Erika & Harry Part 3

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It has been a week since Harry had proposed to you and when everyone found out they were overjoyed by it especially your mother. She loved that you were with Harry she seen that he completed you and you completed him. There was a big celebration planned for the engagement for tonight and everyone was invited you had told your mother that you would have preferred her to wait until you and Harry were married before having a big celebration, she told you that you will have a big celebration for that as well but it wasn't every day that her youngest daughter had got engaged.
The wedding would be a month after so there was a lot to do. You had asked Evie if she would make your dresses for both occasions and of course she said yes. You seen she couldn't say it quick enough. Your mother had said that you can chose two bridesmaids you knew instantly that it would be Mal and Evie in that order. And you had asked Harry who would he have standing by him. He said Gil and then Jay making you smile. Over the last few years Jay had became close to Harry like brothers. Although Chad may have given Harry a chance at being with you and also got along in a small way, you knew Chad wasn't to thrilled to have a VK has a brother in law but there was nothing he could do about it. You didn't care what anyone thought you and Harry had been through it all and have gotten to this point. You couldn't be happier.

Since you have worn your mothers colours blue and sliver the past few events you had asked Evie just a few days after if being engaged if she could do red and gold like your father and she told you of course. You also asked if she could make the bridesmaids dresses red and gold since Harry will be having the boys in red and black so it matches slightly and she told you yes smiling excitedly. Evie did say that Harry will have to wear a white shirt for the wedding and you said that's great. Evie also told you that you will have gold on your white dress and you said that would be great and she smiled.
You asked her does she know what Harry has for the engagement party and she told you no but not worry about it and you nodded ok.

You were in your room getting ready for the party tonight and you were nervous. The last event like this had not gone well. You hope that nothing happens especially like something just over a month back. Although tonight you must wear one of your tiaras, you weren't a big fan of them but you have to wear them on the night off your engagement party and wedding day. Luckily for you they matched your dresses.
Once you were dressed you took a deep breath and put on your tiara.

You hear a knock on your door and you tell the person to come in

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You hear a knock on your door and you tell the person to come in. After a second you see that it's your mother.
"Oh sweetie, you look beautiful" she said
"Thank you mother" you replied
"You are very welcome my dear" she said with tears in her eyes
"It's just the engagement party tonight Mum" you say
"I know but my little girl is all grown up getting ready to walk down the isle and then say I do, its a lot but it's also amazing" your mother said
"Thank you" you say
"Of course, well I came to tell you that there is a lot of people waiting for the princess to make her entrance" she said
"Can I have one more minute?" You ask
"Of course, just follow me when you are ready" she said and left
You took one more look in the mirror and took a deep breath before nodding and leaving your room your made your way to the grand staircase that lead to the ballroom when you were at the top of the stairs you sent the grand Duke a smile and he sent one back
"You look beautiful" he said
"Thank you" you reply. You noticed that Chad was already at the bottom on the staircase on the dance floor
"And now introducing Princess Erika" The grand Duke said and everyone started clapping you started walking down the stairs and when you got to the middle you gave a curtsey towards everyone and then continued until you were at the bottom. You seen Harry walk over to you and he gave you a bow and your curtsied in return
"You look absolutely stunning" he said putting his hand out for you to take
"Thank you, you look very handsome" you replied taking his hand.

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