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These parks are real, I just don't know if you can go camping and have no one around you for miles.
     I was waiting inside the drivers seat, I told Jace that we were going to Letchworth State Park, but since none of us have ever gone there I have to drive since I'm good at multitasking, or at least better at driving with GPS than Jace. I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram. I finally reach one of Jace's pictures. I tap on his profile. He hasn't posted for so long. I look at the comments of his last picture.

Where are you? I've missed your hotness!

Omg! Same! I've had to go through his old pics so many times! I need new content! Lol!

He's so hot!

The door opens, breaking my thoughts. "Hey," Jace says. I stare at him. He really is hot. I shake off my thoughts and put the GPS on.
"Hey," I say with a smile. "You ready?" I ask.
"Yup," Jace closes the car door and puts on his seat belt. I start the car and turn on the GPS.


      I stop the car as we get near the beautiful waterfall. "It's beautiful," i say as I get out of the car. I look at the crystal clear water. I smile at the rocks moving with the current of the water. A glint catches my eye. I look to where the glint came from. I take off my combat boots and socks. I grab the small object, it was stuck behind a rock. I grab the object and look at it. It was a small ring.

    I get picked up from behind

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I get picked up from behind. I squeal and giggle. I turn around and see Jace. I grin and grab the collar of his jacket, I pull him into a kiss. I felt Jace smile into the kiss. We stumbled a little, then fell into the river. My body was surrounded by cold river water. I prop myself up. Jace was on top of me. We both laugh at ourselves.

Hey, it's Jonathan, I'll call you back as soon as I can,
I roll my eyes and hang up. I've tried calling Jonathan 28 times! I roll onto my back. I stare at the ceiling bored. My parents are getting divorced thanks to my dumb biological father. Jace is heartbroken, Justin doesn't give a shit, and I'm so sick of being confused and doubting every single thing around me! A text message brings me out of my thoughts.

Jon: I'm not in town, I wanted to talk to you but you left, I really need to talk to you Juni, meet me at the coffee shop near the duck pond Wednesday please! It's important.

I sigh and text him a quick 'ok'. I then turn off my phone and drop it next to me. I just want to stop thinking, to stop messing with people's emotions. But here I am, telling the guy who took my virginity that we can go talk about it on Wednesday.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now