3rd imagine Chad & Y/N

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You are the daughter of Evil Queen and the older sister of Evie. You two along with Mal, Jay and Carlos had been invited to Auradon.
Both you and Evie have somewhat the same style. While she is always wearing blue dresses and skirts. You prefer wearing red jeans with a black top. Red ankle heel boots, red finger less gloves and a black leather jacket. Your hair was black with red strikes through it.

You have all just arrived at Auradon and you seen practically the whole school being their to welcome you. You seen Carlos and Jay fighting so you went over and pulled them apart hitting their arms.
"Ow" they said together
"We have an audience" you said they turn to the crowd and stand up straight.
Prince Ben came over and introduced himself.

"Good morning I'm Ben and I would like to welcome you all to Auradon Prep" He said.
There was silence so you decided to introduce everyone you pointed at everyone so he knew who was who
"This is Mal, that's Jay, Carlos, that's Evie and I'm her older sister Y/N" you said
"It's lovely to meet you all" he said
"You as well" you said. You cleared your throat making the others talk.
They all said hey and nice to meet you to Ben and you rolled your eyes.
"Why don't I show you all around" Ben suggested. You all agreed and he started showing you around

Half way through the tour you bumped into someone. You were about to apologise when they spoke for you
"Watch where you are going villain" the voice said. You look to see a boy around your age he has blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Excuse you but if I were you I'd watch what you say" You said.
You may have been the oldest in the group but you were also the one that had the shortest fuse

Before you could do anything else Evie grabbed your arm and Ben stepped forward
"Chad don't do this. You know that they are here for a chance" Ben said
"Yeah a chance to be like their parents" The boy now known as Chad replied.
That made you mad so you laughed yourself at him and he fell to the ground
Before you could do anything Jay pulled you off and tried to calm you down.
"Come on Y/N, we didn't come here to fight" Jay said
"I don't care he said we are like our parents when we aren't" You said getting out of his grip before you could do anything else you seen some lady come up.
"What is happening" The lady asks
"Queen Belle, this one attacked me" Chad said you and the others rolled your eyes at him for tattling.
"Is this true" she asks
"Your highness I can explain" You said
"Go on" Belle told you
"Ben here was being a gentleman by showing us around. I was looking at everything around me when i ran into Chase" You said with a slight making sure no one saw which they hadn't other than your sister and friends they hid their laughter. Belle then spoke
"You mean Chad" She asks
"Yes right Chad thank you, anyway before I could apoligise he said and i quote 'watch where you are going villan'" You explained
"Now Chad you know better  than to say such things" Belle said
"That isn't all" Carlos spoke up
"Oh what else?" Belle asks
"Well before Y/N could actually do anything Evie here grabbed her arm and Ben stepped forward to warn him off saying we are here for a chance" Carlos explained
"Which you are" Belle said
"But Chad's reply was saying a chance to be like their parents" Jay said
"So that provoked her and she attacked him but Jay got her off him and calmed her down" Mal said
"Before she could do anything you stepped in" Evie said
"Chad I am surprised at you. You know better than to say things like that" Queen Belle said
"Yes I know but it is true" Chad said
"I don't believe that. Now apologise to Y/N and then they can get the rest of their tour" Belle told Chad.
"Sorry" he said
"Fine, hope I didn't hurt you to much" You reply.
"Your highness" you say turning to belle giving a small curtsey. Belle excused you all and Ben gave you the rest of the tour.

It has been a week since you have all arrived at Auradon. You haven't seen Chad much since that little incident although you still smirk at the memory. You did have to admit that Chad is kind of cute.
It was the end of the day and your teacher had said that he had needed you to tutor Chad making you smirk a little.
"Why must I" you asks
"Because you are the smartest in this class" Your teacher replied
"When do I start" You asks him
"Right now. You will meet Chad at the library and tutor him until his grades go up" he had explained. You nodded ok and walked to the library. You had seen Chad sitting there waiting he didn't look too happy knowing he needed a tutor which made you smirk even more.

"Hey Chad" You said
He looked up and rolled his eyes
"What are you doing here?" He asks
"I'm your tutor" You replied
You smiled at the look on his face. You sat beside him.
"Ok look I don't want to be your tutor but we both have no choice so let's get this over with as soon as possible the faster we bring your grades up the faster we don't need to spend time together" You said. He agreed and you got out the homework assignment

You began explaining it to him what he had to do and to your surprise he caught on a little faster than you had thought he would.
While you were tutoring him for the next few days you and him got to know each other more and realised you actually had a few things in common.
You had done the one thing you never thought would happen and that is you started to fall for the prince.

You two had just finshed up another session and you were about to leave when Chad spoke up.
"Yeah what's up" you asks him
"I was wondering if you would go on a date with me" He asks you and thought for a few minutes then you replied
"Yeah I will" You said and he smiled. You said bye to him and walked to your room.

The next day you got a text from Chad saying that he was on his way to your room to pick you up. You replied ok and within a few minutes he was there.

Chad took you on a romantic walk and took you to private spot and seen a table and chairs ready for you.

"I didn't really know what to do. Is this ok?" Chad said and asks
"Yeah it is fine, it's lovely" you replied
"I'm glad" He said he pulled out your chair
"Thank you" you said sitting down and he pushed the chair in. He sat down and you both began to eat.

"I am really glad you decided to come out with me" Chad said
"I'm glad you asks me" You replied
"Y/N I know I said it a few weeks back but I am sorry for how I acted the day you arrived" Chad said
"It's okay. I shouldn't have attacked you" You said
"It's fine I deserved it. Although I must say you have quite a grip" Chad said laughing slightly
"Yeah well when you grow up in the Isle. You need to be ready to defend yourself" You replied laughing
You both talk for hours and by the end of the night.

It has been a few weeks si me you and Chad have started dating and things have been going great. You met Cinderella and Prince Charming. You were quite nervous but it turns out that they loved that you were with their son. You had given him a whole new perspective on villains as they said you shouldn't be treated like one.
The royal coronation had happened today and it was the big party. You and Chad had decided to take a break from dancing. He had taken you to a quite place and he said there was someone had to tell you. You ask what it was and he stayed silent for a moment

"I love you" He had said
"I love you too" You told him

And that was the perfect ending to the night

KlaudiaKlauR5 thank you for the idea.

Hope everyone enjoys

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