Y/N & Harry

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You and Harry have been dating since a week after he has arrived in Auradon. Each group of VKs that have been invited to Auradon had easily settled in and had quickly became friends with the students in Auradon. When Harry had asked you out you were very excited and couldn't say yes fast enough.
"Y/N" you hear someone call your name and you look around and see Harry coming over to you
"Hey" He said when he reached your locker
"Hey" You replied closing your locker door.
"How's it going?" He asked
"Fine, what's up?" You asked him
"I was wondering if you have any plans tonight?" Harry said
"Just having a chill night in" you told him
"Sounds like fun" he said
"Why you asking?" You asked him
"If you didn't have any plans tonight I was wondering if you would like to go out tonight?" Harry said and asked
"You mean like a date?" You asked unsure
"Yeah a date" he replied you seen he was nervous and that was something you didn't see in Harry
"I'd love too" you told him and he sent you a smile and you returned it.
"So how does me picking you up at seven sound?" Harry asked
"That sounds great" you tell him and he smiles
"I'll see you later" you say
"See you later" he replied and walk to your room to do your homework.
You smile at the memory you were in the kitchen making some soup since Harry was sick when he didn't show up to class today you knew something was wrong, you asked Gil what was wrong with him and he said that Harry was up all night coughing you tell him to thank you before going to quickly do your homework and then head to the kitchen.
Once you were finished cooking it you put a sliver try over it so it'd stay warm. When you got to his room you knock on the door and you hear a faint come in. You sat the soup down to open it and then close it with your foot.
You try and not make a loud noise knowing he would have a headache from coughing a lot.
"Hey Harry" You say he turned to look at you and gave a weak smile.
"Hi love" he replied and his voice was raspy.
"What ye got there?" He asked
"Chicken soup" you replied
"Thanks love but I'm fine" he said and you roll your eyes at him being stubborn. You sat the soup down on the table beside him and sit next to him
"You're not fine, Gil said you were coughing all night" you tell him
"A little bit but it's not too bad" he said when he said that he started coughing again. You feel his forehead and realise he has a temperature you get up and go to the bathroom and damp a small hand towel before bringing it back to him and putting it on his forehead.
"What is that for?" He ask
"You have a temperature this will help it" You tell him
"Come on sit up and have some soup" you say he does as you say and you hand him the soup. He starts eating it and you go and fill a bowl up with water for the cloth on his forehead. After a few minutes he tells you he can't eat anymore you see he ate half of it and you smile putting it back on the table.
"Thanks love" He said
"My pleasure" you tell him.
"Lie beside me" he said you take your shoes off and you get into his bed beside him.
"I hate when I am sick" Harry said
"Yeah it is bad with the headaches and stuff" you say
"No, I hate it because I can't kiss you" He said and you blush.
"Good to know I can still make you blush" he said laughing slightly
"Stop" You say blushing harder hiding your face in his chest and he laughs again. You left your head up and kiss his cheek
"What was that for?" He ask
"Just because" you said
"Thank you love but I don't want you sick either" he told you
"I don't mind" you say
"I do, but believe me once I am over this I will give you all the kisses you want" He said
"You are sweet" you say

You and Harry spend the night together talking about whatever came to mind. You mention your first date and you see him smile.
"You remember that?" You ask
"One date I'll never forget" he said

You're first date with Harry was him picking you up at 7 like he said and brought you to the front of the school before leading you through the forest until you come across part of it you have never seen it had waterfalls and the moon and stars where shining making the water glow. You see there was a picnic waiting on you both and you smile. He brings you over and you both sit down  and you see that he has al of your favourite foods. You both start eating and you also just talk about whatever comes to mind. You decide to ask about the Isle and you seen he was slightly taken back.
"Was I wrong to ask about it?" You ask him
"No love, I just wasn't expecting it" he told you
"You don't have to answer" you tell him
"No I want too, what do you want to know about it?" He replied and asked
"Anything" You say moving closer to him and he laughs
"Alright, well I will tell you the main thing I ate over there was fish and chips in Ursulas restaurant" he said
"Wasn't there more food?" You ask
"Of course but I was always around there so it was the main thing I had" He told you
"What else?" You ask
"A lot of trouble on it, stealing, fighting" he said
"Sounds...rough" you say trying to find the right words
"It was, but then we got to come here and everything changed" he said
"How's that?" You ask
"I met a beautiful girl who helped me change" He said and you smiled
"Who would that be?" You ask in a playful tone he brought you so you were in between his legs and his hands on your waist.
"You" He said and he started to lean in and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. After that you turn around and he is sitting behind you and with his arms around your waist.
You both just stay there for a few hours talking about memories of being kids.
When he walked you back to your room he kissed you goodnight before you went into your room.
"That was a great night" you said
"Yes it was, one of my favourite nights ever" he said
"Aw really?" You ask
"Really, I got to take you out of course it's going to be one of my favourite nights" He says

You both spend the rest of the night doing that and you laugh at a few memories.
"Thank you love" he said
"For what?" You ask
"For taking care of me today" he said
"Anytime" You say and you kiss his cheek and you put your head on his shoulder before you both drift of to sleep.

hooktrash thank you for requesting I hope it was what you wanted

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