The Next Morning

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    My eyes open, I see the tent's ceiling, sunlight shined from the tent's window. It wasn't really a window, it was black fabric with small holes that let sunlight in. I look down and see Clary lying on my bare chest. I felt her soft breath hit my chest lightly. Her naked body was covered by a soft blanket. I smile at Clary and softly pet her hair. Yesterday was amazing. It wasn't like with any of the other girls I've been with. It was slow, and gentle and sweet and satisfying. Clary starts to stir. She slowly rolls on top of me and puts her head up to look at me. She then put her cheek to my chest and looked at me sideways.
"Hi," she whispered. I laugh lightly at her. And push her red hair back.
"Hey," I say as I start to sit up. Clary sits up with me, she was sitting in my lap, her hands on my shoulders. The blanket slowly falls down Clary's back. I bite my lip as I look at her. She looked so hot. I breathe in her strawberry sent. I then kiss her neck lightly. I can feel her smile as she grabs my hair lightly.

I sigh happily as I go into science. Yesterday was amazing, we kissed for a little while after and then went home. I still felt as if I were in a dream. I sit down on the lab table and day dream of what happened Saturday night and Sunday morning. The teacher keeps talking about something. I don't listen, I just keep day dreaming. I'm not sure how much time passed, but I did snap out of my day dream when I herd someone lean into my ear and whisper. "Are you thinking about this weekend?" I look to my right only to see Jace. I smile and laugh a little, blushing. "Did you even pay attention on what we're doing?" Jace asks.
"Not really," I say as I look at his golden eyes. Jace huffs our an amused puff.
"We're just mixing Chemicals," Jace says with a shrug.
"Ok," I whisper. We start mixing a few chemicals that we know. Since finals are coming up I've been memorizing the formula's. The bell rings before we finish mixing the last chemicals. Everyone starts leaving, but Mrs. Burton stops us.
"You need to stay here and finish the last formula, you two should've finish half an hour ago!" Mrs.Burton says. "I have to go to the restroom, I'll be right back," she says and leaves the classroom.
"Wow....She's mad," Jace says making me giggle. I bump his arm,
"Yeah, let's start mixing these before she comes back," I say. I grab the chloride and put it into the beaker. Then I grab the nitrogen trichloride.
"Um...Clary, i don't think those are the ones we should mix," Jace says.
"Yeah, look, it says so right here," I say as I point to my piece of paper.
"No, that's not nitrogen trichloride, thats just nitrogen," Jace says. I look back at the paper to see that he was right. I was about to move my hand to get the chemical away, but instead, gravity screwed me over and made the nitrogen trichloride fall into the beaker.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now