Choclate covered raisins

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Hey guys!!!!!
I'm in a good mood to crush souls!'s an early chapter! 😈😂😂😂
    "Believe me now? Clary?" I ask. I expected her to kiss me, or hug me, or something like that. Instead she sighs and gives me back the poster and picture. Does she seriously not believe me?! Do I have to drag that asshole and bitch here to make them confess?!
      "I do believe you Jace....but you're three years late," She says. I feel my heart break. I nod numbly and slip back out. I jump down from the tree, not caring if I break something. I then jump clary's garden fence and run back to my room. And i can't help but listen to the voice in my head. Clary felt ten times worse than you do right shattered her. And now, at this moment. As I'm sitting on the floor. I have no idea how I managed to break Clary's heart, without breaking down myself. I'm such a screw up.

    Justin comes in from the door. I smirk at how he looked, and at the girl next to him. Justin finally got his life together in college. And he looks like a total frat boy. I'm 14 and in sophomore year. Prodigy for chemistry, Calculus and piano. Justin had barley changed though, he still looked like the same immature Douche with a capital D,

 Justin had barley changed though, he still looked like the same immature Douche with a capital D,

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And I looked like i always did,

   With a side braid and black clothing

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With a side braid and black clothing. The girl looked like a model.

    I laugh lightly at Justin and the girl

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I laugh lightly at Justin and the girl. "Hey Justin!" My mother says.
"Hey Mom, this is Daphne," Justin says. I snort.
"Like from scooby doo?" I ask. I roll my eyes and grab the big chocolate covered raisins Jar from Costco I was eating from. I go upstairs I stop by Jace's door when I see him on the ground. I go inside as I see him there staring off into space. I put the chocolate jar down and sit down next to him. "Jace, you ok?" I ask. Jace shakes his head. "I won't judge Jace...I also won't tell anyone anything..." I whisper. Usually I would judge, and I would tell the world anything my brothers told me. But when Jace, is on the floor, frozen. It's something bad, and personal, and something you just can't tell or judge. He nods as he leans into my shoulder. I put my arms around his head as I carefully play with his hair the way mom does to me when i feel stressed with exams or cry about my lack of friends. I feel tears on my Jacket.
"I screw everything up.." he whimpers. My heart breaks as I hear his voice. He's been so broken and lost for years. And now, he's spilling his pieces everywhere.
     "Jace, no," I whisper, my voice rough as I do.
      "What am I supposed to do now Juniper?! I've tried everything! And nothing works....what if....what if I just can't move past this? I can't get Clary back...and I can't move on....what am I supposed to do now?"
"You do the only thing you can," I say. Jace looks up at me. "You fight for her, you make her see that you care for her and that you're meant to be together, and that no matter what, you will always love her,"

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now