Y/N & Harry

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previously you and Harry got together although that almost didn't happen but your mum and dad said yes.
Part 2

It has been a week since you and Harry have been together. You found out your parents were staying for 3 weeks so you had a lot of time to spend with them.
You were meeting your parents at the main courtyard for some lunch.

You and your parents started talking and you told them what was happening before Harry and the other VKs came

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You and your parents started talking and you told them what was happening before Harry and the other VKs came. You told them what the first week of Harry being there was like. They listened closely and nodded every now of and then.
"So how are you and Harry?" Your mum asks
"We are great, I'm glad I'm am with him" you reply.
"Well I am glad your happy" your dad said
"Peter you agreed to give him a chance" your mum told him.
"Wendy I am being genuine, I really am glad she's happy" your dad said
"Just making sure" your mum said
"Thanks Daddy, he is good to me" you say
"Better than Chad?" Your dad asks
"Much better. He actually defended me when Chad tried to get me back. He said he'd hook him" you told them then you realised the last part
"Not that he did when he found out I had your name he dropped his Hook and Chad ran" you say
"I get what you were saying. At least he is protective" your dad said
"And very polite, I would like to get to know him more" your mum said
"Really?" You asks full of hope.
"We both would. If he makes you happy and is treating you right then it's only fair we get to know him" you dad replied.
You smiled at them. You told them that you and Harry are supposed to meet up tomorrow and told them to come along you would let Harry no later. They said ok and you spent the entire afternoon together.
You did miss doing this a lot but you were very happy when you got to spend time with them.

All to soon the night came to an end you have them a kiss on the cheek goodnight and made your way to your room. When you got there you text Harry saying that you guys will spend them with your parents and he said he looked forward to it. You both said goodnight and fell asleep instantly.
The next morning when you woke up you went to find Harry.

You knocked on his door but you got no answer

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You knocked on his door but you got no answer. You went to look for him and you found him in the forest. You looked closer to see that he was speaking to someone so you decided to leave him be. You went to yours and his usual spot and text him you were there.
my pirate - sitting at our spot waiting
You instantly got a reply
jewel- apologises but a change in plans
You were confused
My pirate- why? Everything ok?
jewel-  yes, just something came up
My pirate- can I help in any way?

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