Y/N & Harry

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(Uma isn't apart of the pirate crew)
You are the daughter of Mr Smee and you are best friends with Captain Hooks son Harry. Harry is known as the new Captain Hook around the Isle. He captains the Jolly Roger you are his first mate and Gil is his second mate, together the three of you rule the Isle since the VKs has left for Auradon. The three of you were feared by everyone although Gil may not always know what is going on around him but the times that he does he will be very serious. He is also very carefree and funny so Harry keeps him around. The big difference between Harry and his dad being captain of the Jolly Roger is that he did not take you for granted like his dad had done to yours. Both you and Harry dreamed of going to NeverLand not for vengeance but to explore it.
Since Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos left for Auradon you haven't had any real rivals, the only rival you had was Uma daughter of Ursula, she had tried to take over Auradon by putting a love spell on the king but thanks to Mal that plan failed. You weren't surprised that Mal had defeated Uma but when Uma had returned she was the talk of this Isle for a while. Uma could barley go to work without people whispering about her, but since is the Isle you need to be use to people talking about you. Although everyone has moved on but she still is ashamed of her defeat.

You and Gil were out patrolling to see if anything was happening but it was a boring day, you both did steal a few things but that was it and decided to go to the ship when you got to the ship you had started sword fighting training you were beating Gil and a few other pirates, the whole crew came over to try and beat you which was always very difficult, the only one who could defeat you was Gil but that was only on an off day which was rare. When you defeated everyone you had smirked in satisfaction.
"Well I think that was a good training session" you say
"It's not over yet love" you hear an all to familiar voice everyone steps back to the sides of the ship and you see a sword clash with yours and the see Harry in front of you. You both started fighting and honestly you and him were evenly matched. Your battle had gone on for quite a while some of the crew were encouraging Harry and the rest encouraging you. Harry had his sword clashed with yours in the shape of a cross and also his hook was on his adding the pressure. You were losing your strength when you looked into his ocean blue eyes. You would be lying if you say you didn't have a crush on Harry, you've been friends since birth. You snapped out of your trance when you realised you almost let go of your sword, and you kicked his chin and he moved in pain and you had an advantage for a while then he gained it back. Both your swords were crossed the end of it on the ground and you were both out of breath
"How about we let go on three" you'd suggest
"Wouldn't that be admitting defeat" he said
"Not if we both do it at the same time" you tell him
"Thanks for the offer love but I don't think so" he said
"Why not?" You ask spinning around lifting your sword and he does the same clashing his with yours you both somehow had got to the pirates wheel, not thinking that you two started to take a few steps.
"Where is the fun in that, one of us always win" he said and had your back close to the wheel
"Aye so why not tie this time" you say
"It's no fun love" he said
Every time he called you love you had got shivers down your spine, to you it had meant something but you knew that it was just a playful nickname but a small part of you hoped it was more than that
"You and I are evenly matched this will go on for hours" You say shoving him forward and you both go down the steps making your way to the middle of the ship and you seen a spark in his eyes and he smirked
"Alright then, on three" he said
"You do know how to get to three right?" You ask sarcastically, Harry wasn't very good at counting neither were you but that was one thing you were smarter at, a few pirates laughed and Harry glared at them making them be quite
"Funny lass" he said looking back at you
"Well then go on and count" you say
"Ladies first" He said
"Always a gentleman" you say
"Of course love" he said and you both had your swords crossed like a cross
"1" you say
"2" he said
"3" you both say and you both spin your swords away from each other and bring them down to your side letting them go. The crew cheered knowing that it was a great battle you two just had and you both were out of breath. He put his hand out for you to take and then he brought it up to his lips and gave it a small kiss having it last a moment and you slowly took your hand away trying to hide the blush that was on your face since you were red from fighting it only looked as if you were too warm.
"Pleasure to battle against the lady" he said
"Pleasure was all mine" you say and you seen he was staring into your eyes
This was something you both did, acted quite sophisticated. Harry was a true gentleman everyone seen it although he only shown that side of him around you or the crew seen it if they were around.
"Is training over Harry?" he heard Gil ask and turned his head to look at him
"Yeah it's over, go do whatever" he said and the crew did exactly that. The only ones left on the ship were you and Harry.
"That was a good battle lass" he said
"Yeah it was" you reply.
The wind started to pick up fast and you looked to see that everyone was finding shelter, you knew the crew would be fine if they went to the chip shop.
"Let's go below deck" he said and you nod. You both go to his room and put your swords down and you sit on his bed you see he was going through the cupboard after a minute he spoke
"Back in a moment lass" he said and before you could reply he was out of the room.
You sat there had gone into your own thoughts that you didn't realise he came back until he spoke
"Love" he said and you snapped out of your thoughts
"Oh sorry" you said
"It's alright, here ye are" he said and handed you a cup you seen it was hot chocolate
"Thanks" You say
"Ye is welcome" he replied and you smile.
"I enjoyed today" you said
"Me too, never tied before but surprisingly I liked it" he said
"We would have been there for hours" you said
"Maybe but I would have got to spend those hours with ye lass" He said and you seen sincerity in his eyes
"That would have been great but the wind got to heavy, and I think I would have froze" you say
"I enjoy spending time with ye love weather it's in here or out there" he said
"Why do you always call me love?" You ask
"I've always called ye love" he replied
"But why?" You ask
"Do ye not like it?" He ask
"I do but I just want to know why" you say
"No reason it just suits ye" He replied and that instantly hurts you, you try to hide it but he seen the hurt in your eyes even if it was only for a second.
"Love did I say something wrong?" He ask
"No, I have to go" You say and sat the cup he gave you down quickly getting up and he puts his down getting up after you quickly grabbing your wrist making you stop but you couldn't turn around since you had tears in your eyes
"Lass, talk to me" he said
"I have to go" You say and pull your wrist out of his grip leaving his room and the ship to go home. Harry came out after you and called your name but you ignored him running fast he ran after you but by the time he got off the ship you were no where in sight. He groaned in frustration and punched the wall before going back to his room. He slammed the door and started to throw things about. He knew whatever just happened hurt you and that was one thing he swore to himself he would never do. He noticed his fist was bleeding so he quickly bandaged it up before lying on his bed thinking about what he could have said to hurt you and ending up falling asleep.

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