Miranda & Gil

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Being Umas younger sister had its advantages your sister ruled the Isle and you had a pirate like your body guard. That pirate would be Harry son of Captain Hook. You had a best friend on the ship and you were both funny, filled with excitement, harmless and always had a smile on your face and that would be Gil son of Gaston. Although for a while now you have been feeling different towards Gil you couldn't describe it. You ask Uma and she just shrugged that was a disadvantage Uma didn't care for feelings that weren't revenge. You seen the new girl came onto the Isle and Gil talking to her. It looked harmless to him one of the things about Gil is that he isn't the smartest of the pirates. But he was kept  around since he was funny and also one of the only ones except Harry that you could talk too.
You kept looking at the conversation a few feet away and you seen she was flirting with him. You noticed Gil smiled and laughed at something but you also knew he didn't know she was flirting. You couldn't watch anymore of it so you walked into the chip shop with an emotion you hadn't felt before or couldn't describe it you walked over and sat beside Harry he seen you were upset and ask you what was wrong.
"Nothing" You say
"Something is wrong lass" he told you
"I don't know. Lately I've been feeling different towards Gil. I ask Uma but you know how she is with feelings" you say
"Yeah not her strong point" Harry said agreeing with you.
"What do you think it is?" You ask
"I don't know. Why are you upset with Gil?" He ask
"I seen him talking to the new girl on the Isle and I felt a weird feeling" you say
You seen Harry smirk
"What?" You ask
"I think I know what's going on" he said
"What?" You ask again
"That feeling you got when you seen Gil and the girl talking. That's jealousy" Harry said
"I don't get jealous" you say
"Oh but lass you have. And the other feeling as to why you are jealous is that you like Gil" Harry said
"Duh, of course I do he's my best friend" you say in an obvious tone
"I didn't mean as a best friend lass" he said
"How'd you mean then?" You ask
"I mean more than a friend like a crush" he stated. You hadn't aware of it but you were blushing like made.
"If your blushing lass then you like him which you are so you do" harry said you were about to speak but he interrupted you
"Now he comes Gil. Either you tell him or I will" harry said.
"Tell who what?" Gil ask
"Tell you that you were nice to stop and speak to the girl a few minutes ago" you say
"Oh well it wasn't a big deal. Well I'm going to get some food" he said and left.
You looked at Harry and seen he had his evil smile
"Not what you were supposed to tell him" harry said
"It's not exactly easy" you say
"No but you have to do it" Harry told you
"I do not" You say
"Oh yes you do. Now like I said either you tell him or I will" harry said
"You can't do that" you tell him
"I can and will. You have until sun set tomorrow" Harry said and went over to the other pirates you sigh to yourself and leave the chip shop walking around the Isle to clear your mind.
You were lost in your own thoughts and you bumped into someone you looked up and see it was Gil
"Hi" He said
"Hi" you replied
"Are you ok?" He ask
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"  You ask
"You just left in a hurry from the chip shop" Gil said
"Oh I just needed a walk" You say
"Alright then well I'll see you" He said and you tell him ok before you both say bye. You both go in a different direction what you didn't know was that Gaston had been watching you both he started to follow you and pulled you aside you were shocked and scared since he's never done that to you before.
"May I help you?" You ask politely
"Yes, I want to know what is going on with you and Gil" Gaston ask
"Nothing is going on" you tell him
"I see how you look at him" he told you
"Fine I like him as more than a friend and I want him to like me too" you tell Gaston.
"You see young lady that won't be happening" Gaston told you
"Why not it's possible" you ask
"No it's not because you don't have my permission to date Gil you wouldn't be good for  him, he could do better" Gaston said
"Where do you get off saying that? Do you know what you are Gaston? You are nothing but a sea hag and you always will be" You say and you get out of his grip running away crying.

You ran past Harry and he ran after you He ask what happened and you told him. He told you he'll help get it sorted you were confused but didn't ask questions you figured he would get Gil and let him know his dad was mean to you. Harry brought you home and said you will see him tomorrow you agreed.

He left and you just stayed home the rest of the day you didn't want to see anyone at the moment you just kept hearing what Gaston told you in your head each time you heard it you cried a bit more than you did on the previous thought.

You didn't know the time but you were very tired from crying you went to your room and fell asleep.
The next morning when you woke up you quickly got dressed before looking for Gil.

You went in search for him and were about to give up when you hear him call your voice

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You went in search for him and were about to give up when you hear him call your voice. You turn around and you see he's out of breath. He takes a deep breath before speaking
"Harry told me what happened" he said
"He did?" You ask
"Yeah. You really called my dad a sea hag?" Gil replied and ask
"Yeah I did" You say
"Good at least someone did" he said
"You aren't mad?" You ask in shock
"Why would I be? What you said was true and when I found out what happened I went to him and told him he can't choose who is good enough for me" Gil explained
"So what are you saying?" You ask
"I like you more than a friend and I was wondering if you'd want to go out with me?" He said and ask
"I'd like that very much" You say
He gives you a quick kiss and pulled you into a hug. You looked at a distance and seen Harry smiling which you return before he walks away. You pull away from the hug and you are glad that you and Gil are together.
"So do you want to go on a date?" He ask
"Yes" You reply
And that's exactly what you both did you spent the whole day together and even stayed out until sunrise.

@MirandaMiles0 thank you for requesting I hope you like it

I hope everyone enjoys

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