Miranda & Chad

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You are the daughter of Mother Gothel and you have been at Auradon Prep for 6 months now and since you arrived you took a liking to Chad Charming, since you came here you have had some trouble fitting in but Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos had made sure to help you. Jay and Carlos are like older brothers to you and Evie and Mal are like older sisters they protect you from anyone being mean to you.
When you arrived oh felt a little uncomfortable but that was because you are in a wheelchair and you are afraid of what people will say but you seen that most people here in Auradon are quite accepting which made you smile. One person who always teased you was Audrey daughter of Sleeping Beauty
She had mainly teased you about being in a wheelchair and she also teased you about liking Chad since he is the son of your mothers enemy and always told you that you have no chance with him that he would rather date a princess than a villain. You never let it show but each time she insults you it hurts but being on the Isle and raised to not show weakness you always just ignore her until you get to your room and you just let the sadness over take you but you will never cry, you don't let yourself being sad already felt weak to you so you knew if you cry you would feel at you weakest point and you were definitely not gonna let that happen.
You remember the first time she had been mean to you, it was when you had your first day at the school. You were half way through your first day and it was going great until she had came and spoke to you.
"So when do you go back to the Isle?" A girl with brown hair asked standing in front of you
"I don't, I'm here to stay" you say trying to get past
"But you can't, I mean look at you besides your a villain kid you were born and raised to be evil" she said
"I don't believe I know your name, I'm Miranda Gothel" you say
"And I care because?" She ask
"You probably don't but this may shock you, but I like to get to know the names of people I met" you say
"Audrey Beauty" she said
"Ok Audrey, you can say what you want to me but nothing will stop me from being here" you say and you hit her foot with your wheelchair making her jump out of the way and you send her a smirk
"See ya around Audrey Beauty" you say and leave her there.
You think to yourself that being here isn't going to be easy but you aren't going to be intimidated by a puffy pink princess who thinks she is everything

You snap out of your thoughts. You were going to the courtyard when you seen Audrey stop you from standing right in front of you.
"Step out of my way Audrey" you say
"That's not how you are supposed to talk to a princess" Audrey said
"Are you a princess? My bad I forgot you just seem to act like the wicked witch of the west" you ask and say sarcastically
"At least I am pretty" she said
"Beauty isn't defined on looks it is found within" you say
You knew she was going to say something else but you both heard a familiar voice.
"Leave her a lone Audrey" you both look to see Chad behind her walking beside you
"Why should I?" Audrey asked
"Cause she is right you are being as cruel and a villain" Chad said and Audrey's eyes widened
"You don't get to say that to me" she told him
"I'll say what I want to you" Chad said and glared at Audrey.
"Ugh, I'll get you later" Audrey said to you
"No you won't because I am not letting you near her" Chad said Audrey growled before walking away angrily. You smile and look at Chad
"Thank you" you tell him blushing slightly hoping he doesn't see it
"You're welcome, can I talk to you about something?" He replied and asked
"Yeah" You reply
You follow him and you see he brings you under a tree away from the courtyard slightly and you see that it is a very private spot.
"Can I help you out?" He ask
"Yeah" You say and he lifted you out and then sat beside you.
"Can I ask you something?" He ask
"You just did but sure" you say in a teasing tone
"You don't have to answer but, being in a wheelchair do you not feel people stare at you?" He said and ask
"Sometimes, I'm always going to come across people like Audrey but the true friends I have they help me through it" You say
"That's amazing" he said and you smiled
"What did you want to talk to me about? I'm sure it wasn't just about me being in a wheelchair" You ask and say
"You're right it wasn't, there is something I want to tell you but I am scared" he said
"Why are you scared?" You ask
"You might not be interested in hanging out with me anymore" Chad said
"I promise I will still want to be around you" you say and he smiles
"I like you, more than a friend" Chad said
There was silence for a few minutes since you had not been expecting for him to say that. You see a look of hurt on his face and you quickly snap out of your thoughts
"I knew I shouldn't have told you" he said
"No I am glad you did" you say
"Why?" He asked
"I like you more than a friend as well, I never thought you would ever see me that way" you saying he smiles.
"Why wouldn't I?" He ask
"I'm a villain kid" you say
"I don't care about that" he said
"You don't?" You ask
"No, all I care about is being able to keep your pretty smile on your face and making you happy" Chad said
"That is so sweet" you say
"Can I take you on a date tonight?" He asked
"I'd like that" you say
"Will you help me in my wheelchair again?" You ask
"Of course but why leave so soon?" He ask
"I want to look really good for tonight, I'm gonna need a lot of help" you say
"You are naturally beautiful" he said and you got some tears in your eyes and a few fell
"Please don't cry" he said
"They are from happiness, that was sweet" you say and he kisses your cheek
"Help me please" You say and he lifts you back in your wheelchair
"Meet me back here at 7 ok" Chad said and you nodded before leaving
You make your way back to the dorm and you go to Evie's room. When you get there you knock on the door and when she opened it she gave you a hug and let you in.
She asked you what is up and you told her Chad is taking you on a date tonight before you could say anything else Evie squealed in excitement and immediately started working on something for you to wear. Mal came in a few minutes later and you told her what was happening her eyes lit up in excitement for you and you started to tell them what happened today and Mal said if you want she will sort Audrey out but you politely declined and she nodded.
Evie had finished your dress and she and Mal had started doing your hair and make up. You wait excitedly to see what they have done.
After a while they are finished and you go and get on the dress Evie had made for you. You take a few moments and then when you exit the bathroom they smile.
"You look amazing" Evie said
"My make up is completely natural" you say looking in the mirror

"Of course you don't really need it I just highlighted your cheekbones really" Evie said "Thanks Evie, I love my my thank you Mal" you say "No problem you really suit it curled" she said and you smile "Chad is gonna love it" Evie said "I hope so" ...

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"Of course you don't really need it I just highlighted your cheekbones really" Evie said
"Thanks Evie, I love my my thank you Mal" you say
"No problem you really suit it curled" she said and you smile
"Chad is gonna love it" Evie said
"I hope so" you say
"When do you meet him?" Mal ask
"At 7" you say
"You should head on now it's 6:55pm" Mal said
"Ok thank you both again" you said and they tell you, you are welcome before you leave. You start to make your way to the spot where you and Chad were today and you started to get nervous. You had took a deep breaths as you got closer to where Chad was waiting. When you got beside him he stood up and handed you a rose.
"Thank you" you say
"My pleasure" he replied
He had helped you sit down on the blanket and you seen it was a picnic, you both start to eat and you talk about anything that comes to mind, he tells you a few things about him when he was growing up and some of them made you laugh. You told him what the Isle was like and he listened intently, he had completely changed his view on the Isle, he thought that most people deserved to be there because of the crimes their parents committed but when he heard you speak about it, he realised that it isn't what it seemed like. All of the descendants of the villains are trapped there from their parents wrong doing.
"I am sorry it was so hard for you" He said
"It isn't your fault" you say
"No, but I never really gave the Isle a second thought until I met you, you make everything so different" he said
"It is best to see the world not the way it is but the way it should be" you say
"Inspiring" He said
"Thank you, but I did do some bad things to survive" you say
"Such as?" He ask
"Stealing, I stole a lot of food on the Isle, stole a few materials for clothes" you said
"You did it to survive" he told you
"I know, but looking back I can't help but feel as if I could have acted differently" you say
"No, you did what you had to do, but you are here now and safer too" he said
"Probably not a good thing to talk about on a first date" you say
"No, I like that you told me" he said
"Thank you for asking me out" you say
"Thank you for saying yes" he replied and gave you a kiss on the cheek and you both watched the moon and stars come up.

MirandaMiles0 thank you for requesting I hope you like it
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