Y/N & Harry Part 3

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(This is the final part of the previous y/n. At the end of the last one Harry kissed you and he is also Scamps best man)

You had found out that your parents, Scamp and Angel will be staying for another two weeks then they will be going back for the last touches of the wedding which is only a week after so everything was very close to each other. You had seen what your dress looked like and you loved it. You and Angel had talked about hairstyle and make up which you both made sure was still natural but also noticeable. Which you both knew Scamp and your parents would be happy about since they were still getting  use to you wearing make up. Well your dad and Scamp were still getting use to it since your mother knew that it would happen one day.
For the first few days of school for Harry, Dizzy and Gil were difficult as not many people were willing to trust them as they came from the Isle. Chad, Noah and Ethan had made sure to voice their opinions on them being here more than once. Your sisters were grounded until your parents left which they had felt was unfair. Your dad had said they got lucky as they were going to be grounded after the wedding but he only grounded them until the day before.

After school had ended on Monday Angel brought you her and Scamps room and ask you about your date the day after your date with Harry. She had asked you to tell her everything that had happened on your date. You tell her that after everyone left Harry ask if yo wanted to go out now and you told him yes. So he took you away from campus a little and you seen he had a motorbike so he took you on it and he brought you to a cliff away from Auradon and he also picked up food. You told her that you both talked there for a few hours although you didn't realise how much time had past until she had called you. And when Harry walked you back to your room he kissed you for a few seconds. When Angel heard that she was very excited got you and him and ask if you two were dating and you said you didn't know but you liked what happened.

The time  of Scamp, Angel and your parents being here was going by fast which was making you sad because you were happy to have them back and spending time with you. But you knew you would have a whole weekend with them when it was time for the wedding.
In the time they have been here you and Harry have been going out on dates although you both weren't official but he did treat you right when you were with him which Scamp and your dad liked. Today is the last day they are here and you are all going to dinner tonight. Angel told you she will do your hair and you smiled.

Today was like any other day. Everyone stopped being mean to Gil and Dizzy after a week as they seen they were harmless but Harry was a different story. You had felt bad for him since it was mainly about you and him going on dates. When you ask Harry if he was ok he always shrugged and said it didn't bother him and you smiled.
You were walking to your locker to get your books for after lunch and when you turned around you see Chad, Noah, Ethan there.
"What do you three want?" You ask
"An answer" Chad said
"Yes you should definitely get a haircut" you say
"Funny but no, why did you get your sisters grounded?" Chad ask
"They did it themselves they did what they did and they got punished" you say
"Whatever, look they need to not be grounded for a while" Chad said
"Why is that?" You ask
"There is this concert that we have all been planning on going and we can't go if they are grounded" Noah said
"Yeah so you could talk to your parents and get them ungrounded for a night" Ethan said you were about to speak but someone else had before you
"Actually no, they will take their grounding as given and they aren't allowed to go to concerts on a week night" You look to see your dad
"Oh hello sir" Noah said
"Good afternoon" your dad said
"We were just having a friendly chat" Ethan said
"It seemed like you cornered my daughter" your dad said
"Just a bit of fun" Ethan said
"Yeah that's all" Noah said
"Not from where I'm standing" your dad said
They couldn't speak
"Go for lunch it started 5 minutes ago and stay away from Y/N" your dad said and they nodded before leaving
"Thanks" You say
"No problem now come on let's get lunch" your dad replied and you followed him to a table where your family and friends where sitting minus your sisters.
Over lunch you and everyone talked about whatever you thought off although since lunch was only 35 minuets you couldn't talk about many things. When you hear the bell ring you and and the VKs groan and your parents, Scamp and Angel laugh. They tell you they will see you later and you say ok.

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