7th Imagine Y/N & Jay

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You are the daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin you were walking around on the grass when all of the sudden you fell.

"Ow" you said
"I am so sorry" A voice said. You see a boy was on top with you and you turned your head away so he couldn't see your blush after a second you turned back
"Uh could you please get off me" You ask the boy.
"Oh yeah" He replied and got up. He put his hand out for you to take to help you and you gladly accepted.
He pulled you up and you smiled at him.
"Thank you very much" you said
"It's no problem I am sorry for crashing into you" he said
"Oh no it's fine" you said and he smiled.

There was a moment of silence then he introduced himself.
"I'm Jay" He said putting his hand out to shake "I'm Y/N" you told him shaking his hand. You felt sparks so you pulled your hand back clearing your throat.
"Do you want to sit down for a bit?" Jay asks you
"Yeah I'd like that" you replied.

You both sat down on the grass and there is a moment of silence before you spoke
"So Jay, where are you from?" You asked him
"I am from the Isle of the lost" Jay told you
You had always been curious as to what the Isle would be like so that was your next question
"Can you tell me what it's like?" You asks him

Jay looked at you surprised. He didn't think anyone would have any interest in knowing what the Isle had been like. He didn't speak for a moment because he wanted to see if you would change the topic and also if you would leave. When he seen you looked curious he answered.
"Uh yeah sure, what would you like to know" He asks
"Everything" You told him. He smiled.

Jay began to tell you what the Isle was like living on the Isle. It told you that sometimes you would of had to steal to survive. There wasn't such things as friends. Just the crew you hung around with. He told you everything there was to know.
When he was finished he couldn't read your facial expressions
"Are you ok?" He asks
"Yeah I am fine, wow that must have been so bad for you" you reply and say.
"Yeah but you know I got a second chance so it wasn't all bad" Jay said
"I'm glad" you said
"Tell me about yourself" he said
You started telling him about you growing up and what it was like. All the things you got to do. You seen that he was fascinated by it. You started telling him about how you celebrated your birthdays. You stopped at one point abruptly.
"Why did you stop?" He asks
"I was rambling on" you replied blushing
"No you weren't. Keep talking, please"Jay said you smiled and started talking again

You guys spoke for quite and while and you seen your self falling for Jay. The afternoon was full of laughter and smiles. Nothing could have brought it down. You notice that it is night fall
"Jay it's dark" You said
"Wow I didn't even notice" Jay said
"Neither did I" you replied
"Do you want to get a bite to eat?" Jay asks
"Yeah that'd be nice" you told him.

You both got up and gone to get something to it. You both did go back to the courtyard and sat there picking up where you left off on your previous conversation.
You both speak for a while and then you start to shiver. Jay gets up and goes around to sit next to you and gives you his jacket.
"Oh thank you" you said
"You're welcome" Jay said
"Jay do you miss the Isle" you asks
"No I don't. I thought I would have but no" Jay explained
"Who are you the descendant from?" You asks
"I am the son of Jafar" he replied.
You were about to say something else then your phone vibrated letting you know it was nearly time for curfew.

"Jay I'm sorry but I have to go" you said
"Why?" He ask confused
You  showed  him your phone
"Nearly curfew" you said
"Oh well I'll walk you to your room" Jay said
"You don't have to do that. I wouldn't want to take you out of your way" your way
"You wouldn't be, come on" Jay replied
"Thank you" you say and you start walking to your room.

You and Jay talk on the way there and all too soon you are at your door.
"Thank you for walking me back" you said
"It's no problem" Jay said
You take his jacket of your shoulders
"Here you go" you say handing it back
"Thanks" he says
You give  him a kiss on the cheek before saying goodnight  he says it back and you walk into your room.

The next day when you get ready and walk around. You see Jay talking to Ben and you can see he looks upset you see he was coming this way and then you could ask him.
He was close to you so you decided to speak
"Hey Jay" you said
"Hi" he replied
"Are you ok?" You ask
"Yeah, sorry y/n I have to go" jay said before you could ask anything else he walked away quickly.

You were very confused since yesterday everything seemed fine. You decided to go and find Evie and Mal maybe they would know. You looked for them for a while but couldn't find them.

You gave up for the day and went to your room. You were really confused about Jay and also worried. You got a call from your parents they wanted to see what was happening. You told them about Jay and your dad thought closely before telling you to talk to Jay. Your mother have a common him a chance. Let Jay know they will give him one. You smile and tell your dad thank you before hanging.
That night you couldn't sleep knowing something was wrong.
The next morning you went to find Mal and Evie to see what was wrong you knocked on their door and Mal opened it. She told you to come in and both she and Evie were shocked at your tired appearance
"Oh my goodness, y/n you look exhausted" Evie said
"I didn't sleep last night" you told her
"Why not" Mal asks
"I was worried about Jay" you said
"Why" Evie asks
"Because yesterday I seen him talking to Ben and he looked upset and when I asks him about it he told me he had to leave" you said they both had knowing looks on their faces.
"Y/N Jay is upset because he found out who your parents are. We don't know but he says it was a bad idea to be around you" Evie said
"My parents are Jasmine and Aladdin" you told them
"His dad is..." Mal started
"Jafar" you finished. You told them you had to go and rushed to Jays room.

You knocked on the door and Jay opened it letting you in. You both sat on the bed.
"Y/N you look like you haven't slept" Jay said
"I didn't" you replied
"Why not?" He asks
"I was worried about you" you said
"You were?" He asks
"Yes" you told him.
"Why" he asks
"Because you left in a hurry yesterday. Jay I know you found out my parents are Aladdin and Jasmine" you said
"Then you know that it's a bad idea to hang out" he said
"No it's not" you told him
"Y/N, I'm the son of Jafar, he tired to take over being Sultan, he nearly killed your dad" Jay told you
"That doesn't mean you are the same as him. You make your own story Jay" you told him.
"Your parents would hate me" Jay said
"No they won't. Because I told them about meeting you last night and my dad said they will give you a chance. You deserve it Jay" you said

He stayed silent for a moment then spoke
"Would you go out with me?" He asks
"I'd love that" you replied.
He moved closer to you and leaned in before him before giving you a kiss he pulled back a minute later.
He handed you something and you seen it was his jacket
"What's this for?" You asks confused
"For you. Its yours" Jay said you kissed his cheek and you spent the day together.

KlaudiaKlauR5 thank you for the idea

Hope everyone enjoys

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