Shianne & Carlos

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You are the daughter of Jafar and Jay's younger sister by two years. You aren't into stealing as much as Jay but you will if you need too. You prefer to stay in the shadows and kept out of trouble as much as possible. Today was one of the days you decided to steal you were walking around the Isle when you tripped but before you hit the ground you felt a pair of arms around you helping you back up on your feet. When you have completely regained your balance the person let's go and you look to see that it is Carlos. You send him a small shy smile since you have always had a crush on Carlos but no one knows especially not Jay. What you hadn't known was that Carlos had a crush on you as well even if he is a year older.
He looked over your appearance for a moment and then spoke

"Wow you look beautiful" Carlos said making you blush "Thank you" you reply shyly and quietly but he still hears you "You're welcome" he replied a silence falls between the two of you for a few moments but then he breaks it

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"Wow you look beautiful" Carlos said making you blush
"Thank you" you reply shyly and quietly but he still hears you
"You're welcome" he replied a silence falls between the two of you for a few moments but then he breaks it.
"Y/N can I ask you something?" Carlos ask
"Yeah of course" you reply
"Do you maybe want to go out sometime with me, possibly?" Carlos asked you shyly
"Like a date?" You ask hoping that was what he meant.
"Yeah on a date, so what do you say?" Carlos said and asked
"I'd like that a lot" you reply.
"Cool so how about maybe tomorrow night?" Carlos suggested
"Yeah tomorrow, meet here at 6?" you say and suggest
"Sure" Carlos said.
"Bye" You say
"Bye" Carlos replied

You walk away and begin to do what you planned and that was steal a few things without getting caught which you had managed to do. After a few hours you just walk around taking in the secrecy. You see that Jay, Carlos, Evie and Mal are doing 'Rotten to the core' you watch from the shadows and smiled when you heard Carlos singing when he stopped you had gone back home and have your dad the stolen possessions that you had and he seen that one was a lamp but unfortunately for him it didn't work.
You decide to go to your room and look for something for tomorrow night with Carlos. When you knew you were close to finding something your dad called you for dinner so you quickly go downstairs. You and Jay ask each other about your day and you tell him you did some stealing. After dinner you go back up to your room and try and remember the outfit you were about to choose but you forgot so you decided to watch a movie to pass some time. You fall asleep through the movie and then wake up around lunchtime the next day.
You decide to start to look for your outfit and after a while of searching you finally find it. You go for a shower and then think of ways to style your hair. You finally decide after a few minutes

(Imagine your own hair colour)You then get your outfit on and see you took up to the time where there is 10 minutes to meet Carlos

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(Imagine your own hair colour)
You then get your outfit on and see you took up to the time where there is 10 minutes to meet Carlos.

You decide to sneak out the window as quite as possible in your heels and start to male your way to your destination

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You decide to sneak out the window as quite as possible in your heels and start to male your way to your destination. When you arrive here you see it is just after 6 and notice that Carlos was there. You walk up to him and he sees you come into view.
"Hi" You say
"Hey, wow you look beautiful" Carlos said
"Thank you, you look very great yourself" you tell him. 

"Thank you" He replied"You are welcome" he said

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"Thank you" He replied
"You are welcome" he said. There is a silence between you both until he breaks it
"So should we get going?" Carlos asks
"Uh yeah we should" you reply you both start walking in a direction and while you were walking you and Carlos started talking about whatever came to mind at one point Carlos took your hand in his and you wrap your fingers around his hand and smile.
"Is this ok?" He ask you
"Yeah this is nice" you tell him. After a few more minutes you arrive at the docks and see that he has set up a picnic with a small projector you looked at it in awe and he smiled at your facial expression
"Oh my gosh this is amazing" you say
"I'm glad you like it" he said you both sit down and he grabs a remote before hitting play and he sees it is (favourite movie) making you more excited.
You both start eating and enjoying the movie when you both have finished eating he puts his arm around your shoulder and you lean your head on his making me bring you a bit closer to him. When the movie is over you both just talk about whatever comes to your minds which is anything and nothing you both see the moon and stars come up and you are memorised by it.
"It's so beautiful" You say
"Yeah the sky is beautiful but not as beautiful as you" Carlos said in a sweet voice making you blush
"Thank you that was so sweet" you tell him
"I truly mean it and you are welcome. It's cute when you blush" he tells you making you blush even more and he chuckles slightly for a few seconds then he puts his head on yours and a comfortable silence falls between you both. After a while he starts up a conversation about something you weren't sure about
"Are we going to tell Jay? he ask.
"I don't know. I know he doesn't like me dating and he is very uncertain of the ones I date" you tell him
"You know he will have to find out at one point" Carlos said
"I know but would it be ok for us to keep us a secret just until we see where this goes?" You ask
"Yeah I think that's a good idea but know I do really like you. I always have and I don't plan on letting you go so easily" Carlos said
"I really like you too Carlos and I don't want to lose you" you tell him
"So Shianne will you be my girlfriend?" He ask
"I would really love that" you tell him
He smiles at your answer and you see him lean in you do the same and what seems like a lifetime but is only a few seconds his lips were on yours. The kiss had lasted a minute and when you pulled back you were blushing like crazy but you liked it.
You and Carlos spent the rest of the night at the docks talking and just enjoy each other's company.

@aphmau202 I hope you like it and thank you for requesting

I hope everyone enjoys

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