Sabella & Jay

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You are the daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. You had gotten golden hair like your mother when she was younger. Although both your parents hair is brown you have golden hair with light brown eyes. You have a lot of your fathers thieving skills since he taught you growing up. Your mother always told him that it would only cause trouble but your father said it was a skill you needed if someone pickpocketed you would be able to get it back. You loved your dad taught you a few things but he did make sure you never turned  bad.

When the VKs came to Auradon you took a liking to Jay but you had seen he was flirting with Audrey a lot so you figured you didn't have a chance with him so you didn't say anything.
He and the other VKs have been here for 6 months and you are still crushing on him. You wish you could get over him you think that you have more in common in him than any other princess here which is true none of them know how to steal and you do wear dresses and skirts but on special occasions you like your own style like he does.

You were in your room looking for an outfit for today. It was family day and you wanted normally you would wear anything you find after a few minutes but today was different. You were wanting to look good but you wanted to try and catch Jay's eye have one more try about him liking you too. You finally found one it was fancy but casual

 You finally found one it was fancy but casual

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You then did your hair which didn't take you too long you considered wearing make up but decided against it

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You then did your hair which didn't take you too long you considered wearing make up but decided against it. You left your room and made your way to the gardens you said hi to everyone which they said back you were looking for your parents but didn't see them so you decided to go and get a snack. When you got to the snack table you see Lonnie talking with Evie you tell them both hi and they say it back and talk to you
"So Sabella, have you seen your parents yet?" Evie ask
"No not yet" You say
"You will soon" Lonnie said
"Have you seen yours?" You ask Lonnie unfortunately you couldn't ask Evie that but she hadn't seemed to mind.
"Yes I have I am just over here because they started talking to Belle and Adam" Lonnie said
"So have  you talked to Jay?" Evie ask
"No I haven't, but why?" You ask confused
You seen their eyes widened and you gave a confused look
"No reason just wondering" Evie said you were about to ask her about it but you hear your name being called you looked to see your parents so Evie and Lonnie told you they would see you later and you tell them ok.
When your parents are beside you you give them both a hug and then you all go find a table to talk.
You and your parents start talking and you let them know how school has been going. Your dad ask you if anyone has hurt you you tell him no he would normally just mean boys but he ask in general now so that means girls too. You tell them you are fine and that you spend most of your time with Evie, Lonnie, Jane and Mal. Your mother ask if you have any guy friends and you tell her yes, Ben, Doug, Carlos and Jay. You say Jay's make so quietly and they notice this. They ask if anything happened and you tell them no. They don't look like they believe you but they leave it knowing how stubborn you can be.
You talk for another while and they meet some of your friends. You look for Jay but you can't find him. You ask Carlos if he left early and he told you that Jay had to go and something but he will be back and you say ok. You and your friends hang out for a bit while you see your parents talking to Queen Belle and King Adam. You are your friends are laughing having fun when you see Queen Belle go up to the stage you ask Evie what's up and she just shrugs but smiles you know she is up to something. You were about to ask her but before you could you  hear Queen Belle ask for everyone's attention.
"We have a special surprise, two of our students are going to sing a very special song" Queen Belle said
"Who?" You hear someone ask
"Please welcome Jay from the Isle and Sabella Rider" She said your eyes widen and you see Lonnie and Evie bringing you up
"What song?" You ask
"I see the light" Queen Belle replied you nod your head ok
"Are you two ready?" She ask
"Yeah" Jay said
"Yes" You say and she gives you the microphone. You hear the music play and take a deep breath before singing

All those days watching from the you windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here suddenly I see
Standing here it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be

And at last I see the light
And it's like the dog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and ready and bright
And the world has someone shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you

Jay sent you a smile before singing
All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things the way they were
Now she's here shinning in the starlight
Now she's here suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

Jay took a step towards you and took your hand in his.
And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted
He twirled you around and bright you close to him

And at last I see the light

And it's like the sky is new
You sent him a smile

And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you
Now that I see you

When the music stopped Jay leaned in and gave you a kiss on the cheek and then you hear everyone clap. Queen Belle comes back on and you give her the microphone and she says you did a wonderful job and you both say thank you  before getting off the small stage and you see Lonnie, Evie, Mal, Jane, Doug, Carlos and Ben waiting for you.
"You guys were amazing" Evie said
"Thank you" you both say your friends compliment you and then you hear your name being called you see it's your parents
"Hi" You said
"You were amazing sweetie" your mum said
"She is right you were both amazing" your dad agrees
"Thank you" you say
"You just be Jay" your mum said
"Yes, your highness" Jay said bowing
"Oh no your highness is so formal call me Rapunzel" your mum said making you smile. Your mum never liked ma'am or your highness she always loved everyone calling her Rapunzel even if she was a queen
"Miss Rapunzel" Jay said
"Him calling you miss Rapunzel is the closest you are going to get" you say
"Such a charmer this young man is" your mother said and you seen him blush
"Thank you" He said
"Flynn aren't you going to say anything?" Your mum ask
"I hope you are treating my daughter right" your dad said
"Yes dad he is a great friend" you say
"Oh I thought you two were more" your mum said
"Not that Jay doesn't want to be he just doesn't want to be rejected" Carlos said without realising
"Carlos!" Jay said
"Oops I mean..." Carlos said but couldn't think of anything to say
"Jay what does he mean?" You ask
"We will let you two talk and your father and I will see you in a bit" your mum said
"We will?" You dad ask
"Yes we will. Let's go" your mum did taking him away. Your friends left as well and Mal dragged Carlos away.
There was a moment of silence between you before you decided to break it
"Jay? What did Carlos mean?" you ask
"Uh well, you see, I do like you a lot Sabella and I do want to be more than friends I have for a long time I just didn't think you would like me too" Jay said
"Are you serious?" You ask
"Yeah, look you can hate me I just wanted you to know" Jay said he was about to walk away but you stopped him. He gave you a sad and confused look
"I meant are you serious thinking I wouldn't like you back" you say his eyes widen
"You do?" He ask
"I always have, ever since you came. I tried to have you notice me but you only seen the girls who dressed like a princess. I figured since I didn't always wear a dress or something fancy you didn't like that" you say looking down. He put his index finger and thumb on your chin and making you look up.
"That is one thing I like about you. You have your own style" he said
"I like that about you too" you say and he smiles.
"I am sorry I didn't  notice you liking me. If I did I would have ask you out sooner" Jay said
"Are you asking me out?" You ask
"Yeah I am, but that is only if you don't completely hate me for not realising sooner" Jay said
"Id like to go out with you Jay" You say he smiled and did something you weren't expecting he kissed you and you kissed back after a few seconds you pull back and you smile hugging him which he returned. You stayed like that for a few minutes but you didn't care you you were happy that you and Jay were finally together.

@MrsOhioFriedChicken thank you for requesting I hope you like it.

I hope everyone enjoys

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