Stephine & Chad

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You and Chad were dating for a few months and then you and him broke up because he had been constantly flirting with other girls and you got tired of it. You remember the day you broke up with him

You were talking with Evie and Mal when you seen Chad flirting with one of the cheerleaders you walk up to him and tap his shoulder. He turns around and his eyes widen
"Stephanie, it's not what it looks like" Chad said
"Save it Chad" you say and try and walk away but he stops you
"Look Steph..." Chad started
"No Chad we are done" you say and walk away
"Stephanie! Stephanie!" Chad yelled.
Chad had continued calling your name but you ignored him. You knew you wanted to cry but you weren't going to at least not in front of anyone.
You quickly made your way past everyone not thinking if you bumped against anyone, what you didn't notice was that Mal and Evie exchanged worried glances at each other and quickly made their way after you.
When you get to you your room you all the tears that you were holding back finally fell and you just kept crying you slid down so your back is against the door. After a few minutes you heard a knock on your door but you ignore it thinking it was Chad. The person had kept knocking the door and you finally yelled out of frustration
"Go away!" You yelled
"Stephanie it's Evie and Mal, open up" you hear Evie say
"Go away" you tell them
"Stephanie open the door or I'll use magic to open it" Mal said and you knew she was serious you sighed and got up and open it letting them in quickly closing the door after them.
"Oh my gosh, what happened?" Evie asked
"Chad happened" you say sitting on your bed and they sat on two chairs near your desk
"What did he do?" Mal asked
"He kept flirting with other girls and every time I forgive him and then I just seen him flirting with a cheerleader so I broke up with him" you explain tears falling again, they both moved to sit next to you
"I am so sorry, Chad is such an idiot" Evie said
"No I am, I believed he actually could have loved me" you say
"No he is, because he has lost an amazing girl and he is gonna regret it" Mal said and you smiled.
They had both stayed there with you for a few hours before leaving you in your own thoughts.
The next day at school everyone knew you and Chad broke up and also Mal and Evie has given him a good yelling, Carlos and Jay found out they were furious as well and Carlos and Evie had to stop Mal and Jay from physically hurting Chad which you found amusing.

That had about six months back and now the royal cotillion was happening you were in your room getting ready and even though you and Chad broke up you do secretly miss him but you are afraid of trusting him again in case he hurts you again. He has tried to get you back recently but you keep rejecting him. And each time it is getting harder and harder too.
You think back to last week when he had tired to get you back again

You were walking to your locker when you seen Chad leaning against it you sigh and roll your eyes at him and as you get closer he stands up straight and you take the books that you need, you ignore Chad and are about to walk away but he grabs your arm
"Please Steph, just hear me out" he said and you sighed
"Fine but only 5 minutes" you say
"Ok thank you" He told you and took a deep breath before speaking
"I am not gonna say I didn't deserve for you to break up with me because I did, but what I will say is that I'm miserable without you. I am sorry for flirting with other girls it was wrong and stupid and if I could take it back I would" he tells you and you can see the sincerity in his eyes and hear it in the tone of his voice.
"Chad I appreciate the apology and I'll accept it but I can't forgive what you did, you hurt me deeply" you say
"I know Steph but I am not gonna be stupid anymore please, give me another chance" he said
"I don't know, I'll have to think about it" You tell him
"Alright, I understand but please know that I regret hurting you and that also if you decide to not give me a chance I will respect your decision, I will be grateful and thankful if you do let me have a chance. But I do owe you respect of what you chose" Chad said and you nodded before turning away and walking to your room

You snap out of your thoughts and finish getting ready for cotillion. Once you are ready you take a deep breath before making your way to the carriages.

It hadn't taken them long to arrive at the ship where cotillion would be held and as everyone started to arrive the music had started and they started dancing

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It hadn't taken them long to arrive at the ship where cotillion would be held and as everyone started to arrive the music had started and they started dancing. You were looking at the view of the ocean and just thinking about everything that has happened over the past few months. After a few moments you hear an all to familiar voice.
"Stephanie" the voice said and you turned around
"Chad, hi" you say
"Hi" he replied and looked at your appearance
"You look beautiful" he said
"Thank you, you look handsome" You replied and said
"Thank you" He said and then there was a few moments of silence before he broke it again
"I know I have already asked this but will you please give me another chance?" He asked
"Chad I told you I need to think about it" you say
"I know but I meant everything I said last week, I was stupid for doing what I did and if I could take it back I would" He said to you
"Chad.." you started but he interrupted you by taking both your hands in his and taking a few steps closer to you
"I miss you Stephanie, I want you back" he said
"Why?" You ask
"I love you that's why" he said and your eyes widen
"Just dance with me and we will take it slow and if you don't hate me anymore than you already do will you give me that second chance? And if you do I promise to not be a jerk to you this time" Chad had said and asked
"I'll let you know by the end of the night about that second chance but a dance sounds great" you say and he smiles.
He leads you to the dance floor, once he does a song stops but then a slow song begins. You and Chad move in perfect sync as if you and him were meant to be dancing and being in each others arms. You had both started talking about the good memories that you have shared and while you had you had started to get butterflies in your stomach around him once again. You did hang out with Mal and Evie, but every few songs you and Chad would be dancing together, laughing and talking. With each memory you both re called you had seen honesty and love in his eyes.
As the night had came to an end and everyone had started to go back to their rooms you and Chad had gone on a walk near the enchanted lake, as you were walking he took your hand in his and when you arrive you both sat on a bench and talked.

You had both stayed there for a few hours just talking and soon you had both started to get very tired. Chad had walked you back to your room, once you arrived you and it was a comfortable silence until you broke it when you got there.
"Thank you for walking me back" you tell him
"It was my pleasure, thank you for spending tonight with me" he had told you
"You are welcome, I had a lot of fun and it really brought back a lot of good memories" you told him
"It did?" He asked
"Yeah, and I have really been thinking Chad about us" you say
"So what is going to happen?" He asked
"Do you really mean when you say you won't be a jerk this time?" You ask
"Yes I do" he said
"Then yeah I'd like to give you a second chance" you say and he smiles.
He hadn't known what to say so he kissed you which lasted a few seconds.
"Thank you Steph" he said
"You're welcome" you say and kiss his cheek before you both say goodnight and he goes to his room while you go into yours.

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