Y/N &Carlos

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You are Evie's younger sister but you are the opposite of her. You aren't into fashion as much as your sister does you do know what is good to wear and when you should. You are very sarcastic, you will use sarcasm at almost anything. You are friends with the rest of the VKs but you are extremely close to Carlos.

Despite everyone on the Isle being villains or descendants of them not everyone is enemies. Some of them you can get along with or simply avoid  and the one who you couldn't avoid was Uma daughter of Ursula. You and Uma have been in an intense rivalry.
Although Uma is enemies with Mal, Carlos, Jay and Evie. She has a bigger one with you, you can't remember how or when it happened but when you were little kids you got along. You didn't really care though.

Today you were out wondering around the Isle and just being in your own thoughts. You hadn't realised someone come up behind you and grab you. You try and get out of their grip but they are stronger than you. They put a blindfold on you so you couldn't see where they were taking you. You kept punching them on the back hoping that they would let you go but they didn't.
After what had felt like forever they finally put you down. You heard a various of footsteps coming towards you, you feel your blindfold being took off and you blink a few times before you seen you were on Uma's ship. You tried to escape but Uma decided to start a fight with you. You both fought and you had nearly won but you knocked you down.
One of her pirates lifted you up and brought you below deck and told you to sit down. You sat on the chair and they tied you up and left you before locking the door.
You let out a breath you hadn't known you were holding in. You thought about Evie and what she will do when she finds out you were kidnapped.

As time ticks by you hear Uma's gang sword fighting but you also drift of to sleep.
What you hadn't known was that Uma had Gil and Harry go find Evie and the others to let them know that you have been kidnapped and that they had tatted to make a plan to get you out.

The next morning you wake up and see Harry in front of you smirking.
"What do you want?" You ask
"Lass, I was would watch the tone if I were you" Harry said
"Why?" You ask
"If you don't something could happen to Evie and your friends" Harry replied
"Lay a hand on them and I'll hurt your hook" you say
"Word on the Isle is that since you were kidnapped by us Carlos is very heartbroken" Harry said your eyes widen at that
"Sure would be a shame if you hurt me because then he'd have to be hurt also" Harry said
"Leave Carlos out of this!" You yell
"Oh does someone have a little crush?" Harry ask when you didn't answer his smirked widened
"You do! Oh well see lass now you know not to try anything" Harry said
"What if I don't listen and escape?" You ask
"Let's see how attracted you are to Carlos when he has a nasty scar from being hooked" harry said
"Yeah right you wouldn't" You say
"Wouldn't I?" He ask
"No because then you know we will come after you" you say
"There is no 'we' lass, your one your own" harry said
You were about to say something else when the door was opened and you seen it was Gil telling Harry that Uma needed them. Harry got up and left with him. You started thinking about Carlos when the door closed. You were getting very annoyed being in here so you did what you said you would to harry and that was attempt an escape. You tried to unite your wrist and stater a struggle for a while you finally got the knots loose. After a few more moments you are finally free you stand up and rub your wrist for a minute and then look around your surroundings to see if there is any way to get out other than the door.

You see there is a window and you go climb out it seeing that no one from Uma's crew. You start to walk off the ship then crash into someone making you fall
"Ow" You say
"I'm so sorry" you hear a voice say and you immediately recognise it
"Evie!" You say
"Y/N! Thank god you're alright" Evie replied
"I'm fine now let's go" You say
You both run to get off the ship but run into Harry and Gil is behind him
"Now lass what did I say about escaping?" Harry ask before you could say anything Evie spoke
"Leave her alone" Evie said
"I told you not to leave lass or someone would get hurt" Harry said ignoring Evie.
"You wouldn't go through with it" You say
"Wouldn't I? Gil why don't you and the guys go get our guest" Harry ask and said.
Gil told him okay and Harry brought you and Evie to the top deck and Gil and the other pirates follow. You see they have Mal, Jay and Carlos and your eyes widen.
"Did I forget to mention that they came along?" Evie ask
"That would have been useful" You say
Harry let's you and Evie go and tells Gil to let Mal and the boys go which he does.
Harry walks over to Carlos pulling him close to him and puts his hook at the side of his face
"Now lass what was that about me not keeping my word?" He ask you
"Let him go" You say
There is a deathly silence and harry is ready to hook him but before he can you get Carlos out of the way you, Evie and the gang fight Harry, Gil and the pirates after a while of fighting you, Evie, Mal, Jay and Carlos escape and go back to yours and theirs hangout.

When you get there you go to your room and throw yourself on your bed and let out a sigh of relief. After a minute you hear your door knock and you tell the person to come in. You see it's Carlos and he sits down beside you before speaking
"I was really worried about you" He said
"Yeah?" You ask
"Yeah, I'm glad you're ok" Carlos told you
"So am I. And thanks for caring" you say and he sends you a smile which you return.
You and Carlos talk for the rest of the afternoon and all you can do is smile.

Thank you for requesting and I hope it was what you were expecting.

I hope everyone enjoys

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