Fire and Harry

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(I have my own character in this)(Apologises for any one with this name)

Fire is Uma's younger sister and although she has got the same skills as Uma to be a captain or even part of a crew she chooses to stay in the shadows since she is more comfortable. Uma had always made Fire feel small because she didn't want to be a pirate but Fire never let it get to her.

Fire had decide to have a lie in but she was woken up by a commotion outside she quickly got dressed and went to where it was coming from to see what was happening

Fire had decide to have a lie in but she was woken up by a commotion outside she quickly got dressed and went to where it was coming from to see what was happening

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She seen that there was a fight happening she was  curious as to who was fighting she made her way to the front and seen it was Harry and Tyler the son of Scar. She  seen that Harry had him on the ground and was punching him. Fire got near Harry and try and pull him off Tyler
"Harry get off him" You say
"Not a chance" he said and you stumbled back.
Tyler had Harry on the ground and was about to punch him but Harry kicked him off. Harry stood up and before he could do anything else you walked in front of him and stopped him.
"Harry enough!" You say
"I'm not done with him" Harry said
You seen Tyler was about to take a swing but you stopped him as well.
"Both if you stop it!" You yell and everyone goes silent
"Why should we listen to a girl who stays in the shadows" Tyler said
"This girl can hurt the both of you. Now what are you two fighting about?!" Fire said and asks them. The didn't answer and someone spoke up.
"Over you" the person said
"What are you talking about?" Fire ask
"Tyler made a comment about dating you saying he'd get you anytime all he needs to do know" the person said
"Then Harry started fighting him" another person said.
Her eyes darken and she is about to attack Tyler when she finds a pair of arms her. She sees it's Harry and she struggles to get out of his grip.
"Stop lass" Harry said
"No you got to hurt him" Fire told him
"Yeah I know, but you are better than this" Harry told her she stopped struggling and sighed. He waited for a few minutes before slowing letting her go in case she did decide to hurt Tyler when Harry seen that she was definitely calm he took a few steps back from her letting go.
"Hey! I'm not the only one at fault here Harry gave off comments too" Tyler said
"How do you mean?" She ask
"How do you think! Dang Harry said that even though he wouldn't have to ya know..for him to get you all he would have to do is flash a smile" Tyler said.

Fire's eyes widen at what Tyler had just said and she turned round to Harry making him step back again.
"You said what?!" She yelled at him
"I can explain that lass" Harry said
"Don't bother!" She yelled
"At least I'm not the only one is trouble with the sea princess" Tyler said she flares at both of them
"You are both dead! Do you think I am sone prize to be won?!" She yells at them
They tried to speak but she stopped them
"You two are such jerks! I know we live on the Isle but that doesn't mean you guys get to rest us ladies as if we are something that belongs to you!" She yelled at them. The boys looked guilty and when they seen the state she gave them they both knew that they need to watch out even though that Fire stays in the shadows she can get pretty wicked when needed. She walked away she grabbed a few things and then left and when she was out of sight she ran. She didn't know where she was going but she wanted to get away from everyone.
When she kept thinking about what happened she eventually started crying because she did like Harry and for him to think of her as a prize like that hurt her. She seen she arrived at her old treehouse in the woods so she climbed up and stayed there.
She was glad she packed a few sets of clothes. She had a mattress and a few pillows from running away once and also a few blankets. She went to get some fruit and also catch some fish for dinner. She didn't take to long to catch dinner and make up a fire.
After a while she climbed up into the treehouse again and went to sleep.

The next morning when she woke up she quickly got changed and decided to explore the woods a little bit

The next morning when she woke up she quickly got changed and decided to explore the woods a little bit

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(You can use the hairband if you want)

Fire was enjoying the scenery in the woods it was much better than the Isle anyway.
She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't heard her name being called.
She was walking around until she nearly fell snapping her out of her thoughts. She heard a familiar voice calling her name. She knew it was Harry but she didn't want to speak to him at the moment. But unfortunately for her he found her within a few moments. She tried to run but he caught her. He carried her to the lake and sat her down then he did and there was silence until he spoke
"I'm sorry for yesterday, I didn't mean for it to sound as if you were a prize. You aren't" Harry told her
"You've never been like that before. Why now?" She replied and ask
"He was annoying me he kept saying he'll be able to get you and I couldn't let that happen because he is the biggest player on the Isle" Harry said
"So you told him the way you can get me is sending a smile to make him think he didn't have a chance?" She ask
"Exactly! I know if I was going to ask you out. I'd ask you in a respectful manner" Harry told her
"Would you ask me out?" She ask
"Yeah I would. Because you are such a pretty girl and you don't know how much I do like you" Harry said
"You like me?" She ask
"Yes I do. You don't have to say yes because of yesterday but Fire...will you please go on a date with me?" Harry said and ask
"I would really like that" Fire replied
They stayed there for the rest of the day talking and that night they star gazed from Fire's treehouse.

They fell asleep in each other's arms and neither one of them could ask for a better night

@Ohshc22 thank you for requesting and I hope you like it

I hope everyone enjoys

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