5th Imagine Y/N & Harry

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Ok so i feel that is Disney princess is underrated. Not everyone remembers her and I have to say that this is an amazing movie. So it's Princess Eilonwy and Taran from the black cauldron.

You are the daughter of Princess Eilonwy and Taran.
You are about to turn 16yrs old and you are having a big party for it. Ben was nice enough to let you use the grand ballroom for your party.
Since it was your 16th a lot of work had to go into it with the invitations, the food, drinks, decorations, your hair style, your dress. Anything else you could think off.
You were just very glad the your parents were helping with the food and decorations. You were going to ask Evie is she could help with your dress.
When you thought that you began thinking about your best friends Ben, Jay, Carlos, Evie, Mal, Lonnie and Jane There was another person but you hadn't wanted to see them as a best friend. You had wanted to be more.
You were quite intrigued about him from the beginning from when you met him. He wore his long coat, his pirate hat and a hook.
Yep that's right the boy that you have fallen for was Harry Hook son of Captain Hook.

You had just finished making your birthday invitations and you instantly went to Mal and Evie's room and slide their invitations under the door. You then went to Lonnie's room, Jane's room delivering their invitations then went to Carols and Jay's sliding theirs under the door also. You left Ben's invitation on his desk in his office.

While you were walking around you handed out your invitations and everyone smiled saying thank you you still had more to give. You were turned a corner and bumped into someone before you could collide with the ground you felt a pair of arms around you. The person brought you to your feet. You looked
up to see Harry.

"Hey lass" Harry said.
"Hey Harry" You replied
"You alright?" He asks referring to you nearly falling
"Yeah I am fine, thank you for catching me" you replied and said.
"Your welcome" he replied.
You were about to say something else but heard voices behind you.
You seen the girls Evie, Mal, Lonnie and Jane

"Hey, Y/N, hey Harry" Evie said
"Hey" you both replied
"What's up girls" Harry asks
"We came to thank you y/n for the invitation to her sweet 16th" Jane said
Before you could say anything the boys came up.
"Hey guys" Carlos said
"Hey" you said
"What brings you guys here" Mal ask
"Y/Ns invitations, we came to say thank you" Ben replied. Before you could speak Harry spoke.
"Now lass it seems everyone got an invite but me, am I not invited?" Harry asks in a playful tone. You noticed Jane was about to leave but Carlos stopped her.
"Of course you are, I just thought I'd give you yours personally" you told him. You said that last bit quietly hoping no one heard it but he did. He smirked and you knew you he was about to start teasing
"Aw lass now that makes me feel special" He replied
"What does" Lonnie asks
You handed Harry an invitation and he took it of you
"Thank you" he said
"You're welcome" you replied he gave your hand a slight kiss making you blush.
There was a moment of silence then Jay broke it.
"Well thank you for the invite Carlos, Lonnie and I have to go now" Jay said
"We do" Carlos asks Lonnie looked at you and Harry and caught on to what Jay was doing
"Yeah we do. We have practice" Lonnie replied Carlos followed Lonnie's eyes and caught on
"Oh that's right. I forgot" Carlos said
"We'll see you guys later" Jay said. Jay, Carlos and Lonnie began walking away.
"Can I make your dress Evie" asked you told her yes
Mal noticed something which was that Harry still had your hand in his. She told you that she and Ben had to go. And she took Evie and Jane with her. They were confused but went anyway.

"Do you have much more to give out" Harry asks
"No just a few" you replied
"I'll help" he said and you said thank you.
You tired to walk but felt yourself stumble back

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