Times Up Girls (2)

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"Pixy, We're going to miss you so much!" Jocelyn says as she hugs me. I hug her backs
"Me too! But I've been away from home long enough, thank you so much for taking me in," I tell Jocelyn.
"Anytime, come visit us soon Pheonix," She says happily. I nod and walk out of the house with my luggage. Dakota was outside. She had a white blouse with a red sweater and black leggings with red high heels.
"Yay! You're finally coming home!" Dakota says happily. I smile at her, we put our luggage on the taxis trunk. The Taxi then drives us to the air port. Dakota pays the Taxi. We then go into the airport. We go through the normal security process. Finally, we arrive at the gate. Dakota keeps gushing at me about how dad misses me and that he'll be happy to see that he got his daughter back. But now, I'm here, thinking if I made the right choice.

I walk into Jocelyn's house. I see Jonathan making out with Juniper heatedly. He had his hands on her waist. Juniper giggled as she slid her hands under his shirt. I couldn't help but stop and feel bad for Kasey. I would be broken if I saw Pixy kissing someone like that. I clear my throat. "Where's Pixy?!" I ask. Jonathan and Juniper jump apart.
"Pixy left," Jonathan says, blushing.
"Where did she go?" I ask. His eyes widen.
"She didn't tell you?!" He asks.
"Tell me what?"
"Pixy's going to Germany, she's going back to her family," Jonathan says. I step back in shock. Everything hit me, like a bus. Pixy was never attracted to someone else. She knew I wouldn't let her break up with me for her homophobic parents, and she's right! I'm not going to let her break up with me because of this. She doesn't deserve to hide her sexuality! She deserves acceptance. I walk backwards and hail a cab. I get in and go to the airport. I get out the taxi and start heading towards the gates.
"Miss, May I see your ticket?" An officer asks.
"I don't have a ticket, I just need to go get someone," I say.
"Nice try miss," the officer says. "You can't get in without a plane ticket. I growl at him and go to an airline.
"What's your cheapest plane ticket?" I ask.
"Uh, a trip to Pensilvania,"she says.
"How much?" I ask.
"$40," She says. I give her a fifty. She gives me the change and the ticket. I go towards the officer and give him the ticket. He lets me in. I run towards the gates. I go through security as fast as I could. I run to the gates as I put my boot back on. I quickly scan the gate areas. Looking for the familiar pink hair. I run past the gates until I see one that was boarding. I then see Dakota and Pixy in line. Pixy's hair was short, and faded.
"Pixy!" I yell.

Dakota and i were in line to board the plane. Dakota kept babbling about dad. "Pixy!" I hear someone yell. A voice that was too familiar. I turn around and see the familiar blue haired girl. As I saw her, standing there, in the middle of the gates. I finally occurred to me. Why do I have to live with hiding my sexuality? Why do I have to change for someone who doesn't accept me? Yes, he's my dad. But that just adds to my reason not to go. He should accept me for myself. He failed at his job. Meanwhile here, I feel accepted.
"You really love her?" Dakota says.i nod, not taking my eyes off Roxy, "Then go, go to her," Dakota says with a smile.
"You won't be mad?" I ask.
"You deserve to be happy Phe, if she makes you happy, then go for her," Dakota says. I smile at Dakota.
"You'll visit right?"
"Duh," Dakota says. I smile at her. I then look back at Roxy. I run up to her as fast as I could. I slam my lips against hers, she gets knocked backwards by me. I kiss her desperately. She grabs my shirt hair and holds me tighter. I pull away breathlessly.
"I love you...I love you so much," I tell her as tears roll down my eyes.
"I love you too," Roxy says with a laugh in between her tears.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now