Believe me now?

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    I brush my hair as I look at my reflection. My red hair falling gently over my shoulders. I was wearing a peach knit sweater with Ripped jean shorts and knee high boots.

 I was wearing a peach knit sweater with Ripped jean shorts and knee high boots

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I grab my backpack. This is my first year of senior year. Junior year sucked. And now, senior year will be amazing. I go outside and see Jace get on his bike. He looks at me for a second. "You want a ride?" He asks.
"Sure," i say as I walk across the street. I get on and slip on the helmet. I then grab on to Jace's waist. I immediately regret my decision. Jace's scent hits me like a tidal wave. I hug him tighter, wanting to be closer. He starts the engine and we're off. I keep hugging him. Finally we arrive at school. And I didn't want to get off and part with Jace. I shake off my stupid thoughts and get off. "Thanks for the ride.." I say. I pull my messenger bag closer to me and walk towards my locker. I open it easily and put my books in.
"Hi Clary!" I look to my right and see Tori there.
"Hey Tori, how are you and Jace?" I ask.
       "Oh, we broke up," My math text book stumbles in my arm. I quickly catch it and stare at Tori, my eyes wide.
       "What?!" I ask.
      "Yeah, we're good though," She says shrugging. "He's a good guy," she then pauses looking at the floor. "Anyways! I've gotta go," She says and walks away. The bell rings and people start to shuffle away.

I climb Clary's tree. I'm going to make her talk to me. She has to know the truth. She has to. I knock on her window. She was painting on her easel right next to the window. But she was in full concentration, she didn't even notice me. I smile at that. Clary jumps as she looks at me. She rolls her eyes and opens the window. "You scared the hell out of me!" She says.
"Sorry.....Can i come in?" I ask.
"Just let me in Clary," I say.
"Fine," i slip inside and sat on her window seat. "What is it?"She asks.
"Remember when you first came back?" I ask.

"Yeah, what about it?"
"I told you what Sebastian did....I would've told you earlier, but you said you wanted proof," He grabs a folded paper from his back pocket . "This is one of the many posters Sebastian was going to put up...." he unfolds it and gives it to me. It was Jace and Veronica kissing. I look up at him in cold annoyance.
"You came here to tell me that you did cheat on me? You honestly should've saved your energy" I snap at him.
"And this, is the original," he says as he pulls out one of the pictures that I gave him from the memory box I gave him a few months ago. It was me, instead of Veronica. It was a different angle, but it was still the same day, the same clothes, the same place. I look back up at him. "Believe me now? Clary?" He asks.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now