Carlos & Y/N

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You are the younger sister of Ben and as much people think it isn't hard being his little sister you actually enjoy it. You are a princess and you know if you were the oldest you would be Queen. But you are happy that he is king.
When you heard his proclamation about being villain kids you were looking forward to it.
When the day came for them to arrive you couldn't stop jumping with excitement Ben had to calm you down but he did laugh at you excitement.
You made sure you wore some of your best clothes.

When the limo arrived you see two boys fighting and you couldn't help but giggle the girl with the purple hair told them that they had an audience so they instantly stop

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When the limo arrived you see two boys fighting and you couldn't help but giggle the girl with the purple hair told them that they had an audience so they instantly stop. You seen the boy with white hair and you were memorised by him. When he introduced himself Ben had to tap you and you snapped out then introduced yourself.
That day happened about 3 months again and you knew that you had fallen for him.

Whenever he was around you got so shy and nervous as you didn't think you had a chance with him. The only ones that had known of your crush on Carlos was Ben and Mal. You knew that if you told anyone Carlos was find out.
For the past few weeks he has been spending a lot of time with Jane so you assumed that they were secretly dating.

What you hadn't known was that Ben and Mal had made a plan for you to tell Carlos your feelings. You were walking around and Carlos came up to you and started talking to you and you get shy so you tell him you have somewhere to be. You walk around and then Mal comes up to you saying that you need to come with her you were confused but followed her anyway. You seen she was taking you to an old classroom Mal brought you in and you stayed there Mal said that you should wait here you were about to question her and then Ben brought Carlos in the room. Mal and Ben walked out you and Carlos tried to leave but before you could they locked the door.

You and Carlos sat in complete silence you don't know what to say. A few hours have gone by and nothing has happened except you and Carlos exchanging glances.
You couldn't take anymore of the silence you started to panic you had anxiety so staying in a closed space too long got you shaking and breathing heavily. You started to freak out and Carlos had tried to clam you down. He kept telling you that everything will be ok but nothing seemed to be working so he did the one thing that went into his mind and kissed you you were in shock but it is seemed to calm you down a bit. You pulled back  and there was silence so he broke it
"Do you know why Mal and Ben have us locked in here?" Carlos ask
"I have an idea as to why" you say
"Which is?" He ask
"They want me to tell you that I have a crush on you" you say blushing
"You do?" He ask
"Yeah ever since you got here I've had a crush on you" you say
"Why didn't you ever say anything?" He ask
"I never thought I would have a chance with you I thought you liked Jane" you tell him
Before you could say anything else Carlos had kissed you again this time you kissed back after a few moments he had pulled a back and then spoke.
He told you that reason that he was spending time with Jane was because she was helping him come up with a way to ask you to the upcoming dance. And how that if you didn't completely hate him by the end of it he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend.
You told him that you would love to be his girlfriend and that you are glad he feels the same way.
You both kiss again and you pull back because you heard Mal, Evie, Jane, Jay and Ben cheering you hid your face in Carlos's chest and he holds you but he does laugh at your shyness and thought it was adorable.

Evie drags you out of the room and brings you to her room so she can start on your dress. She ask you what you wanted your dress to be like you described it and she smiled instantly getting to work. She took your measurements and wrote down your sizes. She told you to give her to the day before the dance and you said ok. You left and went to your room excited of what is going to be happening within the next few days.

For the next few days you and the girls get very excited about what will be happen at the dance. The day of the dance you spent it all getting ready for it. Evie had dropped your dress off last night and you were very pleased with it

 Evie had dropped your dress off last night and you were very pleased with it

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You looked in the mirror and smiled at your appearance

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You looked in the mirror and smiled at your appearance. You heard a knock on the door and opened to see Carlos there. You smiled and he smiled back he ask if you were ready and you said yes you grabbed your bag and you both left.
While you were walking to the dance there was a silence but Carlos broke it.
"You look incredible" he said
"Thank you so much" you say
"You are welcome" he replied

When you got to the dance you and Carlos had danced all night your mum said that you two were cute together making you blush but also glad that they accepted you and Carlos being together.

As time had went on you and Carlos had a great relationship, you both did have your ups and downs but you always made it through in the end. When you and Carlos made 3 years he proposed to you and you of of course said yes.

A few years after you got married you had two children a boy and girl and you both had the live you always wanted.

Thanks for requesting. Hope you all enjoy.

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