Ellie & Thomas

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Ellie has been with Mitchell for a few months now. They began dating when the production of Descendants 2 started, you always had a crush on Mitchell so when he asked you out your were very excited, she had instantly told Dove and she was so excited for Ellie. Dove instantly shipped them.
Although the past two weeks Ellie had noticed that Mitchell seems quite distant and she is confused as to why that is. She thought that she would give him some space in case it was something personal or family related and he would tell her in his own time. But he hasn't been talking to her when she comes to set he just says hi and stays quiet when she and everyone else is talking. She had decided to talk to him about everything so she went to set and headed to his dressing room and knocked on the door when he opened it he was shocked to see Ellie there. He told her to come in and they sat down there had been a long silence and it was very awkward. After a few more minutes Mitchell had decided to speak.
"What brings you here?" He ask
"I came to talk to you" Ellie replied.
"Why? You haven't the past two weeks" He ask and said
"There has been nothing than I wanted more to be talking to you but whenever I tried you just stayed quiet" she had replied he sighed knowing that she was right he hasn't been communicating with her
"I'm sorry about that" he told her
"What's going on?" She asked
"You'll hate me" He said
"I doubt that" she replied
"I don't" He said
"I don't understand" she said
"Just know this person has nothing to do with this they don't even know ok?" He said and ask
"Mitchell what's going on?" She ask
"I think we should break up" he said
"Why?" She ask
"I have feelings for someone else" he said. When Ellie heard that her heart broke into a million pieces
"Who?" She had ask. Trying to hide the fact that she was close to tears
"Sofia, But she doesn't know. I haven't told her" Mitchell said she was struggling to hold back the tears
"What made you like her?" She ask her voice breaking
"We were going over lines and something clicked I'm not sure if she felt something but I know she wouldn't act on them while I'm with you she cares about your friendship" Mitchell told her.
"I can't believe you went and fell for one of my best friends" Ellie told him
"I'm sorry" Mitchell said
"Do what you want, you should have told me before that you didn't think it was working not waiting until now" she told Mitchell
"Ellie I'm sorry" he said
"Forget it" she said and got up angrily and walked out.
When she left his dressing room and closed the door she ran quickly and tears started to fall, while she was running she bumped into someone before she collided with the ground they had caught her. She looked to see Thomas had his arms around her waist helping her to her feet again.
"Are you ok?" He ask
She was looking down she didn't want him to see her crying.
"Ellie what's the matter?" He ask
He tilted her head up and seen she was crying
"Ellie what's wrong?" He ask wiping her tears away
"Mitchell broke up with me" she said
"Aww I'm sorry Ellie he's an idiot" Thomas said
"Thanks I am just gonna go home" she said
"Ok, do you want to watch a movie later to get your mind of everything?"He ask
"Yeah sure come to mine after your finished" She said
"Alright see yeah then" he said
Ellie said she will see him later and gone home. She made sure no one knew she was crying before leaving.
When she got home she got a call from Dove asking why she hadn't been at set today.
Ellie told Dove that she was but she left early because she and Mitchell broke up. Dove told her she was sorry that happened and ask why they broke up. Ellie told her that he liked Sofia and Dove gasps in shock. She told Ellie to hold on a second she will tell Sofia what is happening. Ellie told her not to tell Sofia Mitchell likes her he should tell her but she can say they broke up. Dove stayed quiet for a minute but then said ok.
Ellie heard Dove tell Sofia and she heard Sofia gasps. The three of them spoke for a few minutes until Dove and Sofia had been called to set.

The rest of the day Ellie did anything she could to get Mitchell off her mind. After a few hours she took a nap.

A while later she is woken up my hearing someone knocking on her door she groans in frustration and fixes her hair before answer the door she sees it's Thomas and she smiles
"Hey Thomas" she said
"Hey Ellie, I brought pizza in case you were hungry" Thomas said
"Yeah I am, come on in" She said and he thanked her before the door closed and they brought the pizza to the kitchen for Ellie to get  plates for them and they both took a few slices and sat at the table.
They start talking and Ellie ask Thomas how did production go today and he said it was good except Dove and Sofia were mad at Mitchell a lot so when they had to shoot chillin like a villain and Sofia's character Evie told Ben to chill and he can't say please and thank you to was very effective. He also said the fight that Ben and Mal Have was effective too. You smiled at that knowing they were taking their anger out on him but also not hurting him
"Do you know why they were?" Thomas ask
"They know he broke up with me" She said
"Oh do they know the reason?" Thomas ask
"Yeah" She replied
"Ellie, will you tell me?" He ask
"He likes someone else" she said
"Oh I'm so sorry Ellie, he doesn't deserve you" Thomas said
"Thanks Thomas" she said and they finished eating before going to watch a few movies. They looked on Netflix to see what was on and Thomas ask if a horror movie was ok and she said yes. He chose one and hit play. She wasn't  very scared halfway through it then something on the screen made her jump slightly and she seen Thomas was looking at her
"You ok?" He ask
"Oh yeah I'm fine" she replied
"If this is too scary we can turn it off" he said
"No it's fine" she said
Thomas pulled her beside him and he wrapped his arm around her holding her close to him. She smiled at it and lay her head on his chest. Through the movie she was getting a bit scared but she didn't jump like before. When the movie was over Thomas turned it off. He ask if she wanted another one on and she politely said no. Thomas turned the tv off and they started talking about whatever came to mind. They spoke for a few hours and fell asleep. The next morning when Ellie woke up she was confused as to why she was on the sofa and not in her bed and she seen Thomas was beside her and she remembered last night him coming over. She quickly got out of his grasp and went to make tea/coffee (whichever you prefer)
When she  was done she heard footsteps knowing it was Thomas.
"Morning lass" he said
"Morning Thomas" She replied and handed him a cup of tea/coffee
"Thank you lass" he said
"You're welcome" she said they both sat down at the table
"Thank you for last night" she said
"You are welcome I'm just sorry I fell asleep on you" Thomas replied
"We probably fell asleep at the same time so it's okay" she told him and he smiled.
"Ellie are you ok from yesterday?" He ask
"Yeah it hurt knowing he likes someone else but I suppose it wasn't meant to be" she said
"Ellie there is something I need to tell you" Thomas said
"What's that?" She ask
"I like you more than a friend, and I am not asking you if you like me that way but I'm asking that maybe when you get over Mitchell you'll consider giving me a chance?" He ask
"This doesn't have to be right now does it?" She ask
"No whenever you are ready" he said
"I will think about it" she said and he said ok.
They spent the rest of the day together just hanging out relaxing inside. When Thomas went home that night he told her he had a great time and she said the same.

Over the next couple of weeks they become very close and everyone can see that Thomas is in love with Ellie except Ellie herself. She is starting to like Thomas but she doesn't know if she's in love with him. Dove and Sofia have been telling her to go out with him for a few days now and she is thinking about it. Mitchell came and said that Sofia did like him but as a friend Ellie told him she was sorry it didn't work and then they went their own ways. They still speak from time to time.

Ellie went to Thomas's dressing room to see if he was finished acting for a while. She knocked on his door and when she got no answer she knocked again. She seen his door was unlocked so she opened it. When she entered she seen he was only in a pair of jeans and socks listening to his headphones. He only noticed when he heard the door close. His eyes shot up to the door and he quickly got to his feet looking for a t-shirt
"Oh Thomas I'm sorry" she said about to leave
"No stay, it's ok" he said. He found a t-shirt and quickly put it on.
"I tried knocking" she said
"Sorry my headphones were in, take a seat" He said and she sat next to him
"So what's up?" He ask
"I came to talk to you about something" she said
"What?" He ask
"Uh do you remember the day after Mitchell and I broke up?" She ask
"Yeah why?" He ask
"I wanted to know if you still like me" She said he didn't say anything
"You told me you did and I wanted to know if you still do" she said he smiled
"I haven't stopped" he said
"Really?" She ask
"Yeah really, and I meant what I said. I would like to have a chance with you but only if you want to" he said
"That's why I'm here. I like you too and I am nervous because of what has happened" She said
"I am not going to hurt you lass, if you give me a chance I will make sure that you are happy" Thomas said and she smiled
"Will you go out with me?" He ask
"Yes I will" she said he pulled her into a kiss which only lasted a few seconds but it was perfect.
They spent an hour in his dressing room since he did have to go to set again soon. He ask if tonight was good for them to go on a date and she told him yes making him smile.
Ellie was happy she knew Thomas wouldn't rush her to anything to hurt her.

Ok so I'm a little confused with this one
I am not sure if this was just one person and changed their username or it was two people. I hope they like this request and thank you for requesting
And I hope everyone enjoys

IssaEllieMecham & __Wonder_Woman_

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