry ok I didn't think. I thought you were just jealous and annoyed at me but you aren't are you?" He said and asked
"Oh trust me I'm annoyed but not jealous" you say
"You're hurt?" He ask you didn't say anything for a few minutes and he knew the answer
"Love...I.." he started but didn't know what to say so you spoke
"Honestly I wonder if you want to be with me anymore" you say looking away. He was shocked to hear that. He put his index finger and thumb underneath your chin turning your head so you are facing him again.
"You are the only girl I want, and I am sorry for getting jealous and mad about Jay"Harry said you sigh
"Why should I believe you Harry? You're still gonna call Uma hot, and let he tug on your hair" you ask and say
"I won't, I'll change it" he said
"Yeah because she'll love you doing that" you say sarcastically
"She doesn't have to like or love it, but I will" He said he seen that you were in disbelief and then he rapped
'She's the captain I'm the first mate
Enemies seasick can't see straight
Call em fish bait
Throw em on a hook
Uma's so sharp they get cut if they look'
Then after a few minutes he spoke
"I only want you love" he said softly and you smiled
"Promise?" You ask
"I promise, I am sorry I was mad and jealous. I just can't lose you" he said
"You won't" you reply and he kissed you and brought you onto his knee so both your legs were at either side of his. You wrap your arms around his neck and his stay on your waist. You tug on his hair and he lets out a groan and you can feel him smirking. After a few minutes you pulled away. He put one hand behind your neck and brought you into another kiss which lasted a few moments.
"You are my one and only" Harry said
"I am?" You ask
"Yes, I only want you, you are my princess" Harry said
"Aw you are my prince" you say
You and Harry stay there the rest of the night talking and watch the sun rise

1PattyCakes thank you for requesting I hope it was what you wanted.

I hope everyone enjoys

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