Klaudia & Thomas

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You were scrolling through Twitter and seen that there is some trailers to the new descendants movie. You seen a trailer of a new character Harry Hook who was being played ny Thomas Doherty. You were a fan of his since you seen him on a Disney channel show and followed him on Twitter you liked the trailer and commented that you couldn't wait for the movie to come out. You out your phone in your pocket and decided to take a walk through the park it was a nice day and too hot to stay inside. You got to the park and started Woking around losing yourself in your thoughts which made your bump into someone. You were about to hit the ground but you felt a pair of arms catch you an help you back up. You gain your balance and then look to see who the person was that caught you. You seen that it was Thomas Doherty your eyes slightly widened but not enough for him to notice.
"Are you alright lass?" You hear him ask
"Yes I am fine thank you so much for catching me" you say surprisingly calmly
"You are welcome" he said
"I apologise for crashing into you I wasn't watching to where I was going" you say
"It is quite alright it was partly my fault" he said and sent you a smile which you return
"I'm Thomas" he said introducing himself
"I'm Klaudia" you say
"That's a lovely name" he said
"Thank you" you say slightly blushing
"Do you want to walk together?" He ask
"Id like that" you say

You both start walking around and taking getting to know each other. You both hit it off pretty quickly and it seems as if you have known each other for months. He has made you laugh and you are really enjoying yourself. You had noticed that he does seem interested in you in more than a friend way but you didn't want to ask in case you were wrong.
You had never thought that you were going to be able to hang out with one of your favourite celebrities so now that you are you didn't want to ruin the chance.
You both walked to get some ice cream and continued talking when you both had finished he done something you weren't expecting
"So can I ask you a question?" He ask
"Sure" you reply.
"I know we've only known each other for a few hours but will you go out with me?" Thomas said and ask
"Yes I'd love too" you reply and he smiled.
"Cool so I will pick you up later" he said
"Yeah definitely" you agree
"Great so do you think you could give me your number and later text me your address" Thomas said
"Yeah absolutely" you say. You both give each other your numbers and you said goodbye to him. You go back to your house and before you know it he sent you a text asking if tonight would be a good time to go out and you text him back yes. He sent a smiley face and you went to look for an outfit to wear tonight. You text him your address and he said he'll pick you up at 7pm

 You text him your address and he said he'll pick you up at 7pm

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You went for a quick shower and then styled your hair and done your make up then quickly got changed

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You went for a quick shower and then styled your hair and done your make up then quickly got changed. When you finish getting changed you see that it is nearly 7pm you looked yourself in the mirror and smiled at your appearance. You hear a knock on the door and go down the stairs quickly to answer it. You open it and see it's Thomas. You send a smile and open the door fully.
"Hi" you say
"Hi, you look beautiful" he said
"Thank you" you reply.
"Are you ready?" He ask
"Yes" you reply.

You walk out to him  and link arms with him and you both walk to his car. He opened the door for you and you told him thank you. He smiled as a way to say welcome. 
He went to the drivers side and he started to drive you looked to see the direction he was going in but you were confused. You ask him where he was taking you and he tells you that it's a surprise you smile and you both start talking again before you know it you are at the park. He gets out and opens your door and takes you to the fountain where there is a picnic waiting. You smile and both sit down. You and him both talk for a while then look up at the stars when it starts to get very late he takes your home and kisses you goodnight.

You and Thomas have been together for a few weeks now and you have been so happy although you aren't completely official you are going on plenty of dates. He ask you to come to set and you look hesitant but agree. When you both arrive everyone starts asking questions and Thomas introduces you. You get to know the girls first as they heard you and Thomas have been going on dates. Then the boys start to get to know you. After an hour they had to go to work and Thomas said he'd see you when he got a break. He gave you a kiss on the cheek before going to the scene he was in.

You are happy you get to watch him act when he is finished you tell him you need to go and he says ok you kiss his cheek and the tell him you will see him later.
When you left he ask the others what do they think of you and they all said that you were great they liked  you which made him smile.

About 3 months has gone by and although you and Thomas have been going out you haven't became official but what you hadn't know was that was about to change. He took you to the park where first met.
"I need to ask you something" he said
"Ok" you tell him
"Ok so we have been going on dates for a while now and I really like you so will you be my girlfriend?" He ask
"I'd love too" you say and he finally kisses you.
That night he took you to meet his family as they visited and you were nervous but it turned out they really liked you which made you happy.

The day after you and him post a photo about being together and although some fans disagree you see that most of them are happy for you both and that's all you needed.

KlaudiaKlauR5 I hope you like it

Hope everyone enjoys

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