Stephanie & Jay

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You are the youngest daughter of Captain Hook and Harry is your older brother, you have been with Jay son of Jafar for a while now and you have just found out a few hours ago that he, Mal, Evie and Carlos are going to Auradon. You didn't want that to happen as you wouldn't see him every again. When he had told you about it you ran. You had ran to a rooftop since being up high calms you down. You think about the conversation that he had with you
"Stephanie, I need to tell you something" he had told you meeting you at a corner
"What is it?" You asked him
"Mal, Evie, Carlos and me have been chosen to go to Auradon" he said and you instantly got tears in your eyes
"But what about us?" You ask your voice breaking
"Listen don't worry we will be fine I promise" Jay said
"I doubt that Jay you know that if one of us is here and the other there it is literally impossible" you say and then run away from him.

You let a few tears fall from your eyes as you think of what you said but you couldn't help but believe it was true, with Jay in Auradon there are a lot of princesses there who are beautiful, he could have anyone of them why would he want to stay with you. You thought.
You hear footsteps and you look behind you to see your brother Harry
"You ok?" He ask sitting beside you
"No my boyfriend is leaving" you say
"Shockingly Jay is one of the few guys I'd trust with you" he said
"That is shocking although I probably should have figured that out when you didn't hook him for asking me out" you say and smile slightly
"I wish he didn't have to go" You say
"He'll get the wand and come back" Harry said
"It is still not the same" you say
"No, but if he comes back it'll be worth it" Harry said
"What if he falls for a princess?" You ask
"I'll personally find a way to go to Auradon and hook him" Harry said smiling wickedly
"I know you would" you say
"If anyone deserves a chance to change its you" Harry said
"He won't change to good" You say
"Let's hope not but listen if you ever get that chance go for it and I won't be far behind you I'll get there one day and then we will live the life we want" Harry said
"I like that idea" you say
"Come on let's get you home" he said and you nod ok
You and Harry walk home and you tell him you are going to your room. He ask if you want anything to eat and you tell him no thank you and he nods letting you go to your room. You lay in bed for a while and then you hear a stone at your window you open it and you see Jay standing there you give a small smile and tell him to climb up quietly which he does.  You hope Harry doesn't hear him but at the moment you don't care. When Jay gets into your room you close the window again and you both sit on your bed
"Listen..." he begins but you interrupted him
"I'm sorry for running off earlier" you say in a hush voice
"Don't be, I get why you did" he said in the same tone
"I don't want you to leave" you say
"I'll come back or I will find a way to get you there" he said
"How?" You ask
"Don't you worry about that" he said
"We leave tomorrow but I will have something figured out by then" he said and you nod ok.
"I'm sleepy" you say
"Go to sleep, I'm right here" he said you lie down and he does the same you put your head on his chest and his arm wraps around your waist holding you close to him he kisses the top of your head and you drift off to sleep. He slowing starts to fall asleep after you and soon he is fast asleep.
Through the night Harry walks into your room to check on you and he sees Jay there with you, normally he would be mad if a guy was on your bed with you but he was fine with Jay. He knew Jay wouldn't take advantage of you and also it was a hard day he had heard yours and Jays conversation and he agreed with Jay he needed to come up with something soon. He only wondered if Jay had a plan in his head.
Harry quietly walks over to your wardrobe and takes out a blanket and opens it before putting it over you and Jay. Harry did act tough but for you he had a soft spot. He left our room as quietly as he entered and went to his own to sleep.
The next morning when you woke up you seen that Jay wasn't there you were confused but seen a note on your beside table you seen it was from Jay

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